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'Bin Laden dead long before US raid'. Osama Died of Disease

Do you believe the world is flat just because you can't see that it is round? Are you going to demand that others fly you into orbit to convince you, simply because you mis-use your mind? Why should anybody care about what you think, then?

Well said (claps), btw, how many people deny that fact? NO ONE.. no conspiracy theory.. if there is, then the simple answer would be.. walk in a straight line and you will come back to the same spot.. everyone can prove that (well one has to work hard to save enough).. can't they?

now lets see.. how many people deny the fact that it was OBL?.. hmmmm..

any way for me to check the claim to be true or false? Nope! It can only be proved if the claimant proves it..

Do you get the point now?
What the Fox's is This.. Iranian says Osama could not have survived with No Kidneys for so Long.. Then what did the Worlds Best Highly Paid American's Seals Shoot.. A Six Feet Tall Giraffeee who used to wander everyday in the Lawn monitored by the USA Top Agencies for 6 years, Ate all the Dry fruits enjoyed good meat and Had controlled Wives with no family planning system..
no amount of proof will suffice for this conspiracy theorists..if america provided photos or videos of bin laden they would say it's just photo shop work..

if america produced the dead body they will say it's a body double or look alike..no amount of proof will be enough for them..there is on way to convince them because they already made up the final result and will reject everything as fake
no amount of proof will suffice for this conspiracy theorists..if america provided photos or videos of bin laden they would say it's just photo shop work..

if america produced the dead body they will say it's a body double or look alike..no amount of proof will be enough for them..there is on way to convince them because they already made up the final result and will reject everything as fake

Why don't they release the "live feed" video which Obama and the rest were watching? :P
no amount of proof will suffice for this conspiracy theorists..if america provided photos or videos of bin laden they would say it's just photo shop work..

if america produced the dead body they will say it's a body double or look alike..no amount of proof will be enough for them..there is on way to convince them because they already made up the final result and will reject everything as fake

That's just a convenient excuse not to provide any evidence.

Noone needs to provide any evidence. But then don't be surprised when people turn around and say they don't believe you.
People are running after the Iranian reports as if they are the gospel truth, just because it satisfies their egos. The same media which claimed that Holocaust was all a lie and 9/11 was staged by the Americans and Jewish Zionists. :tdown:

This youtube video below is not an Iranian Report, watch this video and open your eyes, thanks

YouTube - CIA False Flag Operations for PAKISTAN, Be prepare for WW3.mp4
Even some american with some brain can percieve the truth. Us intelligence has so many contradictory statement about Osama bin laden death. some say he use his wife as shield..other say he did not resist at all..some claim they found many medicines in his rooms and some even claim he used Viagra to make his wives happy lol some claim pic of dead osama is fake

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Dead Osama was brought into Abbottabad and ‘killed’
Special Correspondent Pakistan Observer 12 May 2011

Washington—Information collected from various sources and pieced together gives altogether a different turn to the Abbottabad episode and this scribe now tends to believe that the slain Osama bin Laden was captured and killed some years ago by the US forces and was brought in a coffin to Abbottabad on the night between May Ist and 2nd and “killed.” Some reports suggest that the body of the dead Osama was lying in a morgue specially erected by US Army in a small safe house at the Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan for the last few years and as per CIA’s plan, he was now “captured” from a place inside Pakistan and “killed” at the “appropriate time”.

The body of frozen Osama was brought to Abbottabad by a helicopter under the most sophisticated and hi-tech operation and taken to the upper storey of the building. A commando immediately sprayed a blood-like solution at his face to establish that the leader of Al-Qaeda was killed on the spot. Exclusive reports and photographs acquired by the Pakistan Observer in the United States establish that the body of Osama bin Laden was transported in a coffin as seen in the accompanying night vision picture during mid-night operation. The Pentagon officials have confirmed that after some time there was a blackout at the compound and minutes later a unit of Navy SEALS staged the killing drama.

