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Black holes could be home for aliens: Scientist

Let me add few things:
2) Gravity depends on mass, not density.
True. My bad.
3) Can't believe you guys are debating something printed in daily mail!
Its not the source, but the concept we are discussing. In the realms of theoretical physics, anything is possible - within the constraints of known laws.
even if there are some "stable" aereas within a black hole they are tiny, everything wich enters the hole will be ripped appart, there cant be anything like a planet, not even atom can exist within a black hole
Space and time are related or rather intricately interconnected. You cannot quote or talk about space without talking about time.

Pulsars are netron stars. White holes is just a hypothsis where as pulsars do eixst.
I believe in white holes! That's how our universe was created, a white hole going bang!
inter galactic wormholes may be ok but blackholes is too much for my imagination. Send the Men In Black there. Someone please call Obama, tell him CIA has info that Osama is offering the aliens free AK-47 and viagra and also opened a jihad recruitment centre there!!:coffee:
Scientists believed in existence of alien(a supernatural concept)..miracle lol
Scientists believed in existence of alien(a supernatural concept)..miracle lol

Life might have rosen on other planets like it did on earth. the universe is huge that might a possibility. How is it supernatural no one is claimng that aliens shoot fire balls from there eyes and lightning from there arse.

Honestly this thread has recived some good responces but mostly stupid ones. Mabye people here should stick to polotics instead of science.
Life might have rosen on other planets like it did on earth. the universe is huge that might a possibility
Yes its assumption. Simply a belief just like those peoples who believe in existence of GOD

How is it supernatural no one is claimng that aliens shoot fire balls from there eyes and lightning from there arse.
Supernatural in sense that the existence of alien cannot be prove by science
Scientists believed in existence of alien(a supernatural concept)..miracle lol

What do you mean "Believed"? Many scientists still believe in it. And since when are aliens a "Supernatural concept"?

Granted we do not yet have any proof of their existence, but the probability of aliens existing somewhere in the universe is quite high. The observable universe is 93 billion light years in diameter and unobservable universe (from where light will never reach us due to the accelerating expansion of the universe) may be billions to trillions time larger in diameter than the observable one. And to think that we life can exist only on earth in such a vast space is ridiculous.
Yes its assumption. Simply a belief just like those peoples who believe in existence of GOD

Supernatural in sense that the existence of alien cannot be prove by science

1- Thats why you don't find any good scientist claming that they are 100% that life on other planets exist. Just because there is no proof doens't mean that there is a 50-50 probility. The chaces are the universe is filled with life. Drake's equiton even sugests that intelgent life might now be so rare.

2- What are you on about? existence of alien can be proven with science if they do exist.

I beleive that intelgent might be rare but the unvierse is probably filled with micro life. Though we don't have strong evidence. But keep in mind we haven't even deeply examined our solor system so how can we claim there is no life else where in the universe?. there may well be life underneth the surface of titan.
oh also just adding something to the above post. The unobservable universe is estimated to be atleast 10^30 times bigger then the observable universe =p.
Greater the density of matter, greater would be its gravity and greater the perturbations in space-time fabric surrounding it, isnt it?

No, it is greater the mass, greater the gravitational force. Not the density. Density can only warp the space-time to a higher degree. The Black Holes have infinite density, does not mean they have infinite gravity too.

So, isnt there more matter in the universe now than there was at Big Bang/Singularity? I am a rookie, but isnt that the case?

The mass got created from energy at the time of the Big Bang. In the initial phases, the Bang expanded at speeds way beyond that of light. So it is not easy to understand whatever happened under what laws of physics. However, when the Bang slowed down coming below the speed of light, the matter/mass that got created was much more than today's. In all these years, a lot of mass has evaporated in the form of light. Every body radiates.

Skull and Bones is very right in saying that the multi-universe theory was created to give some space to the time-machine enthusiasts.
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