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Biggest Sarkari Muslim of All Time "APJ Abdul Kalam" Being Put in His Place by 5000 Years Old Culture Leader

Going back to the topic.

ONE minority scientist stayed back in India and became President.13 known minority scientists fled India to Pakistan to deliver us the intellectual manpower to help make our nation a missile and nuclear power. These 13 are just known faces and that too only in the highly scrutinized nuclear weapons field.

An unknown number ... possibly tens of thousands of engineers, drafters, technicians, chemists, mathematicians, physicists, aero-space engineers fled India.This exodus helped us immensely in developing our critical heavy industries to manufacture the weapons of war from tanks, artillery, ships, trucks and aircraft.

The exodus from India is similar to the scientific manpower of Jewish origin fleeing Nazi Germany in the 1930s. As India persecutes its minorities it will drive more technical talent out and some of that will come to us.

अल्पसंख्य पर अत्याचार का काम जारी रखें । उनके उत्पीड़न से हमें बहुत लाभ होता है ।

(Trans. Keep up the good work. We are benefited by it ).
India made it's nukes on it's own brain power, everyone knows the Pakistani nuke story..

what industry do you have in Pakistan anyway ? zero in automobiles, zero in aviation, zero in tourism, you don't even grow your own tea and are reliant on imports.. Chinese are making your infra, your sick come to India for world class medical care.. I could go on.

but nice mangoes, I'll give you that.. the mangoes are amazing !
India made it's nukes on it's own brain power, everyone knows the Pakistani nuke story..

what industry do you have in Pakistan anyway ? zero in automobiles, zero in aviation, zero in tourism, you don't even grow your own tea and are reliant on imports.. Chinese are making your infra, your sick come to India for world class medical care.. I could go on.

but nice mangoes, I'll give you that.. the mangoes are amazing !

I could add.
So what has changed ?
In 1947, we had zero aircraft, zero trucks, zero ships, zero locomotives, zero radio stations and a rubber stamped currency not worth the paper it was printed on . See below. Yet we took one third of your territory in Kashmir, and we have held the territory since. The latest ceasefire among several before Is indicative that despite being zero nothing is going to change much.


One thing we have besides mangoes. We have toilets. :omghaha:
@Foxtrot Alpha @waz @The Eagle

Why was this post locked as propaganda post

while a thread where some no name lunatic made offensive comments against the Hon Fmr President of India is allowed to run? why is not there any consistency in moderation?
@Foxtrot Alpha @waz @The Eagle

Why was this post locked as propaganda post

while a thread where some no name lunatic made offensive comments against the Hon Fmr President of India is allowed to run? why is not there any consistency in moderation?
source is dubious in that case.. let me have a look at this one
It is heartening to see that just one stupid Indian can keep so many high IQ people engaged for so long. The best part is that these high IQ people are mighty pleased with themselves in this act of self gratification.

Please carry on. 😜😜

Sawal gandum, jawab channa lolz. U said Pakistanis are obsessed with indians, so i pointed out what the hell r u doimg here on a Pakistani forum then???? Its not just u but many more indians that practically live on this forum... Or are u too stupid to comprehend this too???
In some ways Kalam did make Pakistan a nuclear state, it least in the overt sense. His continued coaxing of both the Congress and BJP governments eventually led to the 1998 nuclear tests. He did so on personal and organisational agenda. This led Pakistan to conducted its own nuclear tests in response. Had he kept to himself I think we would not have had both countries going overtly nuclear in 1998.
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Or are u too stupid to comprehend this too???
Stupidity is forte of people like you. Who can’t differentiate between healthy discussion on topics vs stupid threads like this.

I am on this forum to keep a tab on what is the drift of things between our western friends. Give my opinion and get one on issues of mutual interest or conflict.

My comment was about superstars like you who claim to have no interest in India but spend more time on stupid Indian threads (created for trolling) than anything else. Hilarious part is time you guys spend on threads like this rather than anything meaningful. Must be affect of very high IQ?

Knock knock....... I hope you get it this time.😜😜
Stupidity is forte of people like you. Who can’t differentiate between healthy discussion on topics vs stupid threads like this.

