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Biggest Sarkari Muslim of All Time "APJ Abdul Kalam" Being Put in His Place by 5000 Years Old Culture Leader

Why do you put people on a pedestal ? The Soviet Union had a Muslim rocket scientist Karimov who could teach Abdul Kalam the alphabet like a child in a kindergarten. No one eulogizes him more than necessary and his religion was irrelevant so far as the Soviet Union was concerned.
Read about him below :
Putting people on a pedestal is giving that person utmost respect. You can look at it whichever way you want. The comparison with Soviet Union won't be the most apt one since the Soviet Union was a communist country where being religious was frowned upon while India is a secular, multireligious country where people aren't necessarily afraid to showcase their religious identity.
Karim Karimov must have rolled over laughing seeing another so called scientist behaving like this:


Look at the bull sh! .,.questions this goon with a bad haircut asks.( Link )

Abdul Kalam: Do you feel the Saraswati river was existing?:omghaha:
Swamiji: It exists. It is written in our scriptures that it exists.
( What a fraud claiming to
be scientist.,,He could ask a geologist or hydrologist if there was any evidence of a dead river bed . This political goon has to display his Hindutva to make to your Rashtrapati Bhavan ) .
More gems from this goon's mindset;
Abdul Kalam: Swamiji, when I first launched a rocket it failed and I became very depressed and disheartened. At that time I thought about becoming a sannyasi, and give up everything. (In this context, one sadhu added, “Dr. Kalam studies the Gita. Reads it every day, and has tremendous patriotism.”)
Karimov are you listening ?
What a bum! He should have shaved his head with a chutia and become a sannyasi . Tests and failures is part of scientific research.
A scientist or engineer learns as much from a failed test as a successful one . None of our scientists in Pakistan wanted to become a sanyasi . They read the works of Tsiolokovsky, Goddard, and Von Braun to learn why they succeeded.







What a bum !

This goon was just a Hindutva propaganda figurehead . The REAL work was done by the hundreds of secular scientists like Tessie Thomas.
NO genuine scientist in
the world would have talked like this. He used his pseudo Hindutva image to climb the rungs of power .
A fraud and charlatan.
He hasn't published a single "'EFFING" book or thesis on the principles of space flight like the Tsiolokovsky Rocket Equation
( Link )

These are REAL aerospace scientists not that fraud

And another one Link)
Robert H Goddard

Herman Oberth ( Link )


In Pakistan we revere the above for their deep scientific talent and contribution to mankind, not a political bumhead whom the USA a staunch ally of India showed no respect.( Link)

@colonel rajesh @Vapnope @lightoftruth @Andhadhun @KedarT @Sharma Ji @jamahir @SoulSpokesman @VkdIndian
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APJ Abdul has gained the love and respect of all Indians across the board.
Cheap shots by the occasional bigot are extreme outliers.
Karim Karimov must have rolled over laughing seeing another so called scientist behaving like this:

View attachment 728636
Look at the bull sh! .,.questions this goon with a bad haircut asks.( Link )

Abdul Kalam: Do you feel the Saraswati river was existing?:omghaha:
Swamiji: It exists. It is written in our scriptures that it exists.
( What a fraud claiming to
be scientist.,,He could ask a geologist or hydrologist if there was any evidence of a dead river bed . This political goon has to display his Hindutva to make to your Rashtrapati Bhavan ) .
More gems from this goon's mindset;
Abdul Kalam: Swamiji, when I first launched a rocket it failed and I became very depressed and disheartened. At that time I thought about becoming a sannyasi, and give up everything. (In this context, one sadhu added, “Dr. Kalam studies the Gita. Reads it every day, and has tremendous patriotism.”)
Karimov are you listening ?
What a bum! He should have shaved his head with a chutia and become a sannyasi . Tests and failures is part of scientific research.
A scientist or engineer learns as much from a failed test as a successful one . None of our scientists in Pakistan wanted to become a sanyasi . They read the works of Tsiolokovsky, Goddard, and Von Braun to learn why they succeeded.

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What a bum !

