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Biggest Sarkari Muslim of All Time "APJ Abdul Kalam" Being Put in His Place by 5000 Years Old Culture Leader

Asghar Qadir

Ishrat Hussain Usmani

Sultan Bashiruddin Mehmood.

We got these GEMS from India !

Waiting for the next lot to flee.
Wonder how many minorities there are in the various Indian Institute of
Technologies. Couldn't be many but whatever there are, they are probably the best.
An Indian Muslim told me that to be successful in India over, and above discrimination, an IM has to be extra good academically and outwardly secular . So an IM must get 98% to be admitted as against his "Other backward caste " and Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe counterparts who could get away with 45% marks in the entrance exams.
@xeuss is that correct ?
There must be a minuscule number of minorities in India's IITs because it is so difficult to get in.
I heard there are mentoring and coaching groups to improve the competitiveness of the minorities but they have attracted the attention of the VHP media outlets.

sultan bashiruddin is real gem of pakistan
he wanted to produce electricity from jinnat :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

I love this guy, 240 million strong Pakistani troops being readied in India. This is awesome


keep dreaming ,
meanwhile your own backyard is being filled by kulbhusan jadhav ki sena . :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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Is this thread an indication of how obsessed one nation is with India? Creating meaningless threads so as to troll.
But the claim is - we don’t care about India. It is nobody to us.

Doesn’t seem so.🤣🤣

yes we are obsessed with your stupidity...you got us
sultan bashiruddin is real gem of pakistan
he wanted to produce electricity from jinnat

Well the "jinnat":devil: must have helped because this is what happened under his watch when your Nana Patekar said we couldn't make a needle.

"After the reactor went critical in April 1998, Mahmood said in an interview: "This reactor (can produce enough plutonium for two to three nuclear weapons per year) Pakistan had "acquired the capability to produce.... boosted thermonuclear weapons and hydrogen bombs."

A month later we showed the world our "needles".

Revelations by the Vedic scientists at the Indian Science Congress

Einstien and Steven Hawking were wrong::omghaha:

Stem Cell technology and Internet were there in Vedic India.:omghaha:

Newton was wrong :omghaha:

Ravana had airports :omghaha:

interplanetary travel in ancient India :omghaha:

Finally Gau Mutra :dance3:
He cant be booked and put behind bars because he has free speech.
But he definitely deserves criticism for his bullshit use of free speech.

So criticize him, who's stopping you ?

BTW Free speech is only relevant if you can speak BS. For speaking Facts, reality or praise you usually don't need Free speech.
That is why I call it a depraved society. It is people like Yati and you who epitomize everything wrong.

Coming from you I will take it as a compliment. Its been established that our Values systems lie on opposite side of the spectrum.
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yes we are obsessed with your stupidity...you got us
And yet it is u an indian living on a Pakistani forum. If irony had a face. Not ur fault though, u ppl born with little brains.

It is heartening to see that just one stupid Indian can keep so many high IQ people engaged for so long. The best part is that these high IQ people are mighty pleased with themselves in this act of self gratification.

Please carry on. 😜😜
People were supporting him because he wanted to show the truth, now he is just wanting more publicity thats why such stupid publicity stunts.

Kalam sir was, is and will be respected forever and no psycho sadhu has right to abuse him.
It is heartening to see that just one stupid Indian can keep so many high IQ people engaged for so long. The best part is that these high IQ people are mighty pleased with themselves in this act of self gratification.

Please carry on. 😜😜
भई यह पूरे टाइम हताश रेहते है, इसलिए किसी सदकछाप की बात को बाधा चढ़ा कर कह रहे है की ये पूरे भारत की सोच है।
एक सड़कछाप ने कलम साहब की बारे में बकवास क्या कारदी, सारे पाकिस्तानी उसस बात पे अपना वक्त ज़ाया कर रहे है जैसे किसी बड़े आदमी ने कह दिया।
That is why I call it a depraved society. It is people like Yati and you who epitomize everything wrong.
Did anyone support his comments on Kalam? Why are you exaggerating him? We were supporting him earlier coz he was exposing the lies of leftist media and sickularists but no one is supporting him for his remarks. Did anyone know before what he was going to say about kalam?

By that logic you leftist guys support Ravish Kumar as a messiah but the day he starts praising Modi for his work, will you consider that you also support modi? No, right? Then how can you say the supporters of Yati support everything he says but the day he says Kalam was bad is what we will support also?

You leftists come with 0 logic just pre loaded, Hindutva, RSS, BJP, Democracy in danger, minority in danger and blah blah blah.
Don't you just love that Hindutva guys, they are doing to India what we were unable to do in last 70 years :-)
Just a random pujari said something and Pakistanis started celebrating as if it affects the charisma of Kalam sahab. Whatever junk he barks...

Kalam sahab’s book and kalam sahab’s portrait will be found in every home of India, every school of India and every college of India.

And stupids are the ones who think people support this moron for his remarks on kalam.

Seriously, one low IQ publicity hungry person has engaged high IQ pakistanis on this thread.
Don't you just love that Hindutva guys, they are doing to India what we were unable to do in last 70 years :-)

Yes, unable to get rid of Polio in 70 years:enjoy:.
Just curious if anyone from the BJP or the government condemned any of the statements uttered by the "moron". In fact, this guy has actually accused a former President of murder.
Is he a member of BJP that he is BJP’s responsibility?
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Qadeer Khan from Bhopal walked across the blazing hot Munabao, checkpost wearing pajamas, with a few rupees in his pocket, and carrying a tin box on his head like a coolie. We got him ! Thanks India .
Says the ones who kept him on house arrest for being loyal to Pakistan, thanks pakistan!
kalam became dhobi ka kuta after his death so sad
A random dude says something*

Le Pakistanis: OmG 😱, this shows this and that, this is real face of India, Kalam is now dhobi ka kuta because south delhi ki lavanya ne bol diya ki wo dhobi ka kuta hai.

kalam became dhobi ka kuta after his death so sad
A random dude says something*

Le Pakistanis: OmG 😱, this shows this and that, this is real face of India, Kalam is now dhobi ka kuta because south delhi ki lavanya ne bol diya ki wo dhobi ka kuta hai.
You attribute one random fool's thought to all Indians?
Should we consider Owaisi's speech where he claimed that he will kill all Hindus to be the thought of all Indian muslims then?

जनाब वो पाकिस्तानी है, बिना लॉजिक के बात करते है।
India is not the only country who abuse their Heros
Who abused their heroes? Did India call Kalam a traitor or some randome mandir ka pujari? But then you are 2₹ trolls so you love to exaggerate.
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A plurality of Hindus voted for Modi
A plurality of Pakistanis voted for Nawaz Sharif, now Imran is their hero. Does that mean you were stupid before and got IQ later? What logic is this that because we voted modi means we will tolerate any nonsense?
He did great for india and for indian people and people all over the world respect him. people in india shouldn't look at this garbage. bjp and rss is destroying india. i don't expect indian people to make fun of abdul kalam and his great personality.
Only a single random dude disrespect him, don’t attribute it to whole country.
Drum rolls please.
That's why I objected to recent comments by General Bajwa about India.

You cannot make friends with Snakes.
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