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Black Panthers naval aviator gives a walkaround on the new Mig-29k

Not impressive presentation, I am not sure why he is feeling nervous? is his wife standing behind the camera??

I guess he is a pilot and not a salesman...as long he can land his jet on a aircraft carrier,which is the most difficult thing for any pilot,i am happy.

And Chinese better not complain...atleast he knows English which 99% of your military doesnt know.

P.S-Stupid people will talk of stupid things...i bet most of the guys commenting here wont have an idea how hard it is to maintian +/-2kts in a bad weather while landing at night on a aircraft carrier.
That looks sexy. Not long before TV reporters will stand in line to report from the carrier. Then you guys can have a good presentation with the lot.
Oh; do you prefer a Brahmos/Klub to sink a gunboat?

:lol: At least it would be a guided missile, but the point is, we don't have the 1970 or 80s anymore, you don't need fighters to do dive attacks with unguided weapons in close distance, ESPECIALLY when your target is a modern fast moving and small gun boat. Even naval helicopters, or MPAs today uses weapons similar to LAHAT or SPIKE to effectively engange such targets, which a single missile, from safe distance and without the need of any maneuvering of the launch platform itself. Any bigger and armored target will be attacked with Kh 35s anyway, shich shows that these big rocket pods are not really useful for IN fighters, operated from a carrier.

Nice and comprehensive overview.
He also said Mig-29k has lower RCS due to use of special composites.

Not surprising since it's based on the newer airframe, but I found it strange that he tried hard to make the K look clearly different to IAFs current version, instead of showing the commonality to the UPG.
I guess he is a pilot and not a salesman...as long he can land his jet on a aircraft carrier,which is the most difficult thing for any pilot,i am happy.

And Chinese better not complain...atleast he knows English which 99% of your military doesnt know.

P.S-Stupid people will talk of stupid things...i bet most of the guys commenting here wont have an idea how hard it is to maintian +/-2kts in a bad weather while landing at night on a aircraft carrier.

I talked about just one person who did not speak very well--I did not speak anything about his English skills or his being an Indian or not ..since you have taken it personally and started abusing without any reason, I am reporting you to the mod.
I talked about just one person who did not speak very well--I did not speak anything about his English skills or his being an Indian or not ..since you have taken it personally and started abusing without any reason, I am reporting you to the mod.

Take it easy mate :cheers:

He might have misunderstood it.
Kind of surprising to see rocket pods on the Mig 29Ks, I don't think they will take on naval targets with it and even for land targets at close distance it's a rather unusual weapon.

It is to send the likes of Kasab's boats to the bottom of the sea.
If you are so concerned about the weapons Mig 29K carrying don't waste your time here..You should be in the navy and should be guiding them what weapons they should use for this aircraft..you are sounding like you know better then them which make you sound like DAFT..

:lol: At least it would be a guided missile, but the point is, we don't have the 1970 or 80s anymore, you don't need fighters to do dive attacks with unguided weapons in close distance, ESPECIALLY when your target is a modern fast moving and small gun boat. Even naval helicopters, or MPAs today uses weapons similar to LAHAT or SPIKE to effectively engange such targets, which a single missile, from safe distance and without the need of any maneuvering of the launch platform itself. Any bigger and armored target will be attacked with Kh 35s anyway, shich shows that these big rocket pods are not really useful for IN fighters, operated from a carrier.

Not surprising since it's based on the newer airframe, but I found it strange that he tried hard to make the K look clearly different to IAFs current version, instead of showing the commonality to the UPG.
:lol: At least it would be a guided missile, but the point is, we don't have the 1970 or 80s anymore, you don't need fighters to do dive attacks with unguided weapons in close distance, ESPECIALLY when your target is a modern fast moving and small gun boat. Even naval helicopters, or MPAs today uses weapons similar to LAHAT or SPIKE to effectively engange such targets, which a single missile, from safe distance and without the need of any maneuvering of the launch platform itself. Any bigger and armored target will be attacked with Kh 35s anyway, shich shows that these big rocket pods are not really useful for IN fighters, operated from a carrier.

