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Biharis and their sacrifices for Pakistan

Also Sindh have not denied acces to IDPs with identity cards cleared. This so called ban have been blown out of proportions by anti-Pak elements within Pakistan. There are 15 million pashtuns living in Punjab and Sindh, more then two times then FATA.

Dude, bharat and their intelligence agencies are doing a pretty aggressive 'anti-punjabi' propaganda not just within the minority populations of Pakistan but in Afghanistan. Heck, even on this board there's a new thread every other day spewing lies and venom against Punjab.
Check 'pakistani' newspapers (actually funded by shady people in New york and elsewhere) and you'll notice certain sentiments on the rise.
Dude, bharat and their intelligence agencies are doing a pretty aggressive 'anti-punjabi' propaganda not just within the minority populations of Pakistan but in Afghanistan. Heck, even on this board there's a new thread every other day spewing lies and venom against Punjab.
Check 'pakistani' newspapers (actually funded by shady people in New york and elsewhere) and you'll notice certain sentiments on the rise.

I also have seen anti-Punjab propaganda by PTI punjabi members here. As i said Lahoria have completly brainwashed his subjects.
I also have seen these anti-Punjab propaganda by PTI punjabi members here. As i said Lahoria have completly brainwashed his subjects.

These are really simple minded people who get swayed by inspiration. Imran khan was my ideal crickter when I was growing up back in late 80 and early 90s, I liked him as a political activist too until he turned into a Gullu perhaps 2010 onwards when nationalist elements from KPK areas took over his PTI. These day Gullu khan is out of his senses while making senstive anti-punjab statements under the influence of nationlistic pashtuns that have joined his party in KPK from 2010 onwards, any person with little bit of wit can understand drastic change in Gullu khan's personality post 2010.

I also have seen anti-Punjab propaganda by PTI punjabi members here. As i said Lahoria have completly brainwashed his subjects.

A major role in spreading anti-punjab propaganda particularly in media and internet is that of indian RAW agency that has been given this assignment. I regularly watch pakistan related discussion shows of credible indian english news channels such as NDTV and IBN CNN where the retired security personnel of indian establishment are invited , what I am getting from their discussions is a clear message that indian establishment is 100 % active in supporting all kinds of destablizing oragnizations in pakistan such as sell out media, TTP and Balochistan insurgents, all of them are working under full financial and tactical support of indian establishment.
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I also have seen these anti-Punjab propaganda by PTI punjabi members here. As i said Lahoria have completly brainwashed his subjects.

Lol bro, well not talking about any particular party or anything like that. But you'll notice that Bharatis are creating certain 'narrative' about Punjab and punjabis like the fact that we're just 'mere backward cowardly farmers' despite the fact that we have one of the most entreprenurial and hard-working cultures on the planet, that punjabis always had. We have a man who won the Nobel prize in science (one of the first muslims to do so) and so many nuclear scientists, physicists, chemical engineers who're world-class . Even certain 'pakistani' members seem to join in. This is shocking to regular punjabis who're some of the most accepting people on the planet.
Punjab was the crown for the muslim dynasties from Mughals to their predecessors precisely because this land was so rich culturally and socially. There's so many people who running away from persecution/to spread Islam/trade or for other reasons in the medieval ages settled here.
@haj9211 @KingMamba
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Biharis did the great injustice to their hosts bengalis. When pak army (zalim) was inflicting cruelties on bengalis (mazloom) in the name of watan-parasti, they were supposed to side either with mazloom or stay neutral. Instead they took up weapons against bengalis and became zalims. After independence, it was the turn of bengalis to inflict zulm on them in revenge.
I dont recognize their so called sacrifices for watan-parasti, they should have stayed neutral.

A good number of Bengali Bangladeshis were against the creation of Bangladesh. Were they Zaalim too? Biharis were in East Pakistan as Pakistanis. Instead of praising them for loyalty, you are talking about them being ungrateful guests.

Punjabis do not yet subscribe to son-of-the-soil theory. The last time (dunno if it was the first time) Biharis were re-patriated was during PML's reign under NS during early 90s. They were given residence in Punjab.

In these times, when we have about half a million IDPs to care for, Biharis are not a major concern. That does not make their case irrelevant though. I support their repatriation. But we should first care for the fall out of today's war.
A good number of Bengali Bangladeshis were against the creation of Bangladesh. Were they Zaalim too? Biharis were in East Pakistan as Pakistanis. Instead of praising them for loyalty, you are talking about them being ungrateful guests.

Punjabis do not yet subscribe to son-of-the-soil theory. The last time (dunno if it was the first time) Biharis were re-patriated was during PML's reign under NS during early 90s. They were given residence in Punjab.

