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Billion+ dollar pak army empire

Am sure nobody would mind if the PPP or the PML owned all these businesses and real estate and where not held to public accountability.
The position pakistan is in now is due to the army and the public that keeps falling for the propogangda that the army will save pakistan.
If benazir or nawaz had carried out the same course of action as musharraf the people of pakistan would be calling them traitors and sell outs.
Musharraf was nothing more then a second rate general that got promoted above his seniors due to nawaz's stupidity.
Musharraf attended the Green Berets training school at Fort Bragg. Accounts indicate Musharraf's performance in these courses was above average. Some regarded him as a `natural' in the field of Psywar techniques.
I don't get it? The amy producing goods is a bad thing?

Pakistan's economy is very much based on all those productive units.
It's a huge investment.
I wonder what Benazir and Nawaz had invested in Pakistan. Both of them transfered the plundered wealth in foreign banks and bought lavish properties from the state money. I even wonder if they had ever paid any income tax.
The book has been actually written by RAW and the lady had provided all the data and she regularly visited India for this reason.
I thought that is inevitable that those figures would return to Pakistan. Otherwise there is no point of having elections.:smokin:

What does this book have to do with those respected parties, the Author was in the armed forces herself and she was a accounts officer. It has nothing to with a political party more a book about the many scandals that the Pakistani army has.

Why are you weeping about Nawaz and Benazir they are not even in Pakistan, so you still have a dictatorship in Pakistan cheer up?:police:
Dictatorship is far more better than democracy for Pakistan. Until we have voters that are uneducated and voting for those corrupt politicians, democracy should be kept away from Pakistan.

I got a nice paragraph here from Umais on SSC:

Democracy shemocracy. It's a nice word that everyone's learned from the West and loves to use it. They've done a good job of telling that it's "THE" way of running a government. The way I see it is, it won't work here. Mushi-style dictatorship is the only way to go, I'm afraid. The day we are learned enough and educated, then probably democracy would work here. Our so-called democratic parties are a joke. They aren't even democratic. Basically, it's just a struggle between establishments under the façade of democracy.

And from Karachiite:

The question is: what is more important to us - having a perfect democracy or economic development? Our neighbor’s economy is growing a 9.4%/year and our's is growing at 7%/year. They are already leaving us behind in prosperity for their people. We need to grow faster. Yet many people in Pakistan are more interested in bringing back corrupt politicians at the cost of economic growth.

Nothing is going to slow down the relentless population growth in Pakistan. We seem to be adding 5 million more people every year. What future are they going to have if we don't grow our economy? Our neighbor is going to be one of the richest and most powerful countries of the future. Are we going to hand over our future generations to work like maids and domestic servants for the people of our neighboring country?

People need to thing of the consequences before choosing politics over economic growth.

Musharraf has taken Pakistan's GNP from $60 billion to $140 billion adding $80 billion. This is the best performance in the history of Pakistan. What does he get in return? That many people badmouth him all the time and wish that he was dead.

Pakistan needs to forget about politics and just concentrate on economic growth. Thats the only way to improve the lives of the people.


So all those morons that we have in our country that are worried about democracy, democracy is pointless unless its bringing fruits. In Pakistan's case, it brought thorns. The longer the musharraf stays in power, the better it is for Pakistan. I can't imagine what would happen if one of those power thirsty corrupt politicians come into power.
The book has been actually written by RAW and the lady had provided all the data and she regularly visited India for this reason.

She began her professional career with the Pakistan navy as the Director of Naval Research, making her the first civilian and woman to work at that position in Pakistan's defence establishment.
Musharraf was nothing more then a second rate general that got promoted above his seniors due to nawaz's stupidity.

Musharraf attended the Green Berets training school at Fort Bragg. Accounts indicate Musharraf's performance in these courses was above average. Some regarded him as a `natural' in the field of Psywar techniques.
You are changing you opinion.

If you think investing in Pakistan is a crime than still Musharraf alone can not be termed culprit for all these years old industries.
BTW, this fauji/army holding company will not stop investing rather keep investing and actually very soon they will be building another heavy industry in Pakistan, which will again employee hundreds and help filling the state reserves with foreign currency, with there exports.
Please, do some thing so that they change there mind and build all there new projects in foreign lands, otherwise they will make Pakistan a rich country and full of skilled manpower.
She began her professional career with the Pakistan navy as the Director of Naval Research, making her the first civilian and woman to work at that position in Pakistan's defence establishment.

And she was fired from his position because of her activities and later she visited India on neumrous occasions specially in last couple of years.
And she was fired from his position because of her activities and later she visited India on neumrous occasions specially in last couple of years.

Well in that case, its official, this woman shouldn't be taken seriously due to her links with india.
Thats Great!!