I am on this forum to keep a tab on what is the drift of things between our western friends. Give my opinion and get one on issues of mutual interest or conflict.

My comment was about superstars like you who claim to have no interest in India but spend more time on stupid Indian threads (created for trolling) than anything else. Hilarious part is time you guys spend on threads like this rather than anything meaningful. Must be affect of very high IQ?

Knock knock....... I hope you get it this time.😜😜

When did we claim anything of such? Its our forum and we can discuss anything we want, or make fun of urr ugly existence, its our choice. The question is why a sewer rat like u is lurking here even after getting abused and embarrassed??? Dont u ppl have any shame or self respect?? Have u seen us visiting any cowpiss forums??? This answers ur question about who is obsessed with whom. But i doubt if u still get it because afterall ur an indian. Also we create threads but ur the one with most comments on this thread, so technically that should make u a moron.
The question is why a sewer rat like u is lurking here even after getting abused and embarrassed???
Relax. Take some deep breaths. Wipe the froth that is coming out from the edges of your mouth. ;)

It is a forum that allows Indians to join and discuss various issues with civility. Did I use any uncivil words? NOPE.

Embarrassed? Sewer rat? Just see your language and you would know who is the sewer rat here.

Also look at the language you have come down to just on a little disagreement. I guess that kind of mentality might have permeated in your society. Start abusing as soon as difference of opinion happens. Please don’t do that. Not good for the society.

As far as your freedom to create stupid threads and spend time on them goes - what do I say? Go ahead feel free. I never said not to do it. I suggested against it since it is a waste of mental faculties.
You still want to do it. Please continue and create many more such threads. Your forum - your rules.

Also we create threads but ur the one with most comments on this thread

Have you looked at quality of comments? Use of filthy language? I guess not.

And who is the bad guy here? Indians.

Sad state of understanding.
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Why do you want to give a platform to the SaffronNazis to peddle their filth
have you not seen universal condemnation of the fool 'sadhu' from all Indian posters here. What else is there to discuss on this thread?
A plurality of Pakistanis voted for Nawaz Sharif, now Imran is their hero.

Pakistanis voted for them because of economic reasons. That's why they ended up voting Nawaz out and why Imran might be having problems for the next elections. Hindus saw how Yogi Guru Swami Modi-Ji protected Hindu rapists and murderers after the Gujarat riots and excitedly voted for him so they too could get the same opportunity. That's why they stuck by him after demonetization failed, Make in India failed to deal with unemployment, all the strong rhetoric about Pakistan and China ended up with the capture of one of your monkeys and humiliation in Ladakh, etc.
have you not seen universal condemnation of the fool 'sadhu' from all Indian posters here. What else is there to discuss on this thread?

It was referring to the post above, that wanted to peddle Nazi shit.
Relax. Take some deep breaths. Wipe the froth that is coming out from the edges of your mouth. ;)

It is a forum that allows Indians to join and discuss various issues with civility. Did I use any uncivil words? NOPE.

Embarrassed? Sewer rat? Just see your language and you would know who is the sewer rat here.

Also look at the language you have come down to just on a little disagreement. I guess that kind of mentality might have permeated in your society. Start abusing as soon as difference of opinion happens. Please don’t do that. Not good for the society.

As far as your freedom to create stupid threads and spend time on them goes - what do I say? Go ahead feel free. I never said not to do it. I suggested against it since it is a waste of mental faculties.
You still want to do it. Please continue and create many more such threads. Your forum - your rules.

Have you looked at quality of comments? Use of filthy language? I guess not.

And who is the bad guy here? Indians.

Sad state of understanding.

And yet ur the one with most comments on a stupid thread lolz. Difference of opinion? U come on a Pakistani forum to blame Pakistanis of obsession with india and when i call the irony, u call it difference of opinion?? U talk about the language, have u ever been to ur indian crowd? U pretend to behave because u know ur on a Pakistani forum but every now and then u guys show ur true face and get banned. We know u as much as required to know an enemy, we r not obsessed like u ppl r and we just enjoy it.
U talk about the language, have u ever been to ur indian crowd
Ohh. I get it now. You are the proponent of being a filthy guy because someone else is also filthy.
My apologies in not understanding your caliber.

Here you go into my ignore list.
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