Sancho; you're quite 'out of kilter' on this matter. How fast is a fast moving gunboat? 35 knots or thereabout. I.E. 70 kmph approx. What do you need to put it out of action? A GM that may cost more than the target itself?
There is a reason why unguided rockets/missiles are still being produced and used. Just as guns/cannons are being produced/used in what we call a "Missile Age".

Paper specifications/information about contemporary weaponry can be awesome; actually even over-awing. Do not become susceptible to that. :lol:
There is a reason why unguided rockets/missiles are still being produced and used. Just as guns/cannons are being produced/used in what we call a "Missile Age".

The matter that it's cheap is not the issue, but the fact that it's difficult for a supersonic fighter to hit a small, fast and maneuverable target on the sea, in a dive attack with unguided rockets. And all that even in close distance only, warning the enemy and making itself vulnerable. That is unconventional warfare from todays point view and no roughly sane force would do it like this anymore, especially not from naval forces!
Unguided rockets are used today only from combat helicopters or CAS fighters, to fire numbers of them on an area, not to pinpoint a single target moving at high speed, that's where guided missiles come in, as you could see in Libya for example, where Brimstone was the most effective weapon.
So it's more than doubtful IN would use these rocket pods for naval targets, but whatever you want to belive, you also don't belive subs can't pass the Malacca straight submergered, so lets leave it at we agree to disagree. :coffee:

It is to send the likes of Kasab's boats to the bottom of the sea.

These fighters are meant to be operated on a carrier, not on shore bases for patrols at our coastlines. That's what why IN and ICG want new naval helicopters with long range and endurance, next to MPAs and UAVs, not fighters.
So it's more than doubtful IN would use these rocket pods for naval targets, but whatever you want to belive, you also don't belive subs can't pass the Malacca straight submergered, so lets leave it at we agree to disagree. :coffee

Let me take you on; on just the underlined part for now.
1.What is the average depth in the Malacca Straits?
2.What are the maximum depth and the minimum depths in the Straits and at which points?
3.The minimum depth is something known as "Controlling Depth" in Navigation at Sea; BTW. How does it affect Navigation?
4.Off Singapore itself; there are two Channels that merge to form only ONE single passage called Singapore Straits. What are the "Controlling Depths" in these three waterways respectively?

Please give me the answers to the above questions; if you can. Then you will understand WHY a Sub cannot transit the Malacca Straits Submerged? There are enough wrecks in that area still un-removed. Are you looking to add to them? :azn:

And I'm not even talking about the Sunda Straits.

@sancho; Looking forward to your answers.
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@sancho; Looking forward to your answers.

Let me make it short, since it's OT, I take the official statement of Admiral Verma and of Russian naval officials, that confirmed submerged pass of nuclear subs through the strait into the Bay of Bengal, or the simple fact that Chinese subs are operating north of the strait, without being detected, or monitored earlier as more reliable facts.
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Let me make it short, since it's OT, I take the official statement of Admiral Verma and of Russian naval officials, that confirmed submerged pass of nuclear subs through the strait into the Bay of Bengal, or the simple fact that Chinese subs are operating north of the strait, without being detected, or monitored earlier as more reliable facts.

I don't believe that; for the reasons that I have explained above. No Mariner will be able to. Not in average depths of 25 mtrs or a controlling depth of 20 mtrs (incl. tide).
But then being an "Armchair Admiral" or a "Notional Navigator" is very easy enough in these days of the internet. :)

Only there is an 'attendant hazard' of going into uncharted territory. Thus moving from 'sensible' to 'ridiculous'.
Nice and comprehensive overview.
He also said Mig-29k has lower RCS due to use of special composites.

Yes...In reality due to extensive use of composites on the MiG-29k.......the MiG-29k has an RCS around 4-5 times less than a baseline MiG-29 fighter.
Also the RD-33 MK turbofan engines feature IR Signature reduction features and also the RD-33MK is smokeless unlike the older MiG-29 engines...
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