Aitezaz Ahsan visited India a few weeks ago

Bhagwan Das was in India for a full month

Ohh Mush and Altaf are muhajirs too
If you think investing in Pakistan is a crime than still Musharraf alone can not be termed culprit for all these years old industries..

I am not blaming Musharraf alone but the entire corp commanders.
"Investing" in pakistan please dont make me laugh is the same way nawaz was "investing" in pakistan.

BTW, this fauji/army holding company will not stop investing rather keep investing and actually very soon they will be building another heavy industry in Pakistan, which will again employee hundreds and help filling the state reserves with foreign currency, with there exports..

What like they have been doing for the last 50 years.

Please, do some thing so that they change there mind and build all there new projects in foreign lands, otherwise they will make Pakistan a rich country and full of skilled manpower.

What are you talking about?Are you really that silly to take in all the military brainwashing that with out them in charge eveything will collapse.
Who do you think is employed by these military business's the friends and relatives of the general.
And she was fired from his position because of her activities and later she visited India on neumrous occasions specially in last couple of years.

Pathetic reason and just a stupid cheap smear campaign.
What about musharaff did he not visit india,so going of your logic he must be an agent also.

he may not be a an agent but he is a minority group, pakistan belongs to people of sindh, punjab, sarhad and balochistan as they are the natives of pakistan, mohajirs etc are a minority group and should be treated as equal but governing the country should be left to the native majority.

he may not be a an agent but he is a minority group, pakistan belongs to people of sindh, punjab, sarhad and balochistan as they are the natives of pakistan, mohajirs etc are a minority group and should be treated as equal but governing the country should be left to the native majority.

This is the most prejudicial and narrow minded point of view I have come across in quite a while. The reason of creation of Pakistan was that it was to be safe haven for the muslims of British India. Every one was given the choice and a million men got killed in the process. Now somewise guy is trying to tell us that it is for the natives. Who are the natives ?? Original natives were the Dravidians. Unless one is from a converted family, one is a foreigner based on your definition. On your definition Sikhs should move back in, they are the real Punjabis!.
All people with the Khan as their last name and also Syeds ( myself) should be treated differently as we are not strictly natives are we??

And we blame Altaf Hussein when he questions the state of Pakistan. I dont know where you are from Hon Sir, but you are entitled to hold on to your bigoted views. By the way does your definition of native also apply to people from East Punjab or you call them minority as well ??
Since both Zia ul Haq and Nawaz Sharif are from East Punjab and mohajirs, both should be treated as minority. Benazir's mother is an Iranian, so she is a half cast foreigner and not a native either??

I grieve for the integrity of Pakistan when after 60 years people still differentiate between native and non native. Bugti was correct in calling non Baluchs as foreigners and Pathans refere to non Pushtoons as Punjabis implying foreigners.

IMO every one who opted for Pakistan as their home in 1947 is a Pakistani. This includes Altaf Hussein and MQM. I dont like them but I will defend their right to their home country.
I thank creators of this forum where people can expres their honest opinions. This helps us to know that there are sufficent number of bigots in Pakistan to keep all of us on their toes may be for another 60 years. To think that some people are naive enough to think of Muslim Ummah as one!. We have educated and intelligent people who are unwilling to accept Mohajirs as equal to "Natives". This is the true display of narrow mindedness. No wonder we lost half of Pakistan after 25 years of independence. With more people holding similar opinions, we would destroy what is left of Pakistan.
Excellent reply Sir Niaz, I couln't have said it better. I too am ashamed when after 60 years of independance I still once a while come accross compatriots who think that Pakistan belongs to natives.

I belong to a mohajir family from Delhi (mother) and Allahabad (father), both my parents families made huge sacrifices in every sence of word to come to Karachi, some even offered their lives in struggle to create Pakistan others just didn't make it to the border. My dada (grandfather) who was a doctor in British Army treated many wounded during the exodus while his family was still moaning from the loss of their baby daughter who was burnt alive when their bungalow was put alight on the eve of the independance. My nana had to leave his oldest daughter, just thirteen years old, behind with relatives since it wasn't save to travel with girls and women via the Punjab route.

My parents never saw most of their relatives who were left behind to take care of family property.

They are my hero's, just like the other 3-4 million migrants who believed in the creation of Pakistan and left everything behind. I hurts when my fellow countrymen think that Pakistan is not 'ours'. :undecided:

Nadeem Khan

he may not be a an agent but he is a minority group, pakistan belongs to people of sindh, punjab, sarhad and balochistan as they are the natives of pakistan, mohajirs etc are a minority group and should be treated as equal but governing the country should be left to the native majority.
Dude I'm part Mohajir and trust me, I'm becoming PM! ;).
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