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BGB on alert on Myanmar border

...I'm just illustrating this fact please no trollings... During our war of independent/ oppression of pak army India did help us. By giving shelter to the refugees and supplying arms to the freedom fighters and at last by direct intervention. Why don't we just do the same? We must pressurize the Burmese side by international authorities, If not the least we must intervene militarily. I know Burma is ahead of head to head count but BD Armed forces are far more professional and Well trained. I know this may sounds Crazy but its BD who will suffer. These refugees are creating enormous problem in Chittagong. We can't afford some extra refugees too....
like We want Jerusalem for our Palestinian brothers ..
We want Arakan for our Rohingya brothers....

So the Rohingya are your brothers now?

Arakan, like the name implies, is the land of the Arakanese. If the Rohingyas wish to settle permanently in Arakan, they must forget about their pipe dream of an autonomous state and look to integrate with the Arakanese. I don't mean stopping the practice of islam, but they should learn the Burmese language and accept that they are part of Myanmar.

As I said before, no one, not the Arakanese, not the Burmese army, not the Burmese democratic parties, not the international community, will support an independent Rohingya islamic republic in Myanmar. If they want to start an armed insurrection then they will be crushed, pure and simple, and be sent to Bangladesh at gun-point. Not only that but even the likes of Aung San Suu Kyi will give their tacit support of this. Now I don't think anyone wants this to happen so I would be very mindful of wanting "Arakan for our Rohingya brothers".
alaungphaya, rohinya are not bengalis even though they might have some similarities with us.

Same things can be said for our immediate ethnic nieghbours in india( assamese, tripuri etc.) We have very similar genetic makeup, languages, we use the same script for our alphabets,our majority of our populationseither practices hinduism or islam, but we are of different races.

As far as i am concerened, rohingyas are burmese nationals. It is up to your country to bring peace among the different ethnic groups. Anyway i do not have enough knowledge on why they do not want to assimilate with the burmese society and you have the right to get angry at them for not assimilating. But you do not have the right to push them away from their homeland
Your post does deserve a thoughtful answer. Also you agreed that your thoughts are biased. But I will try not to be biased. And ignore those Bharati trolls.

As for my, somewhat biased, Burmese view on all this,
I first want to say that I have total and utmost sympathy for the stateless Rohingya people.

I did not see any sympathy in your subsequent post. Why does Rohiyngia needs your sympathy in the first place. Is it because, they are not recognized as the citizen of Burma and your govt does not give them the right of citizenship?
All peoples, irrespective of race and religion, deserve to have a place to live in peace and prosperity. However, to place the blame at the feet of the Burmese is a little unfair. I do believe that previous Burmese governments have been unjust towards these people but it has to be remembered that they are not seeking integration into Burmese society (which I think is the best solution) but rather seek discord and an autonomous Islamic republic within Myanmar.

First you deny their right as citizen and advocating them to ship abroad and you are blaming them not integrating with the society? What is your definition of integration? Cant they keep their own culture and the way of living only because some Tom Dick and Chenny did not like the ways?

It is your govt responsibility to integrate them with the mainstream society. Once a group has economic, educational and employment opportunity they will integrate by themselves for the better cause. Does your burmese society offered such benefits to those backward people? Do they have enough opportunity in the mainstream society or discriminated left and right?

This has been done in the past through armed conflict and 'jihad' which, to an extent, has been supported by hardline Bangladeshi islamists. There is absolutely no condition in which the Burmese will allow a separate, autonomous, islamic Rohingya state to exist within Burmese borders and that is not just a government line but a consensus amongst Burmese.

Bangladesh was very soft on Burmese cause. If BD supported armed rebel it would had been a living nightmare for Burmese by now. BD virtually disarmed those rebels and had to do with its own risk and taking own security on stake. I again repeat, it will be a living hell for Burmese even if Bangladesh decide otherwise.

What baffles me somewhat in these forums is the call for 'Arakani muslims' to rise up. As a quarter Arakanese myself, the Arakanese themselves are the most hostile towards the Rohingyas; moreso than the Burmese. What also baffles me is that Bangladesh, an islamic, Bengali nation, is completely against allowing the Rohingya to settle in Bangladesh. Rohingya and Bangladeshis have far more cultural and religious ties with each other than with the Burmese, so I don't understand why, in the interests of muslim brotherhood, Bangladeshis are so opposed to letting 1 million Bengali-like muslims to settle in a nation of 160 million Bengali muslims.

