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BJP is moving away from secularism and towards hardliner Hindutava

:lol: ...........how can it be 'denial' when I am rebutting you point by point. Kindly think of something original to say.

I am not interested in knowing what you 'think you know' because you see yourself as a 'secular Hindu'.

RSS and Bajrang Dal are separate organizations. If you choose to remain ignorant or if you want to be in 'denial' about this fact, that is your choice.

You being Hindu has nothing to do with anything .........just because you are hind you do not get extra points to speak against organizations that tries to protect your way of life.

May i ask you a question? Are you a member of any of the Sangha parivar?

I am stating my facts that because of Bajrang Dal and RSS kandhamal riot happen and in my district kendrapara riots happened against muslims who have nothing to do with kandhamal riot.

Can you give me answer why they attacked muslims there?

I have seen in my eyes what Bajrang Dal did to couples in parks and malls in Bhubaneswar.
Bajrang Dal is the most retarded organization of all..... attacking couples because they are unmarried ???!!! :hitwall: ?

They are as dangerous as LET and naxal terrorists... they should be lined up and shot one by one...dirty moral policing *** *****
Bajrang Dal is the most retarded organization of all..... attacking couples because they are unmarried ???!!! :hitwall: ?

They are as dangerous as LET and naxal terrorists... they should be lined up and shot one by one...dirty moral policing *** *****

Not only that Bajrang Dal and RSS attacked muslims who had no role in communal violence(kandhamal riot) in my district which is 500km away from that place and curfew imposed for two days.
So many prime examples on this thread illustrating the legitimacy of the two nation theory.
shwa Hindu Parishad, marginalised in the state by the Modi Government, is trying to pull its act together to confront the Chief Minister who is working zealously to demolish unauthorised temples coming in the way of development.

The state Government in the past week has brought down over 90 religious structures, mostly temples, annoying saffron groups — VHP, Bajrang Dal and others — and a section of politically inclined sadhus.

The government action has displeased the saffron workers to such an extent that VHP's national leader Ashok Singhal, who was here to do spot assessment of the situation, had to calm their frayed nerves.

State VHP leaders who had worked hard to see Modi coming to power in 2002, now call him an opportunist. "Not temples, he is demolishing Hindutva," said VHP state secretary Ranchod Bharwad.

"When there was Hindutva wave in the state, he rode it to grab power. Now when all Indian states are vying to destroy Hindutva, Modi wants to take the lead," he said.

The demolition of temples is a double whammy for VHP, which is yet to come to terms with the arrest of the party's general secretary Ashwin Patel and slapping of sedition charges on him for circulating anti-Modi SMSs after the July 26 blasts in Ahmedabad. The VHP had made a din and its leaders had courted arrests then. But Modi had paid no heed.

Behind the unprecedented temple demolition drive is a survey done by the Gadhinagar Collector that had revealed encroachment of pubic space and roads in the state capital by over 310 religious structures.

The demolition drive began quietly around Diwali, and was noticed only after six temples were razed. Soon, it took a political turn.

A Mandir Bachao Samiti has been formed consisting saffron groups, political parties like Maha Gujarat Janta Party- formed by BJP rebels- and others

VHP-Modi face-off on demolition of temples - Indian Express

Even after sharing an article like this you say that Modi is Communal :pop:

The only reason I support Modi is because this country needs someone who can give us 10% growth rate for at least the next 10 years. If we grow 5% with the kind of policy paralysis we see today (and it can get worse if 3rd front comes to office) things will get really ugly for us in the next 10 years. Imagine millions and millions of unemployed youth on the streets. The Crimes rates today will look pretty insignificant in comparison.

I will vote for Modi because I have seen how put and end to all this Bajrang dal, VHP nonsense in Gujarat first hand. He has kicked most of top leaders of these organizations from Gujarat. I believe only someone like him can shut down these goons (irrespective of religious affiliations). And I can't see anyone else having the guts to do it.

