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Bin Laden Tape to Declare War on Musharraf


Aug 23, 2006
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CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - Osama bin Laden will release a new message soon declaring war on Pakistani President Gen. Pervez Musharraf, al-Qaida announced Thursday.

The announcement of the upcoming message came as al-Qaida released a new video in which bin Laden's deputy, Ayman al-Zawahri, boasted that the United States was being defeated in Afghanistan, Iraq and other fronts.

Speakers in the video promised more fighting in Afghanistan, North Africa and Sudan's Darfur region.

The messages are part of a stepped-up propaganda campaign by al-Qaida around the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Earlier this month, bin Laden released two messages - including his first new appearance in a video in nearly three years.

A banner posted on an Islamic militant Web site on Thursday advertised that another message would be released, though it did not say whether bin Laden would appear in video or speak in an audiotape.

"Soon, God willing: 'Come to Jihad (holy war)', from sheik Osama bin Laden, God protect him" the banner read.

"Urgent, al-Qaida declares war on the tyrant Pervez Musharraf and his apostate army, in the words of Osama bin Laden," it read.

Such advertisements usually precede the release of the video by one to three days, according to IntelCenter, a U.S. counterterrorism group that monitors militant messages.

The sophisticated 80-minute video released Thursday on the same Web site was in the style of a documentary, intersplicing the speech by al-Zawahri with footage from the Sept. 11 attacks, interviews with experts and officials taken from Western and Arab television stations, and old footage and audiotapes of bin Laden.

Al-Zawahri began by condemning the Pakistani military's July assault on Islamic militants who took over the Red Mosque in Islamabad, and he paid tribute to one of the militants' leaders, Abdul Rashid Ghazi, who was killed in the fighting.

The siege "revealed the extent of the despicableness, lowliness and treason of Musharraf and his forces, who don't deserve the honor of defending Pakistan, because Pakistan is a Muslim land, whereas the forces of Musharraf are hunting dogs under (President) Bush's crucifix," al-Zawahri said.

"Let the Pakistani army know that the killing of Abdul Rashid Ghazi and his male and female students ... has soaked the history of the Pakistan army in shame and despicableness which can only washed away by retaliation," he said.

Bin Laden and al-Zawahri are thought to be hiding in the lawless Pakistan-Afghanistan border region, where many analysts believe they have rebuilt al-Qaida's core leadership.

Al-Zawahri called for attacks on French and Spanish interests in North Africa and on U.N. and African peacekeepers expected to deploy in Sudan's wartorn Darfur region.

"What they claim to be the strongest power in the history of mankind is today being defeated in front of the Muslim vanguards of jihad six years after the two raids on New York and Washington," al-Zawahri said, speaking in what appeared to be an office, with shelves of religious books and an automatic rifle leaning against them.

"The Crusaders themselves have testified to their defeat in Afghanistan at the hands of the lions of the Taliban," he said. "The Crusaders have testified to their own defeat in Iraq at the hands of the mujahideen, who have taken the battle of Islam to the heart of the Islam world."

The video included footage of al-Qaida's leader in Afghanistan, Mustafa Abu al-Yazeed, meeting with a senior Taliban commander. In contrast to past videos that showed al-Qaida and Taliban fighters in rough desert terrain, Abu al-Yazeed and the commander were shown sitting in a verdant field surrounded by trees as a jihad anthem played, extolling the virgins that will meet martyrs in paradise.

Abu al-Yazeed said al-Qaida's ties with the Taliban were strengthening. The Taliban commander, Dadullah Mansoor, said: "We shall target the infidels in Afghanistan and outside Afghanistan: inside all the infidel countries oppressing the Muslims. And we shall focus our attacks, Allah willing, on the coalition forces in Afghanistan."

Another clip in the video showed Abu Musab Abdulwadood, the leader of Algeria's main Islamic insurgency movement, addressing bin Laden and vowing that "our swords are unsheathed."

Al-Zawahri called on supporters in North Africa to "cleanse the Maghrib (western region) of Islam of the children of France and Spain ... Stand with your sons the mujahideen against the Crusaders and their children."

The video also included what IntelCenter said appeared to be old, but previously unreleased footage of bin Laden. The images show the terror leader, with a beard streaked with gray and a a white cloth draped over his head, in front of a map showing the Middle East and South and Central Asia. He points to the map with a stick and addresses an unseen audience.

