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Biden offers $500K grant for English teachers in Pakistan that focus on transgender youth

Nope that is pretty much it. That's all from @Mirzali Khan written in Kabul history of Pakistan

Because Pakistanis believe this money would be used for promoting homosexuality in Pakistan

They doubt intentions of US government in giving this money

Simplified it for you
It really is a foolish belief.

Transgenderism isn't the same as homosexuality, and they're not paying for gay students, they're only paying for Trans students, not the entire lgbtq+ community because they know that'd piss a lot of people off if they did.
Nope that is pretty much it. That's all from @Mirzali Khan written in Kabul history of Pakistan

Who cares about history?

There’s people in Pakistan who openly insult the Prophet (SAW) and they are getting off scotch free. It’s actually disgusting.

Even the news about that fake grave rape image got traction because Pakistanis themselves amplified it. Yet 0 arrests.

But Pakistan is out here arresting PTI kids.

Should it be banned? Since Pakistan is an Islamic Republic, what is the suggestion from the CII? What are the relevant rules in regards to Shariah?

It really isn't a western liberal concept, it's been around for multiple millennia. Transgender is just a modern term for a very old concept, kind of like how the concept of a carriage/chariot always existed but now we just call them cars.

For education, take it up with the US. They set the criteria and can do whatever they want with their money, and as far as I'm concerned it doesn't harm Pakistan in any way. I don't see any negative effects of this, so why be pissed off at a non-issue?

Oh please don’t tell me you believe in transphobia and you support mini Dylan Mulvaneys in Pakistan 😂
How do you define Trans?
Is there a difference between what's understood as transgender in the west and the intersex/hijra?
Hijra's are born with both male/female Genital, but Transgenderism in West/USA is that there are mentally ill people who are born perfectly fine, male/female but later on due to life trauma's or fame or some mental sickness they start believing that they are trap in wrong body hence they do things like hormone blockers or bottom surgery (chop of Pen!s), or females take testosterones, have surgeries to remove their b--bs etc, Hijra's/Intersex who are born different are completely different than Trans, Those Hijra's they did not choose how they are born with both Genitalia, that part of our society needed help for sure, we need to educate them, give them jobs so they don't become beggars or victims of sexual harassment but hence America is sending money trust me that money won't be for Hijra's, that money will be for LGBTQ supporters and mera jism meri merzi types.
It is there to piss you off, so when cia "conservative" Republicans take away the LGBTQ agenda, you embrace cia Washington as your friends because you are so sick and tired of LGBTQ. You forget about the WoT. You forget about the Palestinians. Iraqis. Syrians. You forget about that because you don't want the LGBTQ.

You never heard of "good cop", "bad cop".

The "bad cop" is the LGBTQ Democrats pushing drag queens and trans in your face to traditionalists. The cia is there to "rescue" you. Trump and conservative pro-Anglo 'dominance' Republicans are there to "rescue" you from the LGBTQ Democrats.

When you know it is for show, for agenda. Simply reject it. It is easier to reject, when the plot is exposed.

The secondary agenda is to destroy traditionalism. Real Traditionalism is the enemy of the cia.
The problem is that Pakistan being home to multiple fiercely independent cultures like the Baluchi, Sindhi and Pashtun, having a unified official language is very difficult to maintain.

If urdu or Punjabi is enforced as the government language, the people I mentioned would almost certainly protest.

English is pretty much the neutral language in Pakistan, as it really doesn't carry the same ethnic tension that other local languages carry.

India can impose hindi simply due to them connecting Hindi with India and Hindu-nationalism/pride. This has given them a lot more wiggle room and even then they have run into trouble completely enforcing it. Pakistan with its limited resources and its weak sense of cohesion based upon a united nation under a single flag stands very little chance of changing the official government language from English to literally any other local language.

I don't have a problem with education being taught in provincial/ethnic languages. I never supported Lashkari as an imposing language to deprive the masses of their native languages.

