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BGB on alert on Myanmar border

I am curious. I know I am in a Bangladeshi military forum so there will no doubt be a few armchair generals out there but why do you think Bangladesh is in a position to threaten Myanmar?
I am curious. I know I am in a Bangladeshi military forum so there will no doubt be a few armchair generals out there but why do you think Bangladesh is in a position to threaten Myanmar?

They are a delusional bunch around here. They also think that they can attack India and annex the north eastern states:lol:. If I were you I won't pay much attention to their "non existent sabre" rattling.
Yeah, I kind of expected the rampant Bengali nationalism but I am surprised by some of the more measured responses given here aswell.
I am curious. I know I am in a Bangladeshi military forum so there will no doubt be a few armchair generals out there but why do you think Bangladesh is in a position to threaten Myanmar?

Bangladesh did not threat Myanmar but if needed it will take appropriate measure to straighten things up.
I just found this from an NGO article from 1999: Rohingya Refugees from Myanmar: A Threat to Bangladesh? by Peter Van Wonterghem

1.? The figures?

In 1978 some 2,00,000 Rohingya refugees arrived south of Cox’s Bazar; again in 1991 approximately 2,50,000 fled egregious human rights violations.? Of the first wave around 11,000 died.? Of the second wave some 7,500 succumbed and more than 27,000 babies were born in the camps.? The first wave was repatriated within two years and of the second wave some 2,30,000 have already been repatriated. Thousands have fled again to Bangladesh .? To avoid repatriation more than 20,000 refugees have disappeared from the camps in which now 20,000 remain.

In 1996 the then State Law and Order Council estimated the total Arakanese Muslim population at some 7,00,000 while other sources double the figure.? The number of armed Rohingya insurgents is estimated at maximum 1,000 (compare to e.g. 20,000 of the Shan State Army).? There are about one million Rohingyas residing outside Myanmar and Bangladesh .?

2.? Who supports the Rohingyas??

The camp refugees get support from UNHCR and western and Islamic NGOs (e.g. M?decins sans Fronti?res and International Islamic Relief Committee).? Those remaining consist mainly of single members of families and sympathizers of the Mujahiddeen groups RSO (Rohingya Solidarity Organisation) and ARIF (Arakan Rohingya Islamic Front) which infiltrated the camps.? Some parties (e.g. Jamaat-e-Islami) supported the refugees against the government and to reinforce their Islamic following.

The Arakan resistance receives assistance from Bangladeshi and foreign Islamic groups (e.g. Rabita al-Alam al-Islami from Saudi Arabia and Hizbe-Islami from Afghanistan ).? “Talibans” attempting to launch a Harkat-ul-Mujahiddeen movement have been arrested and arms/explosives impounded.?? Rohingyas settled in Bangladesh as tradesmen and those who moved on to third countries as labourers (mainly the Gulf and Malaysia ) or to seek asylum, give financial support.

3.? The refugees: a threat or threatened??

The refugees refused to go back voluntarily: in Arakan their rights continue to be violated.? The Bangladeshi severely harassed them to make them “volunteer” for repatriation while some willing to repatriate were reportedly killed by Rohingya militants.? The refugees are poorer than the locals who resented the aid and violently attacked refugees and aid agencies.? The tension in the camps increased: the residual caseload poses problems as some refuse to repatriate and some have not yet been cleared by Myanmar .? In 1992 and 1997 demonstrations against forced repatriation resulted in several deaths by the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR).? In July 1997 extremists with smuggled arms forced out the camp authorities and hijacked the camp population.? In March 1998 a fire gutted two thirds of Kutupalong camp and the BDR stormed it.? In October Nyapara was recaptured by the police after a violent feud between two refugee groups.?
I am curious. I know I am in a Bangladeshi military forum so there will no doubt be a few armchair generals out there but why do you think Bangladesh is in a position to threaten Myanmar?

Because you are creating an unnecessary refugee problem in our Southern border, and it has been a resource drain for Bangladesh to take care of Myanmar citizens.

We have twice your gdp and almost 3 times your population. To raise a big army in no time will be a piece of cake in a country full of young unemployed people, looking for something to do.

And that is what we do in web forums, arm chair generals playing with imaginary war scenarios.
They are a delusional bunch around here. They also think that they can attack India and annex the north eastern states:lol:. If I were you I won't pay much attention to their "non existent sabre" rattling.

Its you India who invented that Bangladesh is going to take over NE.
What autonomy you are talking about? You dont even recognize them as citizen. Did you already make that a law that the Rohingyas will be given citizenship after they accept assimilation (I dont know what the fck is that).