Well if I am not mistaken Arakanese are known as Rakhanie and we housed a plenty of them in our soil who were persecuted in the past. Even Rakhaine in BD wants a free Arakan. We are not supporting any group in Arakan as we take both Rakhanie and Rohingiyas have cultural ties with Bangladesh. It is the problem with Burmese government who failed miserably to subdue and communal tension in Arakan.

enced rule that there isn't a bigger problem with islamists in the country. The military government in the past, somewhat counter-intuitively, has protected the rights of muslims to build mosques etc. within Myanmar going against popular opinion. I think this has been becasue they oppose any form of social unreast which could destabalise their rule. So this situation transcends politics into the uglier realm of race and religion.

So the popular opinion is not to allow any mosque in Myanamr???

Anyway, I really hope this issue is resolved peacefully and judiciously but I also hope that Bangladesh becomes more constructive in its approach to the Rohingyas. It's very hypocritical for Bangladeshis to call for 'jihad' on one hand then claim on the other that these people are foreign citizens (technically untrue) and has nothing to do with Bangladesh. I also hope that Rohingyas stop to seek an autonomous islamic republic as that is simply unacceptable and no-one, including the international community, will support this. One last point I like to make is that there are many muslim Burmese citizens who live as integrated members of the Burmese community. They speak Burmese and swear allegiance to the country while practicing their faith and maintaining their values. There is no reason why Rohingyas cannot also do this and few Burmese would oppose them doing so.

Ofcourse Rohingiyas have many thing to do with Bangladesh as they belong to Indic race and has linguistic and cultural ties with Bangladesh. That does not mean they are BD citizen. We have Bengalis living in India, Pakistan and all over the places and have their own country. Before partition the whole area was under british jurisdiction and people moved around. Bengalis and Arakanese lived side by side under independent Arakan for centuries without any communal problem. At the time of partition in 1947, the people within the political boundary or border became the citizen of the respective country. Bangladesh in no way obligated to receive any people from Burma after 1947/1948. Rohingyas should be recognized as the citizen of Burma and be given equal rights. If the problem persists too long, then Burma will have no choice but have to relinquish its control of norther Arakan in the future.
@avishek bro, look at his post...he wants Bangladesh to absorb their citizens....... Mane oder prob amader gharey chapay ditey chay! These people are historically wicked.... They promised Shah Suja safe passage to mecca, but upon arrival the arakan king raped Suja's daughter and tried to take his golds.... What can we expect from them?? Now i thing those savages will only understand bullet as language....
alaungphaya, rohinya are not bengalis even though they might have some similarities with us.

Same things can be said for our immediate ethnic nieghbours in india( assamese, tripuri etc.) We have very similar genetic makeup, languages, we use the same script for our alphabets,our majority of our populationseither practices hinduism or islam, but we are of different races.

As far as i am concerened, rohingyas are burmese nationals. It is up to your country to bring peace among the different ethnic groups. Anyway i do not have enough knowledge on why they do not want to assimilate with the burmese society and you have the right to get angry at them for not assimilating. But you do not have the right to push them away from their homeland

The key point is that as far as the Arakanese and the Burmese are concerned, their 'homeland' is Bangladesh. Now I don't necessarily agree with this but I don't believe that Bengalis and Rohingyas are different 'races'. I don't understand why Bengladeshis are so wilfully reluctant to accept these people as they are being persecuted, not just by the military government, but by the peoples of Arakan and Myanmar. Even the likes of Aung San Suu Kyi are distancing themselves from the issue as they don't want to admit that Rohingyas don't belong in Myanmar yet are trying to appease the international community by showing tolerance. If this issue is to be solved, Bangladesh must play a role in it as the people who will suffer are the Rohingyas; muslims who speak a Bengali dialect. If Bangladesh continues to solely consider this a Burmese matter, it will lead to more misery for the Rohingyas and voluntary refugees coming into BD. We should solve this issue bi-laterally.
The key point is that as far as the Arakanese and the Burmese are concerned, their 'homeland' is Bangladesh. Now I don't necessarily agree with this but I don't believe that Bengalis and Rohingyas are different 'races'. I don't understand why Bengladeshis are so wilfully reluctant to accept these people as they are being persecuted, not just by the military government, but by the peoples of Arakan and Myanmar. Even the likes of Aung San Suu Kyi are distancing themselves from the issue as they don't want to admit that Rohingyas don't belong in Myanmar yet are trying to appease the international community by showing tolerance. If this issue is to be solved, Bangladesh must play a role in it as the people who will suffer are the Rohingyas; muslims who speak a Bengali dialect. If Bangladesh continues to solely consider this a Burmese matter, it will lead to more misery for the Rohingyas and voluntary refugees coming into BD. We should solve this issue bi-laterally.

