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Biden offers $500K grant for English teachers in Pakistan that focus on transgender youth

nawaz the fat khusra will be taught lgbtq.

rafiki... you nailed it...

the end of the world is near when sodomon gomorah days are ever present now.

Is that why he is having his *** polished by the queen's assistance and then went to saudi's to have it inspected?
Cultural Fascism . If something is good in my culture, its good for the rest of the world. How dare they not like what i like.

Its not just LGBTQ they want to promote, the 100 sex genders will be next, so our PM will not be a she or he but maybe refered to as "they" or a bat or possibly a tree, you will be able to change it on your passport too as Gender Tree. Males can identity as females and play cricket in the women team.

Respect to Trump.
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Its not just LGBTQ they want to promote, the 100 sex genders will be next, so our PM will not be a she or he but maybe refered to as "they" or a bat or possibly a tree, you will be able to change it on your passport too as Gender Tree.
They tried to do the same here; our late president told them go feel free and go suck their own.

Kenyatta said the same thing to the EU and USA; now in Uganda same thing. Zero tolerance to this walk with a sway in men.

they are now up in arms... we dont care..

Problem in Pakistan, you have shit indian movies and others widely promoting this as well.
Cultural Fascism . If something is good in my culture, its good for the rest of the world. How dare they not like what i like.

It's not that they think it's good. Half of them are not even sure if it's good for their own country.

It's just another tool for them to create fifth-columnists and influence third world countries. Else, why would they not give grants for this bullshit to Saudi activists? Why is democracy not important in UAE and Qatar?
It's not that they think it's good. Half of them are not even sure if it's good for their own country.

It's just another tool for them to create fifth-columnists and influence third world countries. Else, why would they not give grants for this bullshit to Saudi activists? Why is democracy not important in UAE and Qatar?
correct... one sided of course.

Habibis' provide a lot of lubricants for their masters in western worlds. UAE and Qatar are just quasi western puppets imposed against the natural order of selection.
rafiki... you nailed it...

the end of the world is near when sodomon gomorah days are ever present now.

Is that why he is having his *** polished by the queen's assistance and then went to saudi's to have it inspected?
saudis will probe it hard.
When you want to corrupt a people


liberalism and liberalization of of our values and Islamic values

that's what they are after so we will be same as them

And that's what we have to protect

All these dipsticks, wanting to make Pakistan secular and liberal will lead us to this shit
It's just Trans people in Pakistan that will get the money, and the last I checked being Trans isn't illegal in Pakistan.
It's just Trans people in Pakistan that will get the money, and the last I checked being Trans isn't illegal in Pakistan.
How do you define Trans?
Is there a difference between what's understood as transgender in the west and the intersex/hijra?
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