He condemns Arab Gulf governments that have allied themselves with the United States, saying they have "sold the Islamic nation, colluded with the enemies of Islam and backed the infidels. And this is the greater form of being an infidel ... But Allah permitting, they shall leave the Gulf under the blows of the mujahideen," bin Laden said.

My Way News - Bin Laden Tape to Declare War on Musharraf
waiting for people to come up with conspiracy stories.

This is a fake video made by jew/mossad/CIA/FBI/LAPD/NYPD to make Muslims fight. :rolleyes:
This should read like:
"The Osama Motion Picture Company, in association with Al-Jazira announces its latest production: Zaalim Musharraf Ki Chaal"

Starring Osama Bin Laden, Mustafa Abu, Al Zawahri and The Evil Jew!!
CAIRO, Egypt - Al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden called on Pakistanis to rebel against President Gen. Pervez Musharraf in a new recording released Thursday, saying his military's siege of a militant mosque stronghold makes him an infidel.
The storming of the Red Mosque in Islamabad in July "demonstrated Musharraf's insistence on continuing his loyalty, submissiveness and aid to America against the Muslims ... and makes armed rebellion against him and removing him obligatory," bin Laden said in the message.

"So when the capability is there, it is obligatory to rebel against the apostate ruler, as is the case now," he said.

Bin Laden's voice was heard over video showing previously released footage of the terror leader. The video was released Thursday on Islamic militant Web sites and first reported by Laura Mansfield, an American terrorism expert who monitors militant message traffic.

The message, titled "Come to Jihad," was the third from bin Laden this month in a flurry of videos and audiotapes marking the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks in the United States.

Maj. Gen. Waheed Arshad, a Pakistani army spokesman, said the army will continue its fight against terrorism, regardless of any threats it faces.

"We have the aim and objective, as our national duty, to eliminate terrorists and eradicate extremism. The Pakistan army will continue to carry out its role against terrorists wherever they are found, whether in the tribal areas (of northwest Pakistan) or elsewhere."

"Such threats issued through videos or in any other way cannot deter us from fulfilling our national duty," he said.

State Department spokesman Tom Casey said the message was "not surprising" since bin Laden seek Pakistan as an ally to the U.S. "in the fight against his kind of extremism."

Earlier Thursday, al-Qaida released an 80-minute documentary-style video that had a new speech from bin Laden's deputy, Ayman al-Zawahri, who boasted that the United States was being defeated in Afghanistan, Iraq and other fronts. Speakers in the video promised more fighting in Afghanistan, North Africa and Sudan's Darfur region.

The Pakistani military stormed the Red Mosque after it became a stronghold for Islamic militants and at least 102 people were killed in the fighting, including one of the militants' leaders, Abdul Rashid Ghazi. The siege was followed by a series of suicide bombings in retaliation.

In his message, bin Laden said Ghazi and his followers were killed for seeking the application of Sharia Islamic law, and he condemned Musharraf for allying himself with the U.S. in the fight against al-Qaida.

He quoted fatwas, or religious edits, from hard-line Islamic scholars on the duty to overthrow infidel rulers.

"So Pervez, his ministers, his soldiers and those who help him are all accomplices in the spilling the blood of those of the Muslims who have been killed. He who helps him knowingly and willingly is an infidel like him," bin Laden said.

Al-Qaida leaders have railed against Musharraf and urged Pakistanis to rise up against him in past messages — but the call from bin Laden now may be aimed at adding weight to the rallying cry. The Pakistani president has come under four assassination attempts since 2002.

Bin Laden and al-Zawahri are thought to be hiding in the lawless Pakistan-Afghanistan border region, where many analysts believe they have rebuilt al-Qaida's core leadership.

Thursday's other video underlined al-Qaida's growing technical sophistication in its videos, interspersing al-Zawahri's speech with scenes from the Sept. 11 attacks, interviews with experts and officials taken from Western and Arab broadcasters, and old footage and audio of bin Laden.

The tone was triumphal, with al-Zawahri calling for attacks on French and Spanish interests in North Africa and on U.N. and African peacekeepers expected to deploy in Darfur.

"What they claim to be the strongest power in the history of mankind is today being defeated in front of the Muslim vanguards of jihad six years after the two raids on New York and Washington," al-Zawahri said.

The video included footage of al-Qaida's leader in Afghanistan, Mustafa Abu al-Yazeed, meeting with a senior Taliban commander. In contrast to past videos showing al-Qaida and Taliban fighters in rough desert terrain, Abu al-Yazeed and the commander were shown sitting in a field surrounded by trees as a jihad anthem played, extolling the virgins that will meet martyrs in paradise.

