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BIG News: UAE is now giving Citizenship to Foreigners

To be honest, history is made by those who take the path into new ground. The leaders as opposed to the herd. This is not easy. Breaking the status quo is not easy. You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. Some sit in the same place, watching the world move on while scratching their testicles.

The fact is the best way forward to help the Palestinians is to make peace with Israel. By trading and pulling Israel into the greater Muslim world would help to resolve the issue and over the long term temper the Muslim radicalism that has eaten some Muslim countries from inside.

So I actually deeply respect UAE for having the 'balls' to make such a decision. In 50 years time this decision will be vindicated. I flog GCC/UAE not for it's decisions but use the opportunity to thrash the religious zombies in Pakistan who number in millions. I guess I am jealous that UAE and other GCC Arab countries are strong enough to make such decisions but Pakistan is too fragile, to weak, too divided and broken to make such decisions and is destined to suffer as a destitute, orphan begging on the roadside while suffering illusions of greatness.

My thrashing of GCC in fact is result of frustration at Pakistan not doing the right thing and UAE is the looking mirror that exposes this reality. So I end up breaking the mirror.

In fact I am convinced UAE will now begin to restrict or filter Pakistan migrants lest some of these end up inside UAE and blow up themselves near some Israeli hotel etc. And i really think UAE will over decades turn into a sophisticated city state similiar to Monte Carlo at peace with the modern world.

Again, took the words out of my mouth, but i cant just sit down and accept that. It doesn't settle well with me. I wish for the day that all Arab/Muslim majority countries become developed and sophisticated and industrial WHILE still being able to peacefully practice their religion and be at peace.
To be honest, history is made by those who take the path into new ground. The leaders as opposed to the herd. This is not easy. Breaking the status quo is not easy. You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. Some sit in the same place, watching the world move on while scratching their testicles.

The fact is the best way forward to help the Palestinians is to make peace with Israel. By trading and pulling Israel into the greater Muslim world would help to resolve the issue and over the long term temper the Muslim radicalism that has eaten some Muslim countries from inside.

So I actually deeply respect UAE for having the 'balls' to make such a decision. In 50 years time this decision will be vindicated. I flog GCC/UAE not for it's decisions but use the opportunity to thrash the religious zombies in Pakistan who number in millions. I guess I am jealous that UAE and other GCC Arab countries are strong enough to make such decisions but Pakistan is too fragile, to weak, too divided and broken to make such decisions and is destined to suffer as a destitute, orphan begging on the roadside while suffering illusions of greatness.

My thrashing of GCC in fact is result of frustration at Pakistan not doing the right thing and UAE is the looking mirror that exposes this reality. So I end up breaking the mirror.

In fact I am convinced UAE will now begin to restrict or filter Pakistan migrants lest some of these end up inside UAE and blow up themselves near some Israeli hotel etc. And i really think UAE will over decades turn into a sophisticated city state similiar to Monte Carlo at peace with the modern world.
Very interesting take, wringing hands and always in doubt... so the idea is that Pakistanis may lash out at what could be a prosperous bilateral Arab-Israeli undertaking. While the flip maybe truer, UAE as a staging ground for Pakistani diaspora engaged in various agendas against the state not to mention money laundering and other illegal activity.
A place where both anti-Pakistan states(India and Israel) can converge resources to recruit, indoctrinate individuals with easy access to Pakistan and multiple direct daily flights to all parts of the country. Is it really UAE that should be worried on the welfare/well-being of it's Israeli tourists? Is that the only place(state) where Pakistanis and Israelis have had any interaction? This is basically out of control cynicism and projection, reverse psychology, miss interpretation, lucid and fanciful imagination or just mere conjecture to assume all that you have postulated... though states using this territory due to convergence of interests, as an intelligence gathering and asset nurturing proposition cannot entirely be ruled out.
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I have not been on this website long enough still , but the month that i have been around and reading through all the abusive comments and trash talk, it made no sense to me. But reading your comment Indus, it has put everything into perspective.

