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BGB on alert on Myanmar border

So this law was applied deliberately by Burmese psycho junta to run steamroller on Rohingya so they settle in a land where there are culturally akin people? Now I don't understand why Burmese govt. doesn't recognize Arakan as an independent nation whose people don't belong to Burma...huh?

Liar, liar...your military govt. was never just towards Muslim or any ray that might enlighten your nation. Aung San Suu Kyi had to rot her life being detained as house arrest for almost 25 years under this stupid junta, within this 25 years if you were under her rule, you'd have seen the light of the world. By the way, do you know who Suu Kyi is or you pass your time by licking junta feet?

Yeah...you are going to be the next Nobel Peace Prize winner with your Peace (sh$t) dialog, trust me, just prepare and pass your speech to Nobel Peace Committee. Oh...sorry you Burmese people don't know where that is being divorced from whole the world, just pass it to us, we can forward on your behalf.

It's very genuine right for a country who has been housing numerous oppressed refugees for more than 2 decades to support a separatist movement of this oppressed people to grab their born right. To my knowledge from Bangladesh there is no such movement being supported by any group, you better ask your junta's current ally (master) whose PM just visited you few days ago..who run your Karren insurgency group.

Please believe me, I am in no way a junta sympathiser. Right now the consesus of the whole country is that the government should take a hardline stance towards the Rohingya (this includes some pro-democratic parties). Like I said before, Aung San Suu Kyi has distanced herself from this issue as she doesn't wish to be seen as anything other than Burmese. I repeat , this is not a junta/democracy problem. It is far, far worse.
So the Rohingya are your brothers now?

Arakan, like the name implies, is the land of the Arakanese. If the Rohingyas wish to settle permanently in Arakan, they must forget about their pipe dream of an autonomous state and look to integrate with the Arakanese. I don't mean stopping the practice of islam, but they should learn the Burmese language and accept that they are part of Myanmar.

As I said before, no one, not the Arakanese, not the Burmese army, not the Burmese democratic parties, not the international community, will support an independent Rohingya islamic republic in Myanmar. If they want to start an armed insurrection then they will be crushed, pure and simple, and be sent to Bangladesh at gun-point. Not only that but even the likes of Aung San Suu Kyi will give their tacit support of