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Black holes could be home for aliens: Scientist

Yes, matter can be confined to a point but it won't change the space bend caused by it.
Greater the density of matter, greater would be its gravity and greater the perturbations in space-time fabric surrounding it, isnt it?

So, isnt there more matter in the universe now than there was at Big Bang/Singularity? I am a rookie, but isnt that the case?
And parallel universe theory was mainly made to satisfy the 'great time machine' question.
"what will happen to me if i travel back in time and kill my father before by birth?"
Please explain.

Btw, Multiverse concepts are defined in Hinduism, did you know that?

Edit: The concept of multiverse is mentioned even in Koran (I didnt know that!) Interesting!!
Greater the density of matter, greater would be its gravity and greater the perturbations in space-time fabric surrounding it, isnt it?

So, isnt there more matter in the universe now than there was at Big Bang/Singularity? I am a rookie, but isnt that the case?

In quantum physics, matter-mass is inseparable. And the matter we see constitutes only 20%, among them 4.6% are matter-energy convertible. And dark-matter constitutes 80%. So commenting on the matter part won't be easy for me, since even scientists don't know about dark matter. :no:
Please explain.

Btw, Multiverse concepts are defined in Hinduism, did you know that?

Let me explain in simple words, suppose u travel back in time and kill your parents before your birth, then your origin in that universe is meaningless. So u'll be treated as an entity of any parallel universe to satisfy the energy-mass laws.
Ok space be there we can see but can not feel.About time we can not see let alone feel it,it is not a natural existence,so scientist make some theories with the concept in it must be unthoroughly reliable.
Let me explain in simple words, suppose u travel back in time and kill your parents before your birth, then your origin in that universe is meaningless. So u'll be treated as an entity of any parallel universe to satisfy the energy-mass laws.

That makes sense, doesnt it? Anywho, parallel universes are considered to have a different set of laws governing them. So how would that change in laws affect the above given scenario?
Like, if you are still left standing after going back in time and doing the dreadful act, you would be part of a parallel universe, right? Do laws change in the universe you are in, or laws change in the universe you just left? Does that transition affect you in anyway?
Ok space be there we can see but can not feel.About time we can not see let alone feel it,it is not a natural existence,so scientist make some theories with the concept in it must be unthoroughly reliable.

Space and time are related or rather intricately interconnected. You cannot quote or talk about space without talking about time.
Yes, it is in theory possible. It is not an original observation; Frederick Pohl made it a theme of two or three novels of his. However, although space-time inside the inner Cauchy horizon is "normal", time there moves much slower from the point of view of an observer outside the black hole. A year inside the hole could be the equivalent of a hundred outside.
Space and time are related or rather intricately interconnected. You cannot quote or talk about space without talking about time.
So time must be the key point and really interesting,not a real thing but all the TIME with you.I must say it is god made nothing.
That makes sense, doesnt it? Anywho, parallel universes are considered to have a different set of laws governing them. So how would that change in laws affect the above given scenario?
Like, if you are still left standing after going back in time and doing the dreadful act, you would be part of a parallel universe, right? Do laws change in the universe you are in, or laws change in the universe you just left? Does that transition affect you in anyway?

According to string theorem scientist stated that there are infinite number of dimensions but all of them exists in microscopic world and for very brief amount of time. If you can enlarge any one of them with the application of humongous amount of energy, then you can pass matter through it.

Worm hole anyone? :azn:
According to string theorem scientist stated that there are infinite number of dimensions but all of them exists in microscopic world and for very brief amount of time. If you can enlarge any one of them with the application of humongous amount of energy, then you can pass matter through it.
I thought there are only 11 or 14 dimensions.
Worm hole anyone? :azn:
That worm hole would be to create a portal to a different set of co-ordinates by bending space-time in our universe only, isnt it? There would be far more complex variables to consider, like a different set of laws, gravity etc before one can think about opening worm holes to another universe. Black holes do that job apparently.
Let me add few things:
1) Cannot believe you guys are debating this.
2) Gravity depends on mass, not density.
3) Can't believe you guys are debating something printed in daily mail!
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