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Birmingham college bans Muslim students from wearing veils for 'security

The west is dying, I've seen it with my own eyes. Before nobody wore burkhas in Vancouver. Now people of this attire have flooded the city. In my university, on the street, in the middle of the night people with islamic dresses everywhere. Some muslims have had the audacity to try to convert me. They plant their culture everywhere they go.
So how is it the fault of this generation of ''White'' people. Why should ordinary people have to pay for the crimes of what their forefathers did? be grateful they allowed you in their countries and don't try to enforce your laws on other people. When you move to a country you are supposed to integrate not the natives.
Also according to your argument all of Pakistanis are criminals because of what our Army did in Bangladesh in 1971.

I was just making a stupid point cuz he made a stupid point, too bad it bought me down to his level.
Yes, I agree for this ban.
Niqab & Burqa makes it wry hard to get a identity of someone, and you can't really politely ask someone to show their face who has covered it intentionally!
The west is dying, I've seen it with my own eyes. Before nobody wore burkhas in Vancouver. Now people of this attire have flooded the city. In my university, on the street, in the middle of the night people with islamic dresses everywhere. Some muslims have had the audacity to try to convert me. They plant their culture everywhere they go.
if you think thats bad,
just wait till they become a majority
Their rule so students must obey However, when you make the rule then tell the students in advance so they could keep this point in mind before joining.
These are the rules, people have to comply or go back to where they came from.

The west is dying, I've seen it with my own eyes. Before nobody wore burkhas in Vancouver. Now people of this attire have flooded the city. In my university, on the street, in the middle of the night people with islamic dresses everywhere. Some muslims have had the audacity to try to convert me. They plant their culture everywhere they go.

Well, Canada is supposed to be a democratic country, where everyone's rights are respected by all.
oyeee......see ur peoples on this forum......most of them getting abused in foreign daily but they are happy, they became used to....and rest having both flags pak they also want to leave...nothing left in ur country and if u dont want to leave then i am sure ill see u dead in kasmir border as a terrorist

Don't put your leg in our matters,people die in every country,it is my faith as a muslim that we all have to die one day.

And please take care of women of your family,you live in delhi,the city of rapes.
Götterdämmerung;4754353 said:
a) The Arabs don't have that many first class unis where they also accept women

b) Many Arabic countries don't care too much about education for women

c) Being a Muslim doesn't mean that you are regarded as equal to an Arab in Arabic countries and thus have less opportunities to get a placement in their unis

a. I am not talking only about women ,for men too
b. I don't agree
c. I am giving an example because they are rich at least can do for their own country.
its not the country but a specific college administration...... is it fair to change the rule in middle of term?
It is unfair only for this batch of students, the next batch will of course know it and might use it as a factor in deciding

Though you are right, such policy should have been introduced at the start of the academic year, but i guess given the worsening security problem in the west midlands region, such move had to be made.
West midlands, especially birmingham -south and east houses black and muslim asian community, use of hoodies, long hats wqs becoming and issue as seeing face on cctv is not possible, and there were some cases were boys had the viel on while they punched some girl......some asian girls have also been involved for using viel as getaway vehicle......so i tbh welcome the move regardless of the timing...
Your arguments about economics is sound .

Facial recognition gadgets will best mean to ascertain one' s identity for sure but did you know they are still in development phase.
Yeah...The 'facial recognition' am talking about is for the woman to remove the veil so that other HUMANS can look at her.
Whites and mentally enslaved honorary whites have a bad habit of sticking their noses in other people's business.
It's obvious they provoke muslims and when they get their @$$e$ kicked they come and cry on internet forums.

It's reassuring to know people like you get bombed by westerners. The curtailing of your backward customs in our lands is just icing on the cake.
a. I am not talking only about women ,for men too
b. I don't agree
c. I am giving an example because they are rich at least can do for their own country.

a) This topic is first of all about women. Notheless Arabic countries just don't have many good unis.
b) google female education + "muslim country" of your choice and compare them to other countries
c) Well, obviously those wealthy Arabic countries don't do too much despite having the money. The only Muslim majority countries that value female education and education in general are relatively not religious or secular, e.g. Lybia, Syria, Turkey, Malaysia.
Whites and mentally enslaved honorary whites have a bad habit of sticking their noses in other people's business.

It's obvious they provoke muslims and when they get their @$$e$ kicked they come and cry on internet forums.

Funny.Then why are you living in USA?
Götterdämmerung;4753775 said:
Our country, our rules. I hope we are as courageous as our neighbours in defending our laic society.

Religion is a private matter and school is a public place. These people should have some decency and respect to the majority. We show you our faces and so should they as well. We are not demanding them to walk half-naked around, just to be recognisable with whom we are dealing with. Else, gtfo of my country.

next time dont lecture us of what we do, it applies to us that too

before it was freedom to practice religion, today it they should respect the mojority

your standards you set you are lowering yourselves
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