This goon was just a Hindutva propaganda figurehead . The REAL work was done by the hundreds of secular scientists like Tessie Thomas.
NO genuine scientist in
the world would have talked like this. He used his pseudo Hindutva image to climb the rungs of power .
A fraud and charlatan.
He hasn't published a single "'EFFING" book or thesis on the principles of space flight like the Tsiolokovsky Rocket Equation
( Link )

These are REAL aerospace scientists not that fraud
View attachment 728651
And another one Link)
Robert H Goddard
View attachment 728652
Herman Oberth ( Link )

View attachment 728653

In Pakistan we revere the above for their deep scientific talent and contribution to mankind, not a political bumhead whom the USA a staunch ally of India showed no respect.( Link)

@colonel rajesh @Vapnope @lightoftruth @Andhadhun @KedarT @Sharma Ji @jamahir @SoulSpokesman @VkdIndian
Doesn't change the fact that he was instrumental in helping India become nuclear. By the way, there's no condition that a scientist should stop pursuing spirituality.
@colonel rajesh @Vapnope @lightoftruth @Andhadhun @KedarT @Sharma Ji @jamahir @SoulSpokesman @VkdIndian

I didn't get the alert to you tagging me. Just happened to see your post by chance.

It is a tragedy that person like Kalam who had progressed Indian rocketry be it in military application or for satellite launchers, didn't volunteer to name any of his designs after Tipu Sultan who was the best non-Chinese person to develop rocketry in earlier times. Even Kalam's Hindu colleagues acknowledge Tipu's contribution. Please note the last paragraph in the below extract from this article :
Rockets had been used in warfare since the 13th century. The Chinese had used them to defend themselves against Mongol invaders, the Mughals frequently used them on the battlefield and the Europeans had started experimenting with them by the 15th century.

However, these rockets were built with flimsy materials like cardboard and were not very effective in inflicting damage on the enemy, similar to modern-day firecrackers. Thus, their use as a weapon had been discarded in favour of cannons and other forms of artillery.

It was the de facto ruler of 18th century Mysore, Hyder Ali, who developed the first prototypes of sturdier explosives-filled rockets. His innovation was further fine-tuned by his son Tipu who planned, designed and crafted cylindrical iron tubes that would allow for great compression of the filled gunpowder and consequently, greater range (nearly 2 km).

Tipu then fastened them to swords or bamboo poles to provide stability, that woul, in turn, lead to better accuracy. Thus, the predecessor of the modern rocket was born. It had a greater range, better accuracy and a far-more destructive bang than any other rocket in use, making it the best in the world at that time.

During the Anglo-Mysore wars of the late 1700s, Mysorean rockets were used by Tipu to great effect.

Especially during the Battle of Pollilur (the Second Anglo-Mysore War in 1780), when a devastating barrage by Tipu’s rocket corps set fire to the East India Company’s ammunition dumps to hand the British army one of its worst ever defeats in India.

The shocked British infantry had never seen the likes of them before and quite literally didn’t know what hit them. Such was their fear and confusion that British soldiers would go on to describe the iron tubes of gunpowder mounted on swords of Tipu’s army as “flying plagues”

Utilizing the advantage provided by the superior quality of hammered iron available in Mysore, Tipu also established four taramandalpets(that translates to ‘star-cluster bazaars’) at Srirangapatna, Bangalore, Chitradurga and Bidanur (present-day Nagara in central Karnataka) to conduct research on rocket technology.

At this medieval tech parks, craftsmen-turned-rocketmen (called jourks) conducted experiments to improve the iron casting, accuracy and range of the rockets. Furthermore, they were taught basic calculations to help them fine-tune launch settings that would allow rockets of different sizes and weights to hit targets varying distances and elevations. For instance, wheeled carts were fitted with multiple rocket ramps so as to allow the rocket artillery brigades (called cushoons) to launch about a dozen missiles at a time.

In 1799, Wellesley (the Duke of Wellington) was on reconnoitering mission in an areca nut grove (near Srirangapatana) when he found himself under attack. Having never encountered Tipu’s rocket fire before, he was scared silly by the ferocious barrages and ran away from the scene.

Later, he was so abashed by his behavior that he promised himself that he would never show fear on the battlefield again. With time, he famously came to be known as a man who could not be rattled by anything. So, the Iron Duke’s spine of steel was actually forged in Srirangapatna!

Interestingly, APJ Abdul Kalam was fascinated by Srirangapatna’s historic connection with modern missiles. During his tenure as President, he was keen on preserving the Rocket Court ( the laboratory where Tipu tested his rockets) and developing it as a museum — an idea that found mention in his book ‘Wings of Fire‘. At his behest, DRDO scientist Sivathanu Pillai (who later headed Brahmos Aero Space) visited the ruins to study the site. However, work is yet to begin in this regard.