In these times, when we have about half a million IDPs to care for, Biharis are not a major concern. That does not make their case irrelevant though. I support their repatriation. But we should first care for the fall out of today's war.
Dam I never thought so many people will comment on this thread
A good number of Bengali Bangladeshis were against the creation of Bangladesh. Were they Zaalim too? Biharis were in East Pakistan as Pakistanis. Instead of praising them for loyalty, you are talking about them being ungrateful guests.

Punjabis do not yet subscribe to son-of-the-soil theory. The last time (dunno if it was the first time) Biharis were re-patriated was during PML's reign under NS during early 90s. They were given residence in Punjab.

In these times, when we have about half a million IDPs to care for, Biharis are not a major concern. That does not make their case irrelevant though. I support their repatriation. But we should first care for the fall out of today's war.

Agreed. There were political parties in Bengal who were pro-Pakistan let alone individuals. There are many examples of Bengali brothers who were pro-Pakistan. And I don't know why people are making this a 'if-not-this-group-then-why-Biharis?'. These things don't have to be exclusive. We should take care of the issues faced currently and then once we're more secure in our nation's political resources, we can take care of our 'Pakistani' Bihari brothers.
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A stooge - Is that so ?

So when one runs out of arguments - Personal attacks is the way forward - Very PML N like...I must say ! :tup:

Old habit that be , makes a crappy nonsensical argument , spews venom or to use the technical word BS , tells a few fairy tales from alternate history and when asked to explain/elaborate , either resorts to ad hominum or runs away with tail between his legs . Dont take it personally , mon fraire , its his pathology .
Just kill us all, the process has started long ago, your ultimate goal will be achieved if you keep working hard like this.

Whats with your constantly depressed posts , if I may ask? I believe this is the third time the same " kill us and have our land " message is repeated . Whats with the hatred and the obsession with " son of soil "?
Stopping IDPs at Punjab, Sindh and Balochistan border was condemnable indeed, but 400,000 is no small number. It's like the quarter population of Islamabad city! I'm sure the only reason they were stopped at the border was to stop them from coming to Islamabad, which is already suffering from an exponentially rising crime rate and extortion, mostly attributed to KPK/Fata based migration, and already hosts a huge IDP population from previous operations. Besides, settling such a large number of IDPs near GHQ is a big security risk. Imagine even 100 terrorists entering rawalpindi alongside the IDPs...

With that being said, PML-N fu**** up. The IDPs should have been settled in Lahore, Faisalabad and high population Punjab city centres. This decision to disallow them might have future consequences. The reason Pakistan supported Taliban was to crush Pashtunistan thought process, yet this decision would ultimately make educated Pakhtuns more disillusioned with Pakistan.
Can someone tell me why we can accept 3 million criminal drug paddling afghanis in our country but not our patriotic 600,000 biharis?

As IDPs arrive, twin cities gear up to tackle poliovirus - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Bro, read this. Moreover there are multiple sources all over the net saying that IDPs are all over Punjab. This is precisely what I wanted to highlight, that foreign agencies are doing specific ethnic-based propaganda against a certain Pakistani ethnicity. They make mountains from mole-hills.

So yeah, alter your post :p: . I personally had a furious reaction when I 'heard' these things but most of it is actually un-substantiated and SPECIFIC propaganda that even some 'pakistani' papers based in New york were engaged in. I'm telling my Pakistani brothers, that this is something well-thought out and planned by foreign agencies to create more ethno-centrism in Pak.

As IDPs arrive, twin cities gear up to tackle poliovirus - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Bro, read this. Moreover there are multiple sources all over the net saying that IDPs are all over Punjab. This is precisely what I wanted to highlight, that foreign agencies are doing specific ethnic-based propaganda against a certain Pakistani ethnicity. They make mountains from mole-hills.

I personally disagree with such a huge number settling in Islamabad. They should be diverted to Lahore and Faisalabad. Islamabad is too sensitive, security wise, to let so many IDPs in. Also these anti-Pakistan propaganda artists don't know that Multan also has a high Wazir/Mehsud pashto speaking population. Multan has been a destination of choice for Mehsud IDPs. They are literally in lakhs.

It's a bad idea to settle 400,000 people in a city of 1,500,000 in my opinion. IDPs should be divided all over Pakistan.

Bro, IDP brothers are all over Punjab. That was just an example. Maybe, that's the first stopping point and then some of them might be moved to Lahore and other areas.
Either way I hope that our brothers/sisters are safe and sound and out of harm's reach.

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