You are advocating a very dangerous thing for Burma by dragging Bangladesh in it. You should consider that as your internal problem. If you make that an international issue then you are one way of saying that you dont know how to rule your country. The obvious outcome for Burma will be disintegration. And if Bangladesh has to play a role in it then it will have no choice but to support Rohingiyas to have their own self determination in their own land. Thats how the whole world work.
The key point is that as far as the Arakanese and the Burmese are concerned, their 'homeland' is Bangladesh. Now I don't necessarily agree with this but I don't believe that Bengalis and Rohingyas are different 'races'. I don't understand why Bengladeshis are so wilfully reluctant to accept these people as they are being persecuted, not just by the military government, but by the peoples of Arakan and Myanmar. Even the likes of Aung San Suu Kyi are distancing themselves from the issue as they don't want to admit that Rohingyas don't belong in Myanmar yet are trying to appease the international community by showing tolerance. If this issue is to be solved, Bangladesh must play a role in it as the people who will suffer are the Rohingyas; muslims who speak a Bengali dialect. If Bangladesh continues to solely consider this a Burmese matter, it will lead to more misery for the Rohingyas and voluntary refugees coming into BD. We should solve this issue bi-laterally.

Our countries do not live in the middle ages no more, our countries are defined as political entities rather than ethnic/racial entities. Now in bangladesh there are a lot of people that originated from rakhine, i.e marma,mro, chakma etc. We had confilcts with each other in the past, but we did not try to push them into burma to solve the problem. As far as bangladeshis are concerned they are our countrymen and none of us want to send them back to burma cos its their homeland.

What similarity does a rohingya have with bengali apart from religion and skin colour??

I want to ask you why are so willfully presecuting these people?

This is solely a burmese matter, if you give them equal rights i am sure they will have a equal footing in the burmese society.

@avishek bro, look at his post...he wants Bangladesh to absorb their citizens....... Mane oder prob amader gharey chapay ditey chay! These people are historically wicked.... They promised Shah Suja safe passage to mecca, but upon arrival the arakan king raped Suja's daughter and tried to take his golds.... What can we expect from them?? Now i thing those savages will only understand bullet as language....

Well i am not surprised, this kind of political ball playing will take place when there is a change in political power. Blaming a foreign country is the best way to deal with the situation as well as gain support from nationalistic sentiments.

Look at india bangladesh political secnario for example, a lot of blaming on one another takes place in order to maintain or win support.
Rohingya and Bangladeshis have far more cultural and religious ties with each other than with the Burmese, so I don't understand why, in the interests of muslim brotherhood, Bangladeshis are so opposed to letting 1 million Bengali-like muslims to settle in a nation of 160 million Bengali muslims.

So this law was applied deliberately by Burmese psycho junta to run steamroller on Rohingya so they settle in a land where there are culturally akin people? Now I don't understand why Burmese govt. doesn't recognize Arakan as an independent nation whose people don't belong to Burma...huh?

Another thing to point out is that it is partially because of military influenced rule that there isn't a bigger problem with islamists in the country. The military government in the past, somewhat counter-intuitively, has protected the rights of muslims to build mosques etc. within Myanmar going against popular opinion. I think this has been becasue they oppose any form of social unreast which could destabalise their rule. So this situation transcends politics into the uglier realm of race and religion.

Liar, liar...your military govt. was never just towards Muslim or any ray that might enlighten your nation. Aung San Suu Kyi had to rot her life being detained as house arrest for almost 25 years under this stupid junta, within this 25 years if you were under her rule, you'd have seen the light of the world. By the way, do you know who Suu Kyi is or you pass your time by licking junta feet?

Anyway, I really hope this issue is resolved peacefully and judiciously but I also hope that Bangladesh becomes more constructive in its approach to the Rohingyas.

Yeah...you are going to be the next Nobel Peace Prize winner with your Peace (sh$t) dialog, trust me, just prepare and pass your speech to Nobel Peace Committee. Oh...sorry you Burmese people don't know where that is being divorced from whole the world, just pass it to us, we can forward on your behalf.

It's very hypocritical for Bangladeshis to call for 'jihad' on one hand then claim on the other that these people are foreign citizens (technically untrue) and has nothing to do with Bangladesh.

