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Black holes could be home for aliens: Scientist

I wonder, what was there before the big-bang?

Scientists say that there was no matter or energy before the big-bang? So from what they came into being? :undecided:

Ever heard of parallel universes? Super String theory?
i read one of the iterpretations that we can very well be the part of the black hole itself for the big conincides with what might happen inside a black hole as soon as it is formed.....
Ever heard of parallel universes? Super String theory?

I know string theory and it makes quite some sense though. In simple words, it states that electrons, protons, neutrons, etc are composed of identical strings but the frequency of their vibration differentiates between them.

But parallel universe theory is a mere speculation, it doesn't satisfies the conservation of matter and energy law. :coffee:
Concept of time even space are man made and I wonder if they are alien made thing to limit our minds.

Time and Space aren't man made concepts (proponents of ID, please take your proselytizing elsewhere). These exist in 'our' Universe. The laws of Physics which govern our universe dont change for those aliens - though they might have different terminologies for them.

However, it would be interesting to know how, if considering everything is possible, the aliens living in a black hole circumvent these laws to, either travel between two universes (considering black holes being portals to a different universe) or enter the universe crossing 'event horizon'? Anyone read "Death by BlackHole' by Neil DeGrasse Tyson?
Apparently Hummus is consumed twice as much in Israel than in our Arab neighbors :lol:
It has become our national food symbol.

so this is hummus


it looks like suji halwa

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