I only endorse it as a second language or a third language for intercommunication. I would choose this language because it's the perfect non-ethnic language to use.

Some ignorant people see it as a symbol of "Muhajir imperialism" but the truth is the Muhajirs are not an ethnicity.

They are multi-ethnic, multi-lingual groups of people. And those that speak Lashkari as a first language adopted it from the incoming Ghaznavanids from the Punjab, whom already left a variety of the language there where it succumbed to other Punjabi dialects.

Meanwhile the North Indian variety continued to develop under proceeding Ghori, Mughal and British rule.
Sorry but what is wrong with being a trans?

I can understand homo, bi sexual being a NO, but trans?

I believe there has been a bill to protect the rights of transgender community.

Some of you guys really need to think before commenting.
Hopefully there will be a transparent mechanism for how this grant works out.

Otherwise its just gonna end up in PTI, PPP pockets
Pakistan will be the first nation to have a transgender prime minister.

Your humiliation continues as you are way too docile.

Does this mean that COAS, CNS and ACM will participate and dance in LGBT parades just like in Australia?? :lol:

Defence proud to march in Mardi Gras parade​

Who cares about history?

There’s people in Pakistan who openly insult the Prophet (SAW) and they are getting off scotch free. It’s actually disgusting.

Even the news about that fake grave rape image got traction because Pakistanis themselves amplified it. Yet 0 arrests.

But Pakistan is out here arresting PTI kids.

Pakistan is sick nowadays. Lets pray that it recuperates from its illness

Having said that your version of history is still garbage

It really is a foolish belief.

Transgenderism isn't the same as homosexuality, and they're not paying for gay students, they're only paying for Trans students, not the entire lgbtq+ community because they know that'd piss a lot of people off if they did.

Nope we Pakistanis don't believe that this money is for welfare of trans or hijras or khusras as it is commonly said in Pakistan

People strongly belief and they are justified in that belief, that this money would be spent on promoting homosexuality in Pakistan and thus the anger towards it
Pakistan is sick nowadays. Lets pray that it recuperates from its illness
@Mirzali Khan , this is what makes all the difference. You are cheerleading and leaving love emojis on posts calling for the destruction and balkanization of Pakistan, whereas we are praying it gets better.
You should remove the "Imran Khan Zindabad" from your signature and keep the "Pashtunkhwa Zindabad." only. Because I hate to break it to you bud, but Imran khan isn't running for prime minister of Pashtunkhwa. He is running for the Prime minister of Pakistan and he has no other plans. Better chant some no-name ethnic politicians name in your signature.

Having said that your version of history is still garbage
:lol: That unexpected chappair.

Who cares about history?
This guy 👇

Pakistan never won a war, never had a war of independence, and got everything handed down to it on a silver platter by the British. Can’t expect anything from a country with that kind of history!
Gays and lesbians I can still understand, but this transgender stuff is fake.
Never met one transgender person in my life, despite having worked in the medical field for a decade.
Now, if you advertise it,a small percentage of the population will pick it up just to appear different.
Gays and lesbians I can still understand, but this transgender stuff is fake.
Never met one transgender person in my life, despite having worked in the medical field for a decade.
Now, if you advertise it,a small percentage of the population will pick it up just to appear different.
mental illness
Sorry but what is wrong with being a trans?

I can understand homo, bi sexual being a NO, but trans?

I believe there has been a bill to protect the rights of transgender community.

Some of you guys really need to think before commenting.
Trans is not biological defect, i.e. hijra/khusra. That is intersex/hermaphrodite

Trans is when a fully functional cisgender (male or female) person feels like the other gender and starts dressing like them (transvestitism, major sin in Islam ) and gets surgery to change their biological sex/reproductive organs (changing the body is also a major sin in islam, that's why simple getting a tattoo is not allowed, let alone changing your sex)

Sorry but, how would you feel if your brother/son up and started feeling like a women one day and started hanging out with other males for sexual relations?
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