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'Bin Laden dead long before US raid'. Osama Died of Disease

US is not obliged to give evidence to anybody.People can believe what they want to believe. It is as if the conspiracy theories will die down once the evidence is released. It will instead give rise to more conspiracy theories.

Even after giving tons of evidence, most of the Muslim world still believe 9/11 was an inside job. India is still not able to convince Pakistanis about 26/11 inspite of giving dossiers after dossiers of evidence to Pakistan Govt. So Why Care?
if they have some credible evidence that OBL died due to some illness,why not come forward and make it public?

In the same lines, when US claims that she has killed OBL, then why didnt they reveal his body?
US is not obliged to give evidence to anybody.People can believe what they want to believe. It is as if the conspiracy theories will die down once the evidence is released. It will instead give rise to more conspiracy theories.

Even after giving tons of evidence, most of the Muslim world still believe 9/11 was an inside job. India is still not able to convince Pakistanis about 26/11 inspite of giving dossiers after dossiers of evidence to Pakistan Govt. So Why Care?
Please support your claim with the links showing that 9/11 was not inside job. Will not talk about the evidences for 26/11 as India became aware of Pakistani involvement soon after the first bullet was fired.

US considers exploiting Bin Laden’s death to quit Afghan war

US is not obliged to give evidence to anybody.People can believe what they want to believe. It is as if the conspiracy theories will die down once the evidence is released. It will instead give rise to more conspiracy theories.

Even after giving tons of evidence, most of the Muslim world still believe 9/11 was an inside job. India is still not able to convince Pakistanis about 26/11 inspite of giving dossiers after dossiers of evidence to Pakistan Govt. So Why Care?

- - To prove that 9/11 was an inside job there are evidences as well. And that are not from Muslim World, there are some American officials who say that. You can go on OBL Drama thread and get some. .
How is it that such ridiculous articles are so easily believed as if they are a message from the heavens while what 99% of the world knows is a lie.
People are running after the Iranian reports as if they are the gospel truth, just because it satisfies their egos. The same media which claimed that Holocaust was all a lie and 9/11 was staged by the Americans and Jewish Zionists. :tdown:

Can you prove otherwise?.. hypocrisy at its best!
Iran's intelligence minister seem know more then osama's wifes , doughters and sons ..

Question is.. Who knows if Osama's wives, daughters and sons said anything?? with event this big, they should keep everything crystal clear.. bring every body on the tele.. that will remove any "conspiracy theory"..
I have a tough time understanding why people believe the US is obligated to show these pictures.. Even if they showed his body, I highly doubt people will be satisfied. Thus coming up with more conspiracy theories and disproving of how OBL died :rolleyes:

Do you blame people for not believing US? In reality, Iranian Govt. is more trustworthy than US cuz we haven't caught any of their "lies" yet.. Remember 9/11 and WMDs?
There are those who look at hard facts and base their opinion on what is presented with evidence. That kind is the majority.

Then there is this particular minority who do not want to understand that evidence and facts go hand in hand. It is this kind that desperately wants to nitpick loop holes in evidence presented and come up with their own otherworldly loony tales - called "Conspiracy Theories" by sane people.

Tehran Tom and his handlers clearly have shown which side of the fence they are on. What category do you belong to?

I agree to the bold part.. but they are only few.. and these days, they are called "conspiracy theorists".. rest are herd of sheep!.. you said hard facts.. can you provide me with one?
US is not obliged to give evidence to anybody.People can believe what they want to believe. It is as if the conspiracy theories will die down once the evidence is released. It will instead give rise to more conspiracy theories.

Even after giving tons of evidence, most of the Muslim world still believe 9/11 was an inside job. India is still not able to convince Pakistanis about 26/11 inspite of giving dossiers after dossiers of evidence to Pakistan Govt. So Why Care?

Here is first of 19 part documentary for everyone to see.. and please let me know if you can explain or deny the phenomenon discussed in there..

PS: This is not Muslim world made documentary.. I hope you would know that..
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How is it that such ridiculous articles are so easily believed as if they are a message from the heavens while what 99% of the world knows is a lie.

cuz its tit-for-tat.. you see we have to keep the right and left wing isn't it?.. IF some believe in what US says.. some should believe what others say.. So in my opinion US should bring out hard evidences about operation OBL or Iran is right in what it says..
Alright i am going to clarify this once and for all.. I am Sick and tired of ignoramus idiots posting the Benazir Video thinking she meant Osama bin Laden when she actually meant Daniel Pearl. Do you ignoramus's even care to do your research?

OMAR SHAIKH WAS THE ONE WHO KILLED DANIEL PEARL. Omar shaikh did NOT Kill Bin Laden.. You tools need to get your facts straight. That was just a Tongue slip by benazir in that interview..

Second of all GOOGLE MULLA OMER SHIEKH yes G O O G L E and learn that he did NOT kill bin laden like benazir said it in this video which was a mistake on her part, she clearly clearly meant Daniel Pearl. You Conspiracy hooligans make me ashamed to be a Pakistani. Stop listening to Hamid effing Gul and stop listening Alex effing Jones.
From International point of view, I find the stance of United States not to disclose the video’s of the operation Gernimo not as a dubious act but a calculated opinion considering the following probabilities.

1) Primarily to ensure the operational strategy and capabilities of Navy Seal ‘s Team – 6 are kept hidden and to curtail the exposure of operational weaponry. We have seen a Stealth Hawk being used, a first of its kind in the international operations which found many war strategist dumb struck even in US.

2) Grueling nature of the video, which probably will evoke fanaticism among different terrorist organizations which are currently scattered looking for better safe havens, as a reason to get united once again and start bombing indiscriminately targeting American Citizens or its international assets.

3) It’s imperative based on the rejoiced American citizens after being humiliated, terrorized and grief struck by the act of 9/11, they might use the video to harness or salvage the lost pride and provoke domestic disturbance among various ethnic distribution of international citizens.

4) An act of state shouldn’t be projected as the means of retribution. What United States has done was to build the trust in its people of being able to avenge its perpetrators even at the cost of losing its brave men over the course of decade’s time. But by its not releasing the video’s its pertinent to understand that even at the helm of its current world superiority United States does understand the very fine balance of being able to judge what’s good for its citizens. United States is under no obligation to ascertain what other countries or organizations would think about the operation, nor it has to justify or explain anything to anybody.
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