As far as the Indian Muslims are concerned things cant really get worse can it. In the 65 years of Secular Congi rule they have reached the great place. The bottom of economic strata. I mean can things really get worse for them? Its time to think of economic growth some thing that touches everyone irrespective of religion. And I think a fair number of them have started realizing this.

Most of the hate campaign against Modi is run by Congi paid media. I can understand them writing something their hate articles since they are handsomly paid for it. But what fails me is how come common people fall for it.
Put your two nation theory in your backyard and get the hell out of here.

Looks like I pressed all your buttons lad.
I am stating a fact, so many haters of secularism on this thread.

Vent your frustration on them.
So many prime examples on this thread illustrating the legitimacy of the two nation theory.

it was a good move. i am really happy that it happened. those who opposed it like Gandhi were retards. Better if they completed the division fully not like now as minorities are influencing indian domestic relation. we hate you and you hate us. good riddance for each other.
May i ask you a question? Are you a member of any of the Sangha parivar?


I am stating my facts that because of Bajrang Dal and RSS kandhamal riot happen and in my district kendrapara riots happened against muslims who have nothing to do with kandhamal riot.

The Link you yourself has provided clearly states that there where NO Bajrang Dal volunteers from those arrested in Kandhamal. Which part of that do you not understand ?

Just because 'secular Media' assigns the tag of 'RSS or Bajrang Dal' to any Hindu who indulge in undesirable activity does not make it true. If you repeat a lie a 1000 times it does not become the truth.

Your question to me about me being part of the sangh is proof enough. I ask uncomfortable questions and I have pro Hindu views, I must be part of the Sangh Parivar :lol: ........if you were the Media you would already have branded me RSS & Bajrangi. A lot of 'secular' people on pdf have already called me that. :coffee: ......but all it does is prove my point.

Can you give me answer why they attacked muslims there?

Let me repeat, the Link you yourselves have provided says that NON of those arrested for the attacks there were from Bajrang Dal or RSS.

Its clear to me that those attacks was by Hindus or Christians because ...

1. They Hated them for being muslims and wanted to kill them so that the nation becomes free of muslims ...........however this appear to be an unlikely scenario. Only someone who is retarded is going to think that rioting is going to cleanse India of muslims :sick:

2. The Hindus or Christians who attacked those muslims may have a commercial interest in getting them killed or displaced. Maybe it was Land Grab or Business rivalry. This is a much more possible scenario as Money is always the prime motive for crime.

3. The Hindus or Christians who attacked those muslims may have a personal reason for doing so. Maybe their daughter was being molested or eve teased by them or maybe it was unrequited love.

Its unlikely that these truths will ever come out ..............you know why ? Its easier to blame the RSS & Bajrang Dal for these acts. That way the police can close cases and the govt. of the day can show their 'secular' credentials and foolish hindus will applaud this administrative incompetency.

I have seen in my eyes what Bajrang Dal did to couples in parks and malls in Bhubaneswar.

What those Bajrang Dal did was to protest against 'Valentines day' ............I doubt they have the time or the inclination to go after couples on all other days :cheesy: ....................or do you disagree ?

The Link you yourself has provided clearly states that there where NO Bajrang Dal volunteers from those arrested in Kandhamal. Which part of that do you not understand ?

Just because 'secular Media' assigns the tag of 'RSS or Bajrang Dal' to any Hindu who indulge in undesirable activity does not make it true. If you repeat a lie a 1000 times it does not become the truth.

Your question to me about me being part of the sangh is proof enough. I ask uncomfortable questions and I have pro Hindu views, I must be part of the Sangh Parivar :lol: ........if you were the Media you would already have branded me RSS & Bajrangi. A lot of 'secular' people on pdf have already called me that. :coffee: ......but all it does is prove my point.

Let me repeat, the Link you yourselves have provided says that NON of those arrested for the attacks there were from Bajrang Dal or RSS.

Its clear to me that those attacks was by Hindus or Christians because ...