How about i write down, as a young Emirati (37 years old) who holds a managerial position, who owns businesses and who has entered the real-estate market, what i want for myself and for my kids and grandchildren

1- My wife and I make sure we raise our children to accept everyone, all races and faiths and nations while also educating them as they grow of historical events
2- make sure they are close to Allah and the prophet and instill in them that its not dad or mum or the gov. that will run after you to pray, but its your own-self that will feel the need to pray and follow Islamic teachings WHILE RESPECTING everyone around you who is different and being self-aware of your actions and what you say to others
3- being competitive in a healthy manner , being educated and strive to always read and ask questions. Express themselves and be creative.
4-be proud human beings , Muslims , Arab , Emiratis WHILE being humble and kind and considerate to others. Not in your face nationalistic and obnoxious.

So is what i have just said so against what Pakistani parents believe in ? being a good human being, modern and achieving and keeping your religion close to heart
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I can't think of many Americans who would prefer UAE citizenship. UAE is still considered a backwards 'stoning women' type country, same as most of ME. Their PR in US is horrible especially after bonesaw man incident.
With relations improving with Israel things might change but definitely not overnight. Their big accomplishment (in recent history) is considered to be - "Women getting the right to drive"... I wonder if it's the same story in most of Europe.
No one gives a f about what americans think, I mean, Why would opinion of a nation that consider 32 genders be of any importance?
So the people, who were living there from decades... were partying in oil/gas?

I was speaking of the rulers BUT since you mention it yeah they were. Fancy technologically advanced cities do not spring up in a desert wasteland among people who have no advanced technology without huge amounts of wealth being provided by others. People who come for jobs cannot be paid salaries without wealth coming from someplace.
Very interesting take, wringing hands and always in doubt... so the idea is that Pakistanis may lash out at what could be a prosperous bilateral Arab-Israeli undertaking. While the flip maybe truer, UAE as a staging ground for Pakistani diaspora engaged in various agendas against the state not to mention money laundering and other illegal activity.
A place where both anti-Pakistan states(India and Israel) can converge resources to recruit, indoctrinate individuals with easy access to Pakistan and multiple direct daily flights to all parts of the country. Is it really UAE that should be worried on the welfare/well-being of it's Israeli tourists? Is that the only place(state) where Pakistanis and Israelis have had any interaction? This is basically out of control cynicism and projection, reverse psychology, miss interpretation, lucid and fanciful imagination or just mere conjecture to assume all that you have postulated... though states using this territory due to convergence of interests, as an intelligence gathering and asset nurturing proposition cannot entirely be ruled out.

I was about to touch on that subject. I have seen Pakistanis in Thailand conducting business with Jews in full attire. this was in 2004 and as an Emirati then it moved me. I was jealous that this Pakistani business man (tailor) was able to interact with these Jews normally and not awkwardly.

Having toxic views of others for such a long time is exhausting and it kills you. So i am happy the UAE is opening up to Israel and I AM VERY hopeful that this will be in the benefit of Palestinians one way or the others over time. Indus explained this marvelously in his previous post.

Also, back to the point you made , the 1.3 million Pakistanis living and working in the UAE, after a short while, know how good this land is , how good the people are, and honestly speaking, i find it very far-fetched that they would carry out any sort of attack on Israelis, let a lone on UAE soil. I cannot wrap my head around it because i have known Pakistanis from all walks of life and they do not fit this slot.
I was speaking of the rulers BUT since you mention it yeah they were. Fancy technologically advanced cities do not spring up in a desert wasteland among people who have no advanced technology without huge amounts of wealth being provided by others. People who come for jobs cannot be paid salaries without wealth coming from someplace.

