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Exactly. Biden's sudden reminder against Pakistani nukes didn't fall from the sky. It was scripted. One would argue that the Western world is currently occupied with a multitude of great challanges. Why would Pakistan figure in it? Well it clearly does. Biden has gone as far as claiming that Pakistan is the most dangerous country on the planet. You only claim such things when you seek trouble with the opposing side. The Americans are clearly looking for trouble with Pakistan. The American deep state is butt hurt about Pakistan's nuclear capability. Each passing day is difficult.

Obama used to say the same thing and I remember a quote from him that said the country that keeps him up at night was Pakistan blah blah

It seemed out of place but wasn’t as he was talking about Obama’s ability to handle Russia and then talks about Pakistan. Which then shows it’s the same policy as 2008-2017 again.

Why bring up India in a post that has little to do with it. The past 6 month should have shown every Pakistani we are in no position to talk about other countries problems

People on this forum call me Indian or Afghan 😂

America played a big part in making Pakistan what it is today. All dictators supported by America along with jihad. They are always behind sabotage of governments.

Someone should ask Biden who turned Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan into dangerous places?

The Americans deny this vehemently. Their only argument is that we deal with the person leading the nation LOL
The real power of the US over Pakistan is reflected by how an off the cuff and inconsequential campaign remark by the US President has triggered a minor meltdown within a broad section of Pakistan's population. The American population on the other hand do not know or care anything about this. This is the colonial power of the American Empire: The power to capture another country's collective consciousness without even knowing about it :tdown:

It is a joy to see you crumble like this. No more smiles and coffee mugs.
Do you think Pakistanis should vote Republican this midterm and 2024 to stick it to Biden?

Ethiopians had the same issue with Democrats when Biden sanctioned Ethiopia. They were pivotal in making Virginia have a Republican governor.

Yes. Since Bill Clinton in 1992 through the Harris-Pence debate, I was a blind Democrat follower. But now I realize they are the race-bait party, even more warmongers than the Republicans, use tactics like begging the Saudis to keep oil prices lower for the Midterm elections, use illegal 'migrants' to fortify their vote banks, forgive college student loans to win votes. Also, Republicans have been historically slightly better for Pakistan-US relations.
PS. Let's not derail the thread, please...
Who is this miss nobody trying to be relevant…???

She and her boss miryam are the reason why women should not be allowed in politics. They drag everything to the gutter, politics was never so dirty till Mariam bitch came on the scene with social media engineering of audio video leaks.
In any civilized country these two would be behind bars for slander… and attempted character assassination..
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Read between the lines folks, i think US Pakistan reset failed during recent Bajwa visit … The rhetoric has started again… it seems like that US demands were not met by Pakistan.. Imran most likely is coming back and rule of establishment is coming to an end
Read between the lines folks, i think US Pakistan reset failed during recent Bajwa visit … The rhetoric has started again… it seems like that US demands were not met by Pakistan.. Imran most likely is coming back and rule of establishment is coming to an end
I think US maybe not be happy with regime change.

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