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TTP was made due to civilian casualties, they are scum too.
bhai ya churan bechna bus karo,

Who was attacking Parachinar much before American invasion? Who was engaged in sectarian killings all over Pakistan much before the American invasion. This fitnah has always been there, it just changes names.
bhai ya churan bechna bus karo,

Who was attacking Parachinar much before American invasion? Who was engaged in sectarian killings all over Pakistan much before the American invasion. This fitnah has always been there, it just changes names.

Sectarian killings were done by LeJ and those guys. They aren't based in Pashtunkhwa.
Try putting yourself in his shoe. You are old man in the office who barely wipe his own ***. In your daily CIA morning brief, same country is coming up again and again, words like On the brink of bankruptcy, has Nuclear warheads, now TTP taking over swat, BLA killing Chinese, India/ Kashmir. Generals compromised. Our state dept clerk manage to topple their govt. Would you be worried.

US wants to build the narrative of an unstable Pakistan that can not be trusted with nuclear weapons, with the help of Bajra and Billo Rani..

This is so Pakistan can be khassied and have the bhartis be left alone to focus on the Chinese.

Americans are in severe debt to the Chinese.

Back in the day in Punjab, Banniyas would lend money at exorbitant interest rates to Sikhs. In fact it was lent with compound interest. The Sikhs would be trapped in debt and ultimatey go behead the banniyas.

This is effectively what the Americans want to do, but they want to use the gangu Ram’s as fodder.

US presidents are puppets. You think Biden made this statement regarding Pakistan on his own, or do you think he was directed...?

It’s obvious.
Seems like Uncle Sam is scheming , I wonder what plans he has for Pakistan with his imbedded assets, would be interesting to know?:-
"This is a guy who understands what he wants but has an enormous, enormous array of problems. How do we handle that? How do we handle that relative to what’s going on in Russia? And what I think is maybe one of the most dangerous nations in the world: Pakistan. Nuclear weapons without any cohesion.

So, folks, there’s a lot going on. A lot going on. But there’s also enormous opportunities for the United States to change the dynamic in the second quarter of the 21st century."
All that bending backward of wardi Wala bagarit, turned out to be of no value. Nobody was saying such a thing when Khan was there. He knew how to get respect.

Wardi wala was bending backwards for self interest. Your mistake was to assume he went on behalf of Pakistan.
His dementia is getting worse, he meant to say India but said Pakistan instead.
Truth is he had no idea what to say :lol:

but then a handler gave him a clue and he said Pakistan..

iska matlab, US deep state ka direct message that for Pak establishment, unko democracy mangta, military coups (hard or soft) bad.. they want Pak to set their house in order..

with a democratically elected pro USA guy :P
Paving the way for the resumption of drone bombs from america. Of course with the blessings of the Pakistani Army command who make $$_...

It interesting that Pakistani Army establishment is the only Army in the world or history for that matter of fact... That actually makes money from attacks from a foreign power on its own so-called nation... Lol. It's truely an awesome setup they have.... Of course the Pakistani civilians are the sacrificial lambs (i.e. slaves) and an great population reduction plan....

Well done Property Dealers.
. Amazing Imported Government NRO

Seriously USA is not interested in Pakistan as long as you do not shelter the likes of OBL and Ayman Zawahiri
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