Some analysts believe that the “killing” of Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad was reflective of two possible considerations: One, that the death of the mastermind of Al-Qaeda will provide yet another excuse to the US Administration to hasten the process of withdrawal of its forces from Afghanistan and Second, his “recovery” from the now much known compound in Abbottabad will further justify the mounting pressure on Pakistan to “do more.”

Highly informed sources in Washington also told Pakistan Observer that the May 2 “Operation Neptune’s Spear” was launched with full force involving not just four helicopters but about twenty advanced aircraft and at least 40-100 soldiers and military personnel. American journalists having access to Pentagon officials confirmed that several hundred troops and dozens of aircraft remained standby at Jallalabad and in the Arabian Sea U.S. fleet.

According to defence sources United States used EC-130H, P-3, F-18E, E-2C, EA-68, MH-X and MV-22 helicopters used in addition to several other US Air Force planes in Abbottabad Operation.

In addition to this US Ships station at Arabian Sea near Gwadar also coordinated with the action and provided logistic support to US Navy SEALS.

link: Dead Osama was brought into Abbottabad and ‘killed’

Then why Pak Gov is speaking same language from 2nd May onward as US GOV+US media? If u are wise u will know the truth. Do u know "Mili-Bagat or Match fix?"

What a tosser! I only watched 1 minute of the video,

"Before any picture or video was taken, or any DNA test was done, his body was buried at sea"

Wrong! pictures and videos were taken, US government decided not to release them.

DNA testing was done. DNA samples were matched with that of Osama Bin Laden's sister, who died of Cancer in Boston few months ago.

Also he doesn't sound American to me?
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What a tosser! I only watched 1 minute of the video,

"Before any picture or video was taken, or any DNA test was done, his body was buried at sea"

Wrong! pictures and videos were taken, US government decided not to release them.

DNA testing was done. DNA samples were matched with that of Osama Bin Laden's sister, who died of Cancer in Boston few months ago.

Also he doesn't sound American to me?
Where was the DNA test performed anyway? Pakistan? On a ship in the Indian Ocean? Quantico?
I don't understand why usa guys were so worried about Islamic burial customs. I think that if they really killed him they should have kept the body to show the world that YES he is dead. But to just dispose of the body in the ocean where chances are they will never locate it again is just fishy.
To claim that DNA testing was performed on the cadaver and identified as Osama Bin Lanen in less than 12 hours is a fable. Even if the raiding commandos had a DNA test lab, there, on the spot, ready to be used… if you believe that then well you are truly one of the stupid people. Also, why kill an unarmed Bin Laden who does not offer any resistance? This man is purported to be the head of the world’s meanest terrorist network and he is killed when so much information could have been extracted from him?!?! Get real!!!
What a tosser! I only watched 1 minute of the video,

"Before any picture or video was taken, or any DNA test was done, his body was buried at sea"

Wrong! pictures and videos were taken, US government decided not to release them.

DNA testing was done. DNA samples were matched with that of Osama Bin Laden's sister, who died of Cancer in Boston few months ago.

Also he doesn't sound American to me?

the full and final statement is that if it really was Osama then they would have done the same thing to him as they did with Sadam Hussain. Were was the picture & video censorship then. . .
the full and final statement is that if it really was Osama then they would have done the same thing to him as they did with Sadam Hussain. Were was the picture & video censorship then. . .

Saddam Hussein was influential only inside Iraq that too among the Sunnis. On the other hand Osama was a global figure and jihadis around the world drew inspiration from him. Also Saddam Hussein was tried and executed by Iraqi Govt, not US Govt.
Saddam Hussein was influential only inside Iraq that too among the Sunnis. On the other hand Osama was a global figure and jihadis around the world drew inspiration from him. Also Saddam Hussein was tried and executed by Iraqi Govt, not US Govt.

Going with your saying, if any person who is far more influential being global figure, thats gives right to US govt. not to show his body and sea burial?
One more consipiracy theorist here. may be planted by ISI

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:woot: :rofl: :rofl: Eye witnesses are conspiracy theorists..... and those who make conspiracy theories are believed as eye witnesses.... lolx :rofl:
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