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BLA Female Suicide Bomber Kills a Pakistani Driver and 3 Chinese Teachers at Karachi University Entrance

Balochistan is Pakistan, just like how other provinces are Pakistan.

This is how it goes anywhere in the world.
I assumed that you were talking from the perspective of BLA.
Pakistan is loosing control of that part of your land.

If a Pakistani is killed in Xingjiang , it’s China’s very responsibility.
Yes, it's an unstable region with very high security risks, but the most it will get to is instability, realistically they cannot fight with force till independence.

Targeting the terrorists themselves is a temporary fix and useless, it's the ideology itself that needs to be deconstructed and their recruitment mechanism. Pakistan has made small attempts in this aspect, but for the most part has failed.
Yes, it's an unstable region with very high security risks, but the most it will get to is instability, realistically they cannot fight with force till independence.

Targeting the terrorists themselves is a temporary fix and useless, it's the ideology itself that needs to be deconstructed and their recruitment mechanism. Pakistan has made small attempts in this aspect, but for the most part has failed.
Seems Pakistan is facing the same problem we have in Xingjiang.
The problem is some people in Balochistan and some "unfriendly" countries want to split Balochistan from Pakistan and China wants Pakistan to be united, prosperous and strong as a country, that is in China's interests too. That's why China is investing in Balochistan and Pakistan in general through like CPEC project. BLA sees China as blocking them from achieving their independence goal.

No denying that.

That is why, this whole scenario needs to be looked at holistically, not in isolation.
I’ve been saying secularism and nationalism ideologies won’t work in Pakistan, it’ll bring harm if we try to implement them. This attack proves that. When we promote secularism and nationalism we empower ethnic nationalists because Pakistan is just 75 yrs old there’s no “Pakistani nationalism” because Pakistan is made up of many different nations. When we promote secularism and nationalism, people become ethnic nationalists because Pakistan never existed before but the many nations that make up Pakistan existed for centuries.
A Baloch and a Punjabi have very different culture, history, language and way of life. The only link a Baloch and Punjabi have is through Islam otherwise there’s no link between them. “Pakistani nationalism” isn’t enough to create a link between us because Pakistan only existed in the last 75 years and even before that Balochistan was a separate princely state under British while we were actually part of British India.

Keep promoting secularism and nationalism and watch many separatist movements in Pakistan take place. This also strengthens ttp narrative.

The reason why an educated mother of 2 belonging to middle class family became a terrorist is because we are very very badly losing the narrative war.
just divide up all the ethnic provinces into smaller city based provinces. Iran uses this tactic to keep ethnic minorities busy and make sure ethnic nationalism doesn't rise.

Naraz bhai, apne bache... kerte kerte adha Pakistan chala jaye ga, aur Fauji saare US/EU/ME main settle.. What a unfortunate state my country is in :(

I saw her husband bragging about her suicide attack, I wish someone ask that Racist piece of shit that what are you so proud of ? she killed innocent people, she commit suicide she is going to burn in hell, she has racists opinions, I doubt she even pray Namaz or read Quran or understand it, or she ever read about Great women of Islam such as Ummah tu Mumineen Khadija RA, Ayesha RA and Fatima RA(daughter of Rasool Allah) , Sumiyya RA (First Martyr of Islam), she did not commit no suicide attack, she did not commit any act of aggression, she no social media, or weapons or anything but she had faith, and Allah. She was tortured by Abu Jahl and his goons until he cross the line and make nasty remarks on her Character and Rasool Allah, and she spit on his face that leads him to put a spear in her stomach from behind making her martyr, that is the true martyrdom Allah talked about Islam, and those people are not dead and still alive...

Lanat on this lady, Lanat on her husband and Lanat on her entire existence.
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just divide up all the ethnic provinces into smaller city based provinces. Iran uses this tactic to keep ethnic minorities busy and make sure ethnic nationalism doesn't rise.

Though not cities, I’ve always been saying that Pakistan should have more than 5 provinces, we need at the very least 10. Balochistan should be on its own 3 provinces.
Is there possibility that PLA and PA joint launch a special military operation against the BLA terrorists?
It will not work, you will get poor level of cooperation from our side….
Why you think Americans went ahead with their own unilateral Covert ops ?
Seems Pakistan is facing the same problem we have in Xingjiang.
Yep, but a lot more foreign involvement in Pakistan's case. India doesn't really try to hide it.

I would advise you to watch these videos. (They are in English, just Urdu subtitles)

There is even a special unit which has supposedly been created to target Chinese nationals working on CPEC specifically. The aim here is quite clear.
Is it normal for people from this region to have Baluch as surname? Or only revolutionaries prefer to do that? 🤔
She has 2 small kids. How come she signed up for this thing. She must have been brainwashed to next level. Pakistan has to nab that guy ASAP.

I was exactly wondering that only. How difficult is it to do such ghings leaving such loving kids behind.
This is why China is very hesitant to fully commit to CPEC, logically it's in China and Pakistan's best interest to build a railway connecting two countries and China is the the most capable country in constructing it , but we worry it might be blown up soon after we build it. These repeated attacks targetting Chinese nationals are indeed very frustrating.
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