As for the Mysorean missiles, after the fall of Srirangapattana in 1799, the British army found 600 launchers, 700 serviceable rockets and 9,000 empty rockets at Tipu’s fort. Many of these were sent to the Royal Artillery Museum in Woolwich (where two specimens are still preserved), inspiring it to start a a military rocket research and development program in 1801.

It was here that William Congreve started studying them and did some fine reverse engineering to invent the Congreve rocket (it had collapsible frames for launching). In a quirk of fate, it was Iron Duke Wellesley who would go on to use these Congreve rockets systematically against Napoleon and defeat him at Waterloo in June 1815.

Today, there is not much left in Srirangapatna to stand testimony to one of the most interesting technological episodes in Indian history. The mark of Mysorean rockets on world military history, however, remains indelible. As aerospace scientist Professor Roddam Narasimha explained in one of his lectures,

“It was Tipu who first realized the full potential of rockets as weapons — both in his mind and on the field — and used them to create havoc in the East Indian Company lines. Thus, all the rockets in the world today can be traced to those used during the wars in Mysore.”
Karim Karimov must have rolled over laughing seeing another so called scientist behaving like this:

View attachment 728636
Look at the bull sh! .,.questions this goon with a bad haircut asks.( Link )

Abdul Kalam: Do you feel the Saraswati river was existing?:omghaha:
Swamiji: It exists. It is written in our scriptures that it exists.
( What a fraud claiming to
be scientist.,,He could ask a geologist or hydrologist if there was any evidence of a dead river bed . This political goon has to display his Hindutva to make to your Rashtrapati Bhavan ) .
More gems from this goon's mindset;
Abdul Kalam: Swamiji, when I first launched a rocket it failed and I became very depressed and disheartened. At that time I thought about becoming a sannyasi, and give up everything. (In this context, one sadhu added, “Dr. Kalam studies the Gita. Reads it every day, and has tremendous patriotism.”)
Karimov are you listening ?
What a bum! He should have shaved his head with a chutia and become a sannyasi . Tests and failures is part of scientific research.
A scientist or engineer learns as much from a failed test as a successful one . None of our scientists in Pakistan wanted to become a sanyasi . They read the works of Tsiolokovsky, Goddard, and Von Braun to learn why they succeeded.

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View attachment 728644

What a bum !

This goon was just a Hindutva propaganda figurehead . The REAL work was done by the hundreds of secular scientists like Tessie Thomas.
NO genuine scientist in
the world would have talked like this. He used his pseudo Hindutva image to climb the rungs of power .
A fraud and charlatan.
He hasn't published a single "'EFFING" book or thesis on the principles of space flight like the Tsiolokovsky Rocket Equation
( Link )

These are REAL aerospace scientists not that fraud
View attachment 728651
And another one Link)
Robert H Goddard
View attachment 728652
Herman Oberth ( Link )

View attachment 728653

In Pakistan we revere the above for their deep scientific talent and contribution to mankind, not a political bumhead whom the USA a staunch ally of India showed no respect.( Link)

@colonel rajesh @Vapnope @lightoftruth @Andhadhun @KedarT @Sharma Ji @jamahir @SoulSpokesman @VkdIndian
good job out doing the bigotry of the guy in the OP.
if only he said it before the death of Asma Jahangir, I couldve shoved those videos up her face.
but its still good reminder for dickheads who blame Pakistan to be paranoid about Indian RSS state.
but then again people like Asma will find an excuse and reason for "ills of Pakistani military".
Doesn't change the fact that he was instrumental in helping India become nuclear. By the way, there's no condition that a scientist should stop pursuing spirituality.
I would seriously question that assertion.
The credit goes to S.K. Mitra, C.V. Raman, Meghnad Saha, Vikram Sarabhai, Satish Dhawan, Kasturirangan, Raja Ramanna, K. Radhakrishnan,
All secular scientists.
Jayant V Narlekar is a secular renowned astro-physicist who would never ask if the Saraswati river exists.
If there is spirituality these scientists kept it to themselves, not flaunting it for political patronage.
Tessie Thomas doesn't flaunt her spirituality if there is any .

Our scientists are similar. Pervez Hoodboy and Samar Mubarakmand don't bow down before godmen.
I didn't get the alert to you tagging me. Just happened to see your post by chance.