1. They Hated them for being muslims and wanted to kill them so that the nation becomes free of muslims ...........however this appear to be an unlikely scenario. Only someone who is retarded is going to think that rioting is going to cleanse India of muslims :sick:

2. The Hindus or Christians who attacked those muslims may have a commercial interest in getting them killed or displaced. Maybe it was Land Grab or Business rivalry. This is a much more possible scenario as Money is always the prime motive for crime.

3. The Hindus or Christians who attacked those muslims may have a personal reason for doing so. Maybe their daughter was being molested or eve teased by them or maybe it was unrequited love.

Its unlikely that these truths will ever come out ..............you know why ? Its easier to blame the RSS & Bajrang Dal for these acts. That way the police can close cases and the govt. of the day can show their 'secular' credentials and foolish hindus will applaud this administrative incompetency.

What those Bajrang Dal did was to protest against 'Valentines day' ............I doubt they have the time or the inclination to go after couples on all other days :cheesy: ....................or do you disagree ?

Again denial mode. :hang2:

You don't know a **** about what they did in my state, in my district. So STFU and sleep in your fools paradise.

And there are no christians in my district. I did not get the answer why they attacked muslims in my village.
Again denial mode. :hang2:

You don't know a **** about what they did in my state, in my district. So STFU and sleep in your fools paradise.

And there are no christians in my district. I did not get the answer why they attacked muslims in my village.

:lol: ........even when I have answered your post you are accusing me of 'denial' ? What did I Deny ? its the links YOU have provided that say's NO Bajrang Dal activists where arrested for the Riots. Are you saying that the Naveen Patnaik govt. is communal and has purposely not arrested Bajrang Dal activists ? :cheesy:

Appears to people that it you who is in denial. You want to assign the riots to RSS when nothing you posted indicates to that, except if you consider 'wild claims' as proof. :disagree: .......that is the standard proof required for the 'secular'. Loud accusations and claims that substitute proof. Unfortunately the courts do not like that ......which is why SIT had to give Modi a clean chit.

How the fcuk do I know why the muslims were attacked ..........ask your 'secular' Naveen Patnaik to investigate.............or do you want to assign all the blame to shadow RSS and live in denial ? Kindly provide link to your district composition to show there are NO christians there. In the days if internet that should not be too hard.
:lol: ........even when I have answered your post you are accusing me of 'denial' ? What did I Deny ? its the links YOU have provided that say's NO Bajrang Dal activists where arrested for the Riots. Are you saying that the Naveen Patnaik govt. is communal and has purposely not arrested Bajrang Dal activists ? :cheesy:

Appears to people that it you who is in denial. You want to assign the riots to RSS when nothing you posted indicates to that, except if you consider 'wild claims' as proof. :disagree: .......that is the standard proof required for the 'secular'. Loud accusations and claims that substitute proof. Unfortunately the courts do not like that ......which is why SIT had to give Modi a clean chit.

How the fcuk do I know why the muslims were attacked ..........ask your 'secular' Naveen Patnaik to investigate.............or do you want to assign all the blame to shadow RSS and live in denial ? Kindly provide link to your district composition to show there are NO christians there. In the days if internet that should not be too hard.

Did you read all those links including red cross report?
Can you tell me why they attacked couples and harassed them in public parks? Do not teach me what is our culture and what to do.

And what happened in my district because some one threw bomb into a BJP counselor house. And after that RSS and Bajrang Dal attacked muslim shops, their home, even surrounded a muslim village. That is why curfew imposed. After 2 days it was found that relative of BJP counselor threw that bomb and later arrested. After that Bajrang Dal offices shut down by police in my locality.

I have enough reasons to say RSS and Bajrang Dal are communal force and they are hampering our state with those christian missionaries. I do not consider to reply you any more. so this is my last reply to you.
Did you read all those links including red cross report?
Can you tell me why they attacked couples and harassed them in public parks? Do not teach me what is our culture and what to do.

And what happened in my district because some one threw bomb into a BJP counselor house. And after that RSS and Bajrang Dal attacked muslim shops, their home, even surrounded a muslim village. That is why curfew imposed. After 2 days it was found that relative of BJP counselor threw that bomb and later arrested. After that Bajrang Dal offices shut down by police in my locality.

