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Black holes could be home for aliens: Scientist

Ok, one simple question.

How can you measure the flow time without looking into any clock, or sun?

Hard to say.

According to general relativity, Gravity also stretches time, so that could be a problem as well.

I'm not a scientist, but I have read that the extreme gravity at the centre of a black hole will slow down time so much, that time will essentially come to a standstill.

Near a black hole, the slowing of time is extreme. From the viewpoint of an observer outside the black hole, time stops. For example, an object falling into the hole would appear frozen in time at the edge of the hole.


Of course, if you were that close to the singularity, you would have been turned into spaghetti already.
Hard to say.

According to general relativity, Gravity also stretches time, so that could be a problem as well.

I'm not a scientist, but I have read that the extreme gravity at the centre of a black hole will slow down time so much, that time will essentially come to a standstill.

Of course, if you were that close to the singularity, you would have been turned into spaghetti already.

Well, in thermodynamics time is measured by the spontaneity of any reaction. Now for any kind life to survive, they'll need to show the basic characteristics of metabolism, which is a chemical reaction. Now the scientist himself said that the time is stagnant in black-hole, how can any kind of metabolism takes place in stagnant time? :undecided:
Well, in thermodynamics time is measured by the spontaneity of any reaction. Now for any kind life to survive, they'll need to show the basic characteristics of metabolism, which is a chemical reaction. Now the scientist himself said that the time is stagnant in black-hole, how can any kind of metabolism takes place in stagnant time? :undecided:

Well, below_freeezing clarified this I think.

To the person inside the black hole, time would run as normal. It is only the outside observers, who would perceive that time has stopped near the singularity.

"Time is relative", etc. Then again, I'm not a scientist... so you should probably ask below_freezing himself, or try to find more articles about this issue.
Well, in thermodynamics time is measured by the spontaneity of any reaction. Now for any kind life to survive, they'll need to show the basic characteristics of metabolism, which is a chemical reaction. Now the scientist himself said that the time is stagnant in black-hole, how can any kind of metabolism takes place in stagnant time? :undecided:

Time is stagnant to the outside viewer. The math is really complicated, especially compared to thermo, I have no idea how they calculated this, but I'll take wikipedia's word for it.
Well, below_freeezing clarified this I think.

To the person inside the black hole, time would run as normal. It is only the outside observers, who would perceive that time has stopped near the singularity.

"Time is relative", etc. Then again, I'm not a scientist... so you should probably ask below_freezing himself, or try to find more articles about this issue.

His point makes quite a sense in the region of approaching the zone of singularity, m talking about what'll happen in the zone of singularity where there's no movement of time at all.
This is the space-bend caused by a black hole

And this is a space bend caused by our Sun

If you notice carefully, then there might be some stable orbits at a distance from black hole, where there's a flow of time(however, a li'l slowed down.). So life may exists in those stable orbits around black holes, but not inside the black hole itself. :agree:
I wonder, what was there before the big-bang?

Scientists say that there was no matter or energy before the big-bang? So from what they came into being? :undecided:

Why do you believe in scientists ?? do you yourself have any prove that those scientist are speaking the truth ??
This is the space-bend caused by a black hole

And this is a space bend caused by our Sun

If you notice carefully, then there might be some stable orbits at a distance from black hole, where there's a flow of time(however, a li'l slowed down.). So life may exists in those stable orbits around black holes, but not inside the black hole itself. :agree:

Of course! If the sun was turned into a black hole tomorrow, our orbit will not change at all. Some people say that the equations of general relativity show that there could possibly be sorts of black holes with 2 event horizons, between which there is a region where gravity is exactly balanced by an exterior force, like for charged or rotating black holes.
Here is another link to get the idea sorted out - Metric expansion of space - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A lot of modern cosmology sounds like a hack, full of ad hoc explanations. It's not elegant, which probably means that it is fundamentally flawed.

Gravity holds matter together and explains the motion of stars and galaxies.
OK, but gravity can't explain why spinning galaxies don't fly apart from centrifugal force.
Er, um, er, it's because of, er, 'dark' matter.
OK, then why is the universe flying apart? Why is the expansion increasing?
Er, um,. er, it's because of, er, 'dark' energy.
Uh, OK. Why do faraway galaxies seem to be receding faster than the speed of light?
It's, um, er, because space itself is expanding.
Oh, OK. But then why isn't space on Earth expanding? Why do our laws stay constant?
Well, um, er, it's, er, because the expansion of space only happens in intergalactic regions, not around matter.
Riiight, uh huh. OK.
The original article is, of course, junk science. Looks like the good professor wanted to make a few extra bucks on the side writing a sensationalist article for tabloid rag, so he put together two buzzwords, aliens and black holes, and came up with a junk article.
Modern cosmology is extrapolated from general relativity, which has indeed made quantitative calculations regarding GPS signalling and the orbit of Mercury. It works.
the math isn't that bad. you just have to understand the relationship between space and time. (it's curvy)
pack all our politicians and send them to the aliens. That'll freak the aliens out!
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