It is a tragedy that person like Kalam who had progressed Indian rocketry be it in military application or for satellite launchers, didn't volunteer to name any of his designs after Tipu Sultan who was the best non-Chinese person to develop rocketry in earlier times. Even Kalam's Hindu colleagues acknowledge Tipu's contribution. Please note the last paragraph in the below extract from this article :

It is not ancient heritage that counts but what we do today. Reverence for Tipu beyond a figure of history is really unnecessary. How far back do we want to go ? Mahabharata?
I likewise disagree with naming our missiles after historical figures, like Ghazni and Ghauri .
The Soviets named their missiles with alpha numeric codes and even when names were given these were generic neutral names not associated with religion.
It is not ancient heritage that counts but what we do today. Reverence for Tipu beyond a figure of history is really unnecessary. How far back do we want to go ? Mahabharata?
I likewise disagree with naming our missiles after historical figures, like Ghazni and Ghauri .
The Soviets named their missiles with alpha numeric codes and even when names were given these were generic neutral names not associated with religion.

I am not calling for a religion based reverence or respect for Tipu. He was an educated person who today would have been called an internationalist and a welfare system preacher. I quote this article from 2015 :
The recent offer made by a film producer to Tamil superstar Rajinikanth to act in a movie on the ‘ >Tiger of Mysore’, Tipu Sultan, has yet again opened up a Pandora’s Box. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and some Hindutva groups have demanded that Rajinikanth refuse the offer. This argument is made on the grounds that Tipu, the 18th century ruler of Mysore state, was a “tyrant” who killed thousands of Hindus as they refused to convert to Islam.

This is not the first time that Tipu’s name has been dragged into a controversy. It began some years back when Sanjay Khan made a tele-serial based on Bhagwan S. Gidwani’s book, The Sword of Tipu Sultan. His name was once again dragged into a controversy when the Congress government intended to celebrate his birth anniversary in 2014. There was opposition when a proposal was made to establish a university named after him.

Tipu’s very name has become contentious for two reasons: first, his controversial steps in dealing with different communities and people who rose against him. Second, different perspectives through which history was constructed and his image built.

Colonial historians have projected Tipu as a “religious bigot”, who was instrumental in killing and converting to Islam thousands of Nayars of Kerala, Catholics of Dakshina Kannada and Coorgis of Kodagu. Even Kannada chauvinists have projected him as anti-Kannadiga as he was instrumental in changing the local names of places and introducing Persian vocabulary into administration. Marxist historians, on the other hand, have viewed him as “one of the foremost commanders of independence struggle” and a “harbinger of new productive forces”.

>History is unkind to Tipu Sultan. The fact is that Tipu cannot be reduced to a singular narrative or tradition of intolerance or bigotry as he represented multiple traditions. He combined tolerant inter-religious traditions, liberal and secular traditions, anti-colonialism and internationalism. He could do this as he had strong roots in Sufism, which is not explored much by historians. He belonged to the Chisti/Bande Nawaz tradition of Sufism.

In fact, Tipu was radical in more than one sense. He was the first to ban consumption of alcohol in the entire State, not on religious grounds, but on moral and health grounds. He went to the extent of saying: “A total prohibition is very near to my heart.” He is credited with introducing missile or rocket technology in war. He was the first to introduce sericulture to the then Mysore state. He was the first to confiscate the property of upper castes, including Mutts, and distribute it among the Shudras. He is also credited with sowing the seeds of capitalist development at a time when the country was completely feudal. He thought about constructing a dam across the Cauvery in the present-day location of Krishnaraja Sagar. He completed the task of establishing a biodiversity garden named Lal Bagh.

His tolerance is reflected in his annual grants to no less than 156 temples, which included land deeds and jewellery. His army was largely composed of Shudras. When the famed Sringeri Mutt, established by Shankaracharya, was invaded by the Maratha army, he issued a firman to provide financial assistance for reinstallation of the holy idol and restoring the tradition of worship at the Mutt. His donation to the famous Srikanteshwara temple at Nanjangud; the donation of 10,000 gold coins to complete temple work at Kanchi; settling the disputes between two sects of priests at the Melkote temple; and gifts to Lakshmikanta temple at Kalale are all well-known. Interestingly, Srirangapatna, a temple town, remained his permanent capital till the end of his rule. He was also instrumental in constructing the first-ever church in Mysuru. Incidentally, well-known historian B.A. Saletore calls him “defender of Hindu Dharma”.

