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Black forum claims Pakistanis claim Persian and Arab

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Sep 30, 2020
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United States
This is a black forum called lipstick alley says Pakistanis claim Arab or Persian in UAE and being from the middle east is a sign of prestige. While I don't disagree with what the black forum is saying. A lot of people fail to recognize that Pakistan is a transitional land. A lot of stormfront, somali spot, and lip stick alley black forums forget to acknowledge that half of Pakistan is Iranic in ancestry meaning 45 million Pashtuns and 10 million Baloch and 80,000 Wakhis. Also Iran borders Pakistan the same way India borders Pakistan. For Pakistanis to claim Persian lineage would be no different in the sense than to claim Afghan lineage.

I hope somebody on here educates non regional races such as African Americans that Pakistan just doesn't mean India.

However some people purposely group Pakistanis with Indians even when they know its a transitional land out of insult. Its obviously an insult to be related to Indians not just by Pakistanis but by black, whites, somalis, and Arabs too. If you go to Saudi Arabia and mistake those brown looking Arabs for Indians. They will get mad, same with some iranians, however mistaking Arabs with Europeans is fine for many especially in Lebanon or Syria. The world obviously looks up to white skin, blond hair and looks down on darker skin, but the hatred for Indian darker skin is pushed to much higher hate than Arab or Hispanic darker skin. Ive seen people from America to the UK to UAE always look down on Indian people and to be equated to an Indian by many middle easterners or Hispanics is a punch in the face. So its surprise why Pakistanis don't want to be related to Indians because nobody generally wants to be.

Look at Indian history and people

Always ruled by outsiders
Physically not appealing in general

There is many reasons from skin tone to slavery to even body odor of why people don't want to be associated with Indians. Ive seen more whites and hispanics and even Asians have a soft spot for Black Americans and others blacks than Indians.

Indians don't have any positive stereotypes going for them from dark skin, body odor to a land where 80% of the population defecates in the open.

Why would people want Pakistanis to be associated with these people unless its to mock and insult them

Im sorry but Pakistanis will have to build their own history. The only way this is possible is through conquest. For example, white people lands such as America or the UK because Pakistanis seem like just converts who haven't accomplished anything, while Persians and Turks are converts. The Turks had many empires such as Ottomans. The Persians were always the educated elite in the Abbasid caliphate. Add this with light skin and its no wonder why people claim their lineages.

The world sees us a converted people who can't fight and gain territory like all the other races have in history which equates us to slave like Indians who never conquered anybody

Some valid points but some confusion in your post also.

Pakistan is 73 years old. We have no interest in conquering anyone. We will get Kashmir back and justice for Jammu. That is all.

As for our peoples, they are (as you said) of mixed stock, related to Indians (as the IVC was a precursor nation for the whole subcontinent) but certainly not classifiable as an extrapolation of Indians.

Coterminous Pakistan is - through the IVC - the father of Hindustan. These are the narratives we need to push.

"India" is a false name usurped by gangadesh who were envious of Pakistani heritage and descent and ownership of the IVC.

Please get the story straight and push the correct narrative.
Some valid points but some confusion in your post also.

Pakistan is 73 years old. We have no interest in conquering anyone. We will get Kashmir back and justice for Jammu. That is all.

As for our peoples, they are (as you said) of mixed stock, related to Indians (as the IVC was a precursor nation for the whole subcontinent) but certainly not classifiable as an extrapolation of Indians.

Coterminous Pakistan is - through the IVC - the father of Hindustan. These are the narratives we need to push.

"India" is a false name usurped by gangadesh who were envious of Pakistani heritage and descent and ownership of the IVC.

Please get the story straight and push the correct narrative.

A conquering history is what fixes an identity crises not claiming Arab, Persian or Turk. If Pakistanis weren't Muslims. They would be acting wannabe white western like I've seen Indians doing in the UK. I've seen Indians who were from the Trinidad islands who never say they're Indians but just Trinidadian. They purposely don't acknowledge their Indian ancestry because being Indian is nothing to be proud of.

Had Arabs never had a caliphate and Islam. Nobody would want to be associated with Arabs. Theyre not physically white skin as people think. Most Gulf Arabs are as brown as Indians and they insult each other by calling each other Indian.

