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ohhhh guys, use your mind if you have any controlled by you. the result of this hoax is yet to come so be patient, tomorrow is the 6th November. the result of election will depict the impact of conspiracies and selfmade stories on gernal public. My only ambition to write this column was to raise some technical issues of the raid which none of you answered so far. so be happy with "this and that" attitude.
ohhhh guys, use your mind if you have any controlled by you. the result of this hoax is yet to come so be patient, tomorrow is the 6th November. the result of election will depict the impact of conspiracies and selfmade stories on gernal public. My only ambition to write this column was to raise some technical issues of the raid which none of you answered so far. so be happy with "this and that" attitude.

You overlook a very crucial and important point
during the afghan mujhadeen against soviets the u.s. gave pakistan 500 stinger missiles to give to the afghans. pakistan gave the mujhadeen only 50 and kept 450. :rofl:
during the afghan mujhadeen against soviets the u.s. gave pakistan 500 stinger missiles to give to the afghans. pakistan gave the mujhadeen only 50 and kept 450. :rofl:

None of that batch of Stingers is operational these days. Zero.
................... The only possible route of V-22 is 4000 Km long if Vinson was in Arabian Gulf and 6000 Km if Vinson was in North Arabian Sea. Maximum speed of V-22 is 509 km/h which means it has to fly for minimum 8 hours to reach Carl Vinson in Arabian Gulf and 12 hours if it was in North Arabian Sea. From the fact we can conclude that Usama’s dead body was not arrived at Vinson before 11:00 a.m. then how the news broke at 10:30 a.m. that Usama was buried at sea?.................

Incorrect. The route from Afghanistan to USS Carl Vinson was MUCH shorter.
Incorrect. The route from Afghanistan to USS Carl Vinson was MUCH shorter.

I don't see Iran giving way, neither Pakistan letting them run the length of the country.

Maybe they could have just gone into stealth mode!!!:lol:
I don't see Iran giving way, neither Pakistan letting them run the length of the country.

Maybe they could have just gone into stealth mode!!!:lol:

How can one stop a plane one cannot see? ;)
How can one stop a plane one cannot see? ;)

But you can see Chinooks, and according to the article, it was a V-22 Osprey that went to the Carl Vinson, not the stealth Black Hawk.

Or was it also stealth?:what:

Anyways, it has happened, and we must accept it. How they got there, doesn't matter now.
But you can see Chinooks, and according to the article, it was a V-22 Osprey that went to the Carl Vinson, not the stealth Black Hawk.

Or was it also stealth?:what:

Anyways, it has happened, and we must accept it. How they got there, doesn't matter now.

There are many ways of making an airplane disappear from radar than just stealth.
truthseer please illustrate your crucial point. Vcheng I know it is much short but you are ignoring facts, definately Iran and Pakistan was not an option. so you have to go around the path along Iran border. first read the article carefully, also you must know that for americans Iran is the biggest hurdle between Afghanistan and Arabian Sea. and for your stealth technology i hope Iran made it clear for everyone in the west by hijacking and successfully intercepting american drone. I have to say it again, be happy with "this and that" attitude
I have to make it clear for everyone here that nap to the earth technique can only fool the radars at ground level, there is no technique to blind radars in the air except stealth technology. but when aircrafts are scrambled in the air you cant rely 100% on stealth technology when you have to fly a long way.
I have to make it clear for everyone here that nap to the earth technique can only fool the radars at ground level, there is no technique to blind radars in the air except stealth technology. but when aircrafts are scrambled in the air you cant rely 100% on stealth technology when you have to fly a long way.

Ever heard of jamming?

truthseer please illustrate your crucial point. Vcheng I know it is much short but you are ignoring facts, definately Iran and Pakistan was not an option. so you have to go around the path along Iran border. first read the article carefully, also you must know that for americans Iran is the biggest hurdle between Afghanistan and Arabian Sea. and for your stealth technology i hope Iran made it clear for everyone in the west by hijacking and successfully intercepting american drone. I have to say it again, be happy with "this and that" attitude

I did read the article. I can assure you flying over Iran and Pakistan is NO problem at ALL.
If Bin Laden was trained and funded by the US, why are the Pakistanis here taking any credit at all for the Russian A-ghan war? The US did it all.

All Success is mine...
All failures are your....
Much before Soviet-Afghan war Paksitan was ready to jump in lap of America. SOviet war gave Pakistani opportunity. Many Pakistani generals made Unlimited amount of money, Generals become rich .

American used Taliban and they left them (after soviet retrival), Pakistan kept them alive for Pakistani gain (Read rtd gen Hamid Gul interviews).

Earlier Pakistani Gain..
Now Pakistani Pain...

All terrorists are hatching of Gen Zia-ul-Haq...
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