The allegation of forcible conversions has to be seen in the background of political exigencies — either they were with the colonialists such as in the case of Christians of Dakshina Kannada, or were waging a protracted guerrilla war as in the case of Coorg. Here, historians have distorted the facts by reducing political exigencies to the “communal ideology” of Tipu.

A ruler, who once identified himself with the American and French Revolution and Jacobinism, has remained an enigma to many. That a man who ruled for just 16 years continues to haunt Hindutva groups obviously means that Tipu continues to exist in the political discourses, political narratives as well as in the imagination of nation-building. This is where the irony of history lies — one cannot just bury Tipu in the annals of history.

(The writer is chairman, department of political science at the University of Mysore. muzaffar.assadi@gmail.com.)
Where is the bigotry?
I made statements based on facts that I referenced. Scientists do not display their spirituality. Unlike spirituality science is logical.
Why couldn't Kalam be like Von Braun below ?
There was a pretty healthy dose of disdain if not outright hatred directed toward President Kalam in your post which was clearly solely based on him partaking in traditional Indian rituals and visiting some holy men.

He is a mushrik to you, isn't he ? and that is what gets your stachless beard

This is much more than just him being Indian for you, the man broke some of your religious rules and is therefore condemned to death, and shall be continued to be condemned, ridiculed and vilified even after his death as you rejoice in your twisted jihadist thoughts about his soul burning in the eternal jihadist hellfire.

Thing is, we're not the USA where MAGA can be vilified and dismissed as a fringe movement.

No power on earth, quite literally, can dislodge the collective Hindu patriotic hold on the politics of our country.

We will bring true secularism to India.

We will rip apart and throw in the dustbin of history the AIMPLB to the maximum extent it can be disposed off.

We will enforce population control.

Probably a law against disgusting inter cousin inbreeding as well.

and laws to ban the azan loudspeaker.

We will do all of it while drinking lassi flavoured from mangos sourced from Pakistan even

jo karna hai kar lo

I would seriously question that assertion.
The credit goes to S.K. Mitra, C.V. Raman, Meghnad Saha, Vikram Sarabhai, Satish Dhawan, Kasturirangan, Raja Ramanna, K. Radhakrishnan,
All secular scientists.
Jayant V Narlekar is a secular renowned astro-physicist who would never ask if the Saraswati river exists.
If there is spirituality these scientists kept it to themselves, not flaunting it for political patronage.
Tessie Thomas doesn't flaunt her spirituality if there is any .

Our scientists are similar. Pervez Hoodboy and Samar Mubarakmand don't bow down before godmen.
The credit goes to everyone but since Dr Kalam was the leader, he did play a crucial role.
We don't care if scientists are spiritual as long as they get the work done as that's what matters in the end. And there's no compulsion that a scientist shouldn't pursue spirituality and thus comparing Dr Kalam with other scientists isn't correct. Everyone has their own methods.
There was a pretty healthy dose of disdain if not outright hatred directed toward President Kalam in your post which was clearly solely based on him partaking in traditional Indian rituals and visiting some holy men.

He is a mushrik to you, isn't he ? and that is what gets your stachless beard

This is much more than just him being Indian for you, the man broke some of your religious rules and is therefore condemned to death, and shall be continued to be condemned, ridiculed and vilified even after his death as you rejoice in your twisted jihadist thoughts about his soul burning in the eternal jihadist hellfire.

Thing is, we're not the USA where MAGA can be vilified and dismissed as a fringe movement.

No power on earth, quite literally, can dislodge the collective Hindu patriotic hold on the politics of our country.

We will bring true secularism to India.

We will rip apart and throw in the dustbin of history the AIMPLB to the maximum extent it can be disposed off.

We will enforce population control.

Probably a law against disgusting inter cousin inbreeding as well.

and laws to ban the azan loudspeaker.

We will do all of it while drinking lassi flavoured from mangos sourced from Pakistan even

jo karna hai kar lo

View attachment 728832

What Abdul Kalams religion is of least concern as long as he doesnt where it on his godamned sleeve.
I would take Satish Dhawan ( incidentally Pakistan born ) over Kalam any day.
For that matter I would take Kasturirangan and Ramanna ( presumably devout Hindus) any day instead of a political bumkin with a bad haircut.

What you do in your "land-without-toilets" is your concern but we would be interested in knowing how Gau Mutra works in space when ingested by your Gaganyan cosmonauts.

Waiting for you :omghaha:

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