Arabs cleverly invaded lands, spread religion to make everybody love Muhammad which means loving Arabs indirectly even though Arabs persecuted Muhammad. Then they were even more lucky to strike oil which made them really rich. Now they have religion and modern day amenities to lighten their skin and stay in the AC all day in Saudi Arabia and practice modern grooming lifestyles. Arabs now have religion and oil money. Pakistanis are converted from pagans and Pakistan is a poor country.
A conquering history is what fixes an identity crises not claiming Arab, Persian or Turk. If Pakistanis weren't Muslims. They would be acting wannabe white western like I've seen Indians doing in the UK. I've seen Indians who were from the Trinidad islands who never say they're Indians but just Trinidadian. They purposely don't acknowledge their Indian ancestry because being Indian is nothing to be proud of.

Had Arabs never had a caliphate and Islam. Nobody would want to be associated with Arabs. Theyre not physically white skin as people think. Most Gulf Arabs are as brown as Indians and they insult each other by calling each other Indian.

Arabs cleverly invaded lands, spread religion to make everybody love Muhammad which means loving Arabs indirectly even though Arabs persecuted Muhammad. Then they were even more lucky to strike oil which made them really rich. Now they have religion and modern day amenities to lighten their skin and stay in the AC all day in Saudi Arabia and practice modern grooming lifestyles. Arabs now have religion and oil money. Pakistanis are converted from pagans and Pakistan is a poor country.
Again some valid points, but there's nothing to fret over here. Pakistan arrived as a nation after the eras of conquest and colonialism that you refer to. If diaspora people in the West feel ashamed to admit to their Pakistani heritage, then that's because they don't know their history and ultimately it's their loss. Our job should be to elucidate the history of the great Indus Valley Civilisation, (along with medieval/colonial era persian, mughal, mongol, turkic and Arab influences to varying degrees) as our distant past, and then of modern day Pakistan as our recent past. There's nothing there for Pakistanis to be ashamed of, and there's everything there for Gangadeshis to be jealous of.

The study clearly proven that most Pakistanis do not have Indian's DNA (R) haplogroups. Baluchis, Sindhis and Hazarewal have not much Indian DNA. Only Abbassis have the highest rate of 11.11% others are well below them. Comparatively more Pakistanis have European DNA , highest Gujars (58.97%) and Syeds 48.48%. That is mind boggling to say the least.

I for one certainly have European DNA. Blue/Green/Hazel eyes predominate in my family, with fair skins.

So why should we associate ourselves with Indians!!

Nope, we are not Indians. I get extremely angry if someone class or call me Indian.
Thanks. Took me a bit too long to figure it out. I'm sharper than that usually.
Im 100% Pakistani but those forums all over Lipstick alley, apricity, and stormfront literally are putting south asians at the bottom of the barrel. Whats even sad is that Pakistanis are lighter skinned than Gulf Arabs and many Egyptians and black people still have the nerve to go around saying they get treated bad. Im seeing a superiority complex from every race over Pakistanis, even from slave black races who would never speak bad about Arabs or fake Arabized Egyptians but are quick to throw hate at Pakistanis as some converted Hindu slaves which is not true genetically or historically but a land of Aryan warlike races shouldn't be taking this hate from Arabs or Egyptians, let alone black abeeds or Somalis.
Im 100% Pakistani but those forums all over Lipstick alley, apricity, and stormfront literally are putting south asians at the bottom of the barrel. Whats even sad is that Pakistanis are lighter skinned than Gulf Arabs and many Egyptians and black people still have the nerve to go around saying they get treated bad. Im seeing a superiority complex from every race over Pakistanis, even from slave black races who would never speak bad about Arabs or fake Arabized Egyptians but are quick to throw hate at Pakistanis as some converted Hindu slaves which is not true genetically or historically but a land of Aryan warlike races shouldn't be taking this hate from Arabs or Egyptians, let alone black abeeds or Somalis.
Yah. You ain't Pakistani. You're an Indian, propagating sanghee propaganda to serve your interests. You can quit while you're behind now.
Yah. You ain't Pakistani. You're an Indian, propagating sanghee propaganda to serve your interests. You can quit while you're behind now.
Call me whatever you want regardless but the viewpoints of most people don't lie
Call me whatever you want regardless but the viewpoints of most people don't lie
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