I have enough reasons to say RSS and Bajrang Dal are communal force and they are hampering our state with those christian missionaries. I do not consider to reply you any more. so this is my last reply to you.

1. The Red Cross society report is a narrow, one sided report that ONLY focuses on the immediate attack on ONLY christians.

It does not even bother to look into the real reasons for communal tensions i.e. conversion and spreading of hate against Hindus by denigration them and their gods.

It claims indoctrination by by "Visha Hindu Parishad, RSS and the Bajrang Dal" as if they are a single organization who coordinates their activities. This convenient finger pointing itself is enough to discredit their claims .......and as usual they offer NO proof what so ever or even refer to any proof or links.

Clearly such claims are enough for you. The louder the claims....the truer it must sound to you.

2. I have clearly shown from YOUR OWN LINK the Bajrang Dal was protesting against 'Valentines day' and clearly their targets where couples who where celebrating valentines day. Where is the confusion ?

What is this nonsense about teaching you culture ? Who has attempted to teach you 'culture' ? That is what your parents should have done.

3. Bjrang Dal is the Youth Wing of VHP. VHP is an organization that was formed to protect HINDU Rights, Religion and Culture. Where is the confusion ?

Christian church is an organization that was formed to protect Christian rights, religion and culture.

VHP is the Hindu equivalent of the Christian Church. If you have No problem with the Church, why the double standard with VHP ? :azn:

4. Christian Missionaries are Attacking our culture, religion and way of life. They are converting Hindus by bad mouthing our religion and culture, By Lies, and by using their considerable Financial muscle.

Bajrang Dal is Defending our culture, religion and way of life. Defending from those who attack us. See the difference ?

Since they do not have the Money, Media or Power the christian missionaries have, they are fighting this loosing battle with the only power they have.

I would rather have them fight for us ...... rather than stick your head in the sand and live in Denial about what is happening around us. I would much rather say 'Thank You' to them.
1. The Red Cross society report is a narrow, one sided report that ONLY focuses on the immediate attack on ONLY christians.

It does not even bother to look into the real reasons for communal tensions i.e. conversion and spreading of hate against Hindus by denigration them and their gods.

It claims indoctrination by by "Visha Hindu Parishad, RSS and the Bajrang Dal" as if they are a single organization who coordinates their activities. This convenient finger pointing itself is enough to discredit their claims .......and as usual they offer NO proof what so ever or even refer to any proof or links.

Clearly such claims are enough for you. The louder the claims....the truer it must sound to you.

2. I have clearly shown from YOUR OWN LINK the Bajrang Dal was protesting against 'Valentines day' and clearly their targets where couples who where celebrating valentines day. Where is the confusion ?

What is this nonsense about teaching you culture ? Who has attempted to teach you 'culture' ? That is what your parents should have done.

3. Bjrang Dal is the Youth Wing of VHP. VHP is an organization that was formed to protect HINDU Rights, Religion and Culture. Where is the confusion ?

Christian church is an organization that was formed to protect Christian rights, religion and culture.

VHP is the Hindu equivalent of the Christian Church. If you have No problem with the Church, why the double standard with VHP ? :azn:

4. Christian Missionaries are Attacking our culture, religion and way of life. They are converting Hindus by bad mouthing our religion and culture, By Lies, and by using their considerable Financial muscle.

Bajrang Dal is Defending our culture, religion and way of life. Defending from those who attack us. See the difference ?

Since they do not have the Money, Media or Power the christian missionaries have, they are fighting this loosing battle with the only power they have.

I would rather have them fight for us ...... rather than stick your head in the sand and live in Denial about what is happening around us. I would much rather say 'Thank You' to them.

Ok lady You did not gave me answer why they attacked muslims in my district which have nothing to do with either kandhamal violence or bombing of BJP counselors house. Can you explain it as you are supporting them?

Who gave them right to heat young couples and harass them in public parks? Not only in valentines day they do it many times in a year in different parks of Bhubaneswar nad Cuttack. But only in valentines day they do it widely and media report them.
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