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Biden offers $500K grant for English teachers in Pakistan that focus on transgender youth

How do you define Trans?
Is there a difference between what's understood as transgender in the west and the intersex/hijra?
Does it matter? Both are legal due to Pakistani definition of law.

As such, who cares? This does nothing more than help educate Pakistani citizens, as they'd still be learning in Pakistani institution.

How is that a bad thing to want to see your nation's citizens become educated?

This'll help them stop being a financial burden on society and help them get jobs.
So they won’t assist the economy or push for an election but will give money that will undermine the society healthy norms. There’s strings attached and for specific reasons. The U.S. govt is controlled by select rich elites. Jews and LGBT. This is why they’re pushing these agendas in strategic country like Pakistan. Help the fifth columnists and they shall assist you!
Does it matter? Both are legal due to Pakistani definition of law.
Would it matter if transgenderism was banned in Pakistan?

As such, who cares? This does nothing more than help educate Pakistani citizens, as they'd still be learning in Pakistani institution.

How is that a bad thing to want to see your nation's citizens become educated?

This'll help them stop being a financial burden on society and help them get jobs.
If the object is the uplift and education of Pakistani citizens, like you put it, why is the criterion for choosing the group gender identity rather than something like access to education?

Transgenderism is a liberal concept that's controversial even in the US. We can only guess how it would be received in a society in conservative society.
It’s outrageous that an imperialist pig is giving us lectures on transvestites when we have such a glorious history going back centuries. When Americans were still filling up churches we had tons of hijras walking around.

All the Muslim empires, including the Ottomans and Mughals had hijras to guard the harems. That’s where the present day hijra culture comes from.

Pakistani streets are full of transvestites. Last time I was in Lahore, in 2015, one nearly broke my car window because he wanted Rs. 100 instead of the Rs. 50 I gave him.
When can I identify as a VT4 main battle tank so I can get my hands on some ERA and guns.
Would it matter if transgenderism was banned in Pakistan?

If the object is the uplift and education of Pakistani citizens, like you put it, why is the criterion for choosing the group gender identity rather than something like access to education?

Transgenderism is a liberal concept that's controversial even in the US. We can only guess how it would be received in a society in conservative society.
Should it be banned? Since Pakistan is an Islamic Republic, what is the suggestion from the CII? What are the relevant rules in regards to Shariah?

It really isn't a western liberal concept, it's been around for multiple millennia. Transgender is just a modern term for a very old concept, kind of like how the concept of a carriage/chariot always existed but now we just call them cars.

For education, take it up with the US. They set the criteria and can do whatever they want with their money, and as far as I'm concerned it doesn't harm Pakistan in any way. I don't see any negative effects of this, so why be pissed off at a non-issue?
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How do you define Trans?
Is there a difference between what's understood as transgender in the west and the intersex/hijra?
It is a fine line; unfortunately there is such a hushed up subculture - what is the truth noone will know.

his fart can power whole pakistan power station.
I wonder if it can be used as a power source to boost fission bomb.
I don't have a problem with the topic being taught. I have a problem with equating English with education.

It would go a much longer way if we could produce education in our own languages. The Turks, Arabs, Iranians and just about everyone else have more self-self respect in this regard.

We clearly don't.
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I don't have a problem with the topic being taught. I have a problem with equating English with education.

If would go a much longer way if we could produce education in our own languages. The Turks, Arabs, Iranians and just about everyone else have more self-self respect in this regard.

We clearly don't.
The problem is that Pakistan being home to multiple fiercely independent cultures like the Baluchi, Sindhi and Pashtun, having a unified official language is very difficult to maintain.

If urdu or Punjabi is enforced as the government language, the people I mentioned would almost certainly protest.

English is pretty much the neutral language in Pakistan, as it really doesn't carry the same ethnic tension that other local languages carry.

India can impose hindi simply due to them connecting Hindi with India and Hindu-nationalism/pride. This has given them a lot more wiggle room and even then they have run into trouble completely enforcing it. Pakistan with its limited resources and its weak sense of cohesion based upon a united nation under a single flag stands very little chance of changing the official government language from English to literally any other local language.
Yet, in 76 years, you warrior afghans still couldn't manage to get your freedom and your land from a people who never won a war, not even one for their freedom, are docile, had everything handed in a plate to them and can't be expected to do anything, given that kind of history.

Not very flattering at all, is it?

@Areesh , did I miss anything from Pakistan's long list of embarrassing history?

Nope that is pretty much it. That's all from @Mirzali Khan written in Kabul history of Pakistan

Why be pissed off at a non-issue?

Because Pakistanis believe this money would be used for promoting homosexuality in Pakistan

They doubt intentions of US government in giving this money

Simplified it for you
the skeleton in house blanco is targeting the minutely meniscal minority elite in Pakistan which is also english medium educated, with this programming so they will run Pakistan and make it a lgbtq+ home.

anyone still have doubts about the yanks and their animosity against Pakistan?
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