Abu al-Yazeed said al-Qaida's ties with the Taliban were strengthening. The Taliban commander, Dadullah Mansoor, vowed to "target the infidels in Afghanistan and outside Afghanistan" and to "focus our attacks, Allah willing, on the coalition forces in Afghanistan."

Another clip in the video showed Abu Musab Abdulwadood, the leader of Algeria's main Islamic insurgency movement, addressing bin Laden and vowing that "our swords are unsheathed."

Al-Zawahri called on supporters in North Africa to "cleanse the Maghrib (western region) of Islam of the children of France and Spain. ... Stand with your sons the mujahedeen against the Crusaders and their children."

He denounced Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir for agreeing to an international peacekeeping force in Darfur, saying, "the free mujahid (holy warrior) sons of Sudan must arrange jihad against the forces invading Sudan in the same way their brothers arranged the jihadi resistance in Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia."

The video also included old, but previously unreleased footage of bin Laden, according to IntelCenter, a U.S. counterterrorism group that monitors militant messages.

The images show bin Laden, with a beard streaked with gray and white cloth draped over his head, in front of a map showing the Middle East and South and Central Asia.

He condemns Arab Gulf governments that have allied themselves with the United States, saying they have "sold the Islamic nation, colluded with the enemies of Islam and backed the infidels.
Bin Laden urges Pakistanis to revolt - Yahoo! News
Either this is a CIA plot because they mostly pakistanies regard US as not a friendly country and inorder to show us that al-qaida is our common enemy. One of the most sophisticated tech US has and yet they are unable for all these years to find out from where does these tapes actually come from.
And if seriously this tape is true then usama has gone completely out of his damn mind.
The message address the people of Pakistan to stand up for Jihad against Pervez Musharraf and Pakistan Army, another usual move of the Takfiris who declare war on the Muslims states.

InshaAllah this will have no effect on the people of Pakistan as this does not serve Islam.
"Osama Bin Ladens" Days have left Short, he is gona die miserabley, in his hole.

no body just no body can control Pakistan except of its own people .

Wilco :pakistan:
waiting for people to come up with conspiracy stories.

This is a fake video made by jew/mossad/CIA/FBI/LAPD/NYPD to make Muslims fight. :rolleyes:

OFF COURSE HE is Rupert Murdoch's twin with a fake face. He and the Iranian President are Mossad's and Gen Musharraf's plants who want the USA to bomb Iran and for the General to declare an emergency.

Well done CIA, Mossad, ISI or RAW, ur the best.

Sorry my friends in the MI6 better sit and watch Chelsea matches as you have no influence on this world. Cheers.

InshAllah this will not affect Pakistan's economy or other sectors in anyway. I Also think that this is a forging by RAW or CIA or some other organization because If Osama Bin Laden wanted he could have released a video. I don't see why he would do it in an audio version.:pakistan:
I will not be surprised that some mullah minds stand up, and do their jihad against the government.
Let him continue urging! Only idiots will stand to his call! How can he readily kill muslims? If he hates the west so much why does'nt he go attack the loosers and leave us in peace! The prophet himself encouraged tolerance with different religions and said if we treat them well they will accept Islam themselves and the same thing is proven by our history! Mohammed (SRT) also said that those muslims who killed other muslims would be thrown to hell!!

Usama is nothing but a hypocrate who preaches idiocy in the name of Islam! How can anyone even have called this bastard a muslim when he is going against so many principles of Islam!
InshAllah this will not affect Pakistan's economy or other sectors in anyway. I Also think that this is a forging by RAW or CIA or some other organization because If Osama Bin Laden wanted he could have released a video. I don't see why he would do it in an audio version.:pakistan:

Who cares what Osama has to say?

I am sure Pakistanis have a mind of their own!

Why RAW or CIA is to be involved just because the format is different? Just run a voice check electronically and it will verify the authenticity or otherwise.

Or do you believe Osama can never go against Musharraf? If so, why not?

I don't think Musharraf thinks very highly of him or else he would not have joined the WoT. There is no chance of Osame being Musharraf's apple of the eye!
I think CIA is keeping Bin Laden alive through videos. CIA should consider entering show biz they make good movies. It would be better if we draw a list of countries Bin Laden has not declared war against.
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