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They say President is just a guest (for 4 years). Real politics takes place at the Hill (Capitol Hill).

Rest I don’t think Biden or anyone else at that level give 2 sh!ts about Pakistan at this moment. Whatever CIA briefer or his staff told him last about Pakistan must have came out.
Non sense. Pakistan is geostrategically important to them. The only way to central Asia from American perspective, a good case to annoy Iran also to check Russians.

They feared Imran Khan changes it hence over throwing him.
Sleep Joe is sleepy Joe :enjoy:

remind me why did USA attack Afghanistan ?

Tell us where Mr Zawahiri would have been living all these years before he got popped in Kabul
Any coincidence between the IMF loan and his killing ... :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

Washington’s haste stems from a gas pipeline project linking Turkmenistan with the Pakistani port of Gwadar via western Afghanistan. The head company of this project is the American firm UNOCAL, in partnership with a Saudi firm, Delta Oil. (The president of Turkmenistan chose their bid over that of the Argentinian corporation, Bridas.) The pipeline, which will cost $2 billion and will also serve as an oil pipeline, responds to two US priorities: first, an assured direct route for the fossil fuels of Central Asia and the Caspian, where US companies, Chevron among them, have invested massively; and second, to reinforce the isolation of Iran, which would be a natural candidate for the pipeline due to its proximity to the points of production and its existing infrastructure. [6]

UNOCAL and Delta Oil played a major role in “buying” the local military leaders, not to mention lobbying Washington and coordinating with Pakistan. UNOCAL’s American political adviser, Charles Santos, who was close to the Clinton administration, is now assistant to Mahmoud Mestiri, former UN special envoy for Afghanistan. UNOCAL’s support for the Taliban is barely disguised by its vice president, Chris Taggart, who described the Taliban advance as a “positive development.” Affirming that “events have tended to favor the project,” he recently envisaged recognition of the Taliban. [7]
They say President is just a guest (for 4 years). Real politics takes place at the Hill (Capitol Hill).

Rest I don’t think Biden or anyone else at that level give 2 sh!ts about Pakistan at this moment. Whatever CIA briefer or his staff told him last about Pakistan must have came out.

If you read the context, it just seems weirdly abrupt

Talking about Xi Jinping, Russia, then Pakistan??
Imran Khan warned months ago that these traitors in the Army are trying to surrender Pakistan’s nuclear weapons..
What ?

Spreading such a rumor from that PM soapbox is reason enough to be charged with treason, one would imagine.

Heh, little wonder then.. what an absolute moron handsome turned out to be.. tabhi iske sarey shaadi/nikah bhi fail ho gae.. tsk... smh

why are you lot so enamored of him ?


Washington’s haste stems from a gas pipeline project linking Turkmenistan with the Pakistani port of Gwadar via western Afghanistan. The head company of this project is the American firm UNOCAL, in partnership with a Saudi firm, Delta Oil. (The president of Turkmenistan chose their bid over that of the Argentinian corporation, Bridas.) The pipeline, which will cost $2 billion and will also serve as an oil pipeline, responds to two US priorities: first, an assured direct route for the fossil fuels of Central Asia and the Caspian, where US companies, Chevron among them, have invested massively; and second, to reinforce the isolation of Iran, which would be a natural candidate for the pipeline due to its proximity to the points of production and its existing infrastructure. [6]

UNOCAL and Delta Oil played a major role in “buying” the local military leaders, not to mention lobbying Washington and coordinating with Pakistan. UNOCAL’s American political adviser, Charles Santos, who was close to the Clinton administration, is now assistant to Mahmoud Mestiri, former UN special envoy for Afghanistan. UNOCAL’s support for the Taliban is barely disguised by its vice president, Chris Taggart, who described the Taliban advance as a “positive development.” Affirming that “events have tended to favor the project,” he recently envisaged recognition of the Taliban. [7]

In a ideal world that is a great investment. no one is stoop down to dealing with neandrathaals that will harbor terrorists. In case you have not noticed USA is awash in shale oil and natural gas. We won't speak of Canadian deposits of hydrocarbons
Paving the way for the resumption of drone bombs from america. Of course with the blessings of the Pakistani Army command who make $$_...

It interesting that Pakistani Army establishment is the only Army in the world or history for that matter of fact... That actually makes money from attacks from a foreign power on its own so-called nation... Lol. It's truely an awesome setup they have.... Of course the Pakistani civilians are the sacrificial lambs (i.e. slaves) and an great population reduction plan....

Well done Property Dealers.
. Amazing Imported Government NRO

Dil Dil Papa John lmfao.
Non sense. Pakistan is geostrategically important to them. The only way to central Asia from American perspective, a good case to annoy Iran also to check Russians.

They feared Imran Khan changes it hence over throwing him.
Ya sure, but it’s done deal. Bajwa and puppet govt running the show.
Pakistan's the only country in the history where it's biggest domestic stakeholders are against it's progression and actively working to harm it.

Pakistan's the only country where it can get handed everything to it by the British and continuously get its diaper changed by the West and still somehow mess up loool.

most countries that work rationally with USA have done well

Henry Kissinger said something else
Pakistan's the only country where it can get handed everything to it by the British and continuously get its diaper changed by the West and still somehow mess up loool.
dude look at Japan and S.Korea, they got so much out of American support, we are left with the fcking taliban and our once peaceful society now has organized sectarian terror.
dude look at Japan and S.Korea, they got so much out of American support, we are left with the fcking taliban and our once peaceful society now has organized sectarian terror.

All about priorities of those people as a nation.
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