The Rulers did a great job in this beautiful desert though in just 49 years , eh ? :P
I was about to touch on that subject. I have seen Pakistanis in Thailand conducting business with Jews in full attire. this was in 2004 and as an Emirati then it moved me. I was jealous that this Pakistani business man (tailor) was able to interact with these Jews normally and not awkwardly.

Having toxic views of others for such a long time is exhausting and it kills you. So i am happy the UAE is opening up to Israel and I AM VERY hopeful that this will be in the benefit of Palestinians one way or the others over time. Indus explained this marvelously in his previous post.

Also, back to the point you made , the 1.3 million Pakistanis living and working in the UAE, after a shot while, know how good this land is , how good the people are, and honestly speaking, i find it very far-fetched that they would carry out any sort of attach on Israelis, let a lone on UAE soil. I cannot wrap my head around it because i have known Pakistanis from all walks of life and they do not fit this slot.

The Rulers did a great job in this beautiful desert though in just 49 years , eh ? :P
Exactly my point! I have been to UAE many times myself. Besides, the underlying was the fact, shouldn't Indians be the first ones(in UAE) facing the wrath of uncouth, fanatical Pakistanis?
Besides, I personally differentiate between Jews and the state of Israel. I must do so to distinguish a systematic and organized criminal entity and an individual from his/her humanity and frailty.
That and much more I have stated elsewhere on different threads.
Hindus working for the benefit of Muslims????... I think not

. Jews... I can understand ... We follow the same religion and prophets.... But Hindutvaism = Nazism

jews and hindus are already working for the benefit of friendly muslim countries , we are jointly working against terrorists .
I must do so to distinguish a systematic and organized criminal entity and an individual from his/her humanity and frailty.
That and much more I have stated elsewhere on different threads.

This was my stance too before normalization of relations. However, after normalization, Jews living in Israel will start visiting the UAE and perhaps other Muslim countries soon. They will be positively affected and what better weapon than to have such an affect on Jews of Israel that they will eventually pressure their government to interact and change policies more in the favor of Palestinians ? i believe this will happen. Will take time , but it will happen.

Yes some Jews and settlers in Israel are the most vile, but many of them are just normal people who want to live peacefully. Prior to all this normalizing , they were too afraid of (surrounding Arab threat) and handed all the power over to their government to deal with Palestinians as they see fit. Now, 10-20 years from now when they don't have to be scared of Arabs and Muslims anymore , where do you think they will focus their attention ?

i might be wrong , might be right , might be somewhere in the middle, but i am hopeful.
would we be considered first grade citizens if we opt for it? i have some doubts on that

Emiratis have huge respect for the law of the country and the law doesn't allow this one bit. So if an idiot wants to be racist he or she will be put in their place ASAP.
Uae is on self destruction path from all angles.this specific rule is basically for indians. Slowly they will start integrating themselves in the system, just like they are doing with USA.
you know waz , we have a significant number of Syrians/Palestinians and Lebanese in the UAE and some of them have already received citizenship 20-30 years ago , for example , the Abu Eida Palestinian family are mostly all UAE nationals today. I believe there are more still and inshallah they do get citizenships too.

also, i am a normal joe yar :P the only power i have is telling my kids when to put their IPad down and when to sleep ;)

I do appreciate your enthusiasm and good heart for these peoples situations though , barak Allah feek

Yes that's right, but now we have millions looking for a home and the UAE should really seize on this moment.
Lol, it's ok man, movements start with normal people like yourself. You should do a petition of sorts and send it around, as opposed to what is being proposed.
Gain Syrians and Lebanese as citizens and the UAE will stay the United ARAB emirates. Outsiders are great, but it's important the demographic changes don't change the identify of a nation.
jews and hindus are already working for the benefit of friendly muslim countries , we are jointly working against terrorists .

BS. Indians are responsible for Terrorism and misinformation . Have you read this?

Jews are People of the Book. The Quran is over 80% about the Judaic prophets. Hinduism is an alien religion in comparison.
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