Rohingyas are not treated like any citizen in the Bangladesh (3rd class or 1st class). They are treated as refugee.

Bangladesh can easily take care of Burma and you know what we will have unlimited supplies. Just dont try that path.. And the bigh countries you just mentioned made me laugh..

Well its a Kalu-Mia idea of ASEAN+ thing in PDF. No BD will not be a part of ASEAN and there will not be a visa free Burmese citizen in Bangladesh in the years to come.

Well, its our current position that no Rohingiyas will be allowed to be forced in Bangladesh anymore. Now, your army and law enforcement should take these word of our Government as serious. You can take that as threat.

Good post. But iajdani is originally from India and he wants Bangladesh to be a part of Indian SAARC or BIMSTEC union, which no Bangladeshi want. Bangladesh is interested in ASEAN instead, details here:
Because you are creating an unnecessary refugee problem in our Southern border, and it has been a resource drain for Bangladesh to take care of Myanmar citizens.

We have twice your gdp and almost 3 times your population. To raise a big army in no time will be a piece of cake in a country full of young unemployed people, looking for something to do.

And that is what we do in web forums, arm chair generals playing with imaginary war scenarios.

They are not Myanmar citizens. That is the problem. They are stateless citizens of Bengali origin. You are a bunch of armchair generals who think that a war with Burma is preferable to accepting 1 million Bengali speaking Muslims into your country. That just doesn't make sense to me.

I've tried not to make a nationalistic comment as I hate the military more than anyone, but if you're going to start making threats towards the Burmese, I should remind you that only two civilisations have bested the Burmese: the Mongols and the British. I don't think Bangladesh is going to be third on that list somehow.
They are not Myanmar citizens. That is the problem. They are stateless citizens of Bengali origin. You are a bunch of armchair generals who think that a war with Burma is preferable to accepting 1 million Bengali speaking Muslims into your country. That just doesn't make sense to me.

They are 2 million and they have a state which is Arakan/Rakhine, now a part of Myanmar. Myanmar people are trying to make this minority stateless and pushed many of them to Bangladesh. If we had a better govt., we would have a war long time ago, since you have already created Casus Belli.
Its you India who invented that Bangladesh is going to take over NE.

Few Pages ago Kobiraz dreaming about conquering Assam. It seems if Bangladeshi illegally migrate to United States in large number they will start considering United States as a part of Bangladesh.
They are not Myanmar citizens. That is the problem. They are stateless citizens of Bengali origin. You are a bunch of armchair generals who think that a war with Burma is preferable to accepting 1 million Bengali speaking Muslims into your country. That just doesn't make sense to me.

I've tried not to make a nationalistic comment as I hate the military more than anyone, but if you're going to start making threats towards the Burmese, I should remind you that only two civilisations have bested the Burmese: the Mongols and the British. I don't think Bangladesh is going to be third on that list somehow.

Well if you did not know we already have detailed map of burmese geography still with our army as they are the one took over Burma on behalf of Brits. Also in WW2, Bengal regiments were all over Burma. Besides we have no intention or interest in Burma and beyond Akyub its a no game for us. You should sort your things up and dont drag us into your own internal problem. Thats all we ask.

Bangladesh Should Handover CHT to Myanmar. Then the Rohingya Muslims can Stay in Myanmar.

You are a certified troll.. we know that and you dont have to prove that with your posting again and again.
Well if you did not know we already have detailed map of burmese geography still with our army as they are the one took over Burma on behalf of Brits. Also in WW2, Bengal regiments were all over Burma. Besides we have no intention or interest in Burma and beyond Akyub its a no game for us. You should sort your things up and dont drag us into your own internal problem. Thats all we ask.
What are you going to do with detailed map of WW2 burmah. Bengal regiment of british Indian army is not same as bangladesh army, you know bd army will not gain anything once it enters burma.
Well if you did not know we already have detailed map of burmese geography still with our army as they are the one took over Burma on behalf of Brits. Also in WW2, Bengal regiments were all over Burma. Besides we have no intention or interest in Burma and beyond Akyub its a no game for us. You should sort your things up and dont drag us into your own internal problem. Thats all we ask.

Wait, are you proud that Bengalis fought for the British Empire against the Burmese? Do you take pride in being dogs of the British army? That's an interesting source of pride. Especially since the Madras Rifles did the bulk of the fighting of all the 'native infantries'. But alas, those days are gone. Along with our interest in your country. But don't start making these comical threats as they are rather insulting.
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