It's very genuine right for a country who has been housing numerous oppressed refugees for more than 2 decades to support a separatist movement of this oppressed people to grab their born right. To my knowledge from Bangladesh there is no such movement being supported by any group, you better ask your junta's current ally (master) whose PM just visited you few days ago..who run your Karren insurgency group.
I did not see any sympathy in your subsequent post. Why does Rohiyngia needs your sympathy in the first place. Is it because, they are not recognized as the citizen of Burma and your govt does not give them the right of citizenship?

First you deny their right as citizen and advocating them to ship abroad and you are blaming them not integrating with the society? What is your definition of integration? Cant they keep their own culture and the way of living only because some Tom Dick and Chenny did not like the ways?

Firstly, I agree that previous Burmese military governments have been harsh on the Rohingyas. However, integration for me means first and foremost the learning of the Burmese language and abandoning the notion of an autonomous republic. AFAIK, the Burmese authorities have failed these people somewhat in the first instance as they have been reluctant to accept Rohingyas into Burmese schools. However, Rohingyas for their part have been reluctant also to enrol their children in Burmese schools. Furthermore, Rohingyas seek autonomy. This will not happen.

It is your govt responsibility to integrate them with the mainstream society. Once a group has economic, educational and employment opportunity they will integrate by themselves for the better cause. Does your burmese society offered such benefits to those backward people? Do they have enough opportunity in the mainstream society or discriminated left and right?

Myanmar is multi-cultural society. There are bound to be frictions but we have accommodated Buddhists, Hindus, Christians and Muslims from all corners of Asia and from all corners of our erstwhile empire. Culturally, one sticking point is the speaking of Burmese. On all other points, you only have to go to Yangon to see that Indians (both Hindus and Muslims), Chinese and Burmese live side by side with their own cultures an values. I would not say that Burmese are racists but I do concede that Burmese have a tendency towards cultural chauvanism. However, all 'races' and creeds have found a place in Myanmar eventually. Unfortunately, a group wishing to create an autonomous islamic republic will never be allowed to integrate.

Bangladesh was very soft on Burmese cause. If BD supported armed rebel it would had been a living nightmare for Burmese by now. BD virtually disarmed those rebels and had to do with its own risk and taking own security on stake. I again repeat, it will be a living hell for Burmese even if Bangladesh decide otherwise.

Is this a comical attempt at a threat?

Well if I am not mistaken Arakanese are known as Rakhanie and we housed a plenty of them in our soil who were persecuted in the past. Even Rakhaine in BD wants a free Arakan. We are not supporting any group in Arakan as we take both Rakhanie and Rohingiyas have cultural ties with Bangladesh. It is the problem with Burmese government who failed miserably to subdue and communal tension in Arakan.

To an extent that is true as any and every group, to a degree, want full autonomy. But the Arakan resolve to break from Myanmar is the weakest of all in Myanmar. However, I would contend that the Arakanese desire to remove the Rohingya from Arakan is stronger than the desire to cede from Myanmar. The Rohingya situation is especially difficult as the Burmese proper are like outsiders in this matter.

So the popular opinion is not to allow any mosque in Myanamr???

Recently, mosque building in Yangon has been opposed by a lot of communities. It has ironically being the government that has stepped in to defend the rights of muslims to practice their religion. And I fully agree. Naturally islamophobia does exist to a degree but then it exists in all corners of the globe. My point is that this problem extends beyond Burmese state politics into the uglier realm of race and religion.

Ofcourse Rohingiyas have many thing to do with Bangladesh as they belong to Indic race and has linguistic and cultural ties with Bangladesh. That does not mean they are BD citizen. We have Bengalis living in India, Pakistan and all over the places and have their own country. Before partition the whole area was under british jurisdiction and people moved around. Bengalis and Arakanese lived side by side under independent Arakan for centuries without any communal problem. At the time of partition in 1947, the people within the political boundary or border became the citizen of the respective country. Bangladesh in no way obligated to receive any people from Burma after 1947/1948. Rohingyas should be recognized as the citizen of Burma and be given equal rights. If the problem persists too long, then Burma will have no choice but have to relinquish its control of norther Arakan in the future.

No, but if people who are culturally and religiously tied to are being persecuted, then surely you have some responsibility to recongnise and aid them? I agree Rohingyas should be allowed to integrate but under the terms I set out at the beginning (and mine is a relatively benevolent view). Unfortunately, if this problem persists, it will not be the Burmese who will have to relinquish control but rather the Rohingyas who will have to relinquish northern Arakan and will suffer. That's not what I want but that is inevitable if this situation is not resolved. I contend that this situation can be resolved bi-laterally if Bangladeshis stop refusing to see these Bengali speaking muslims as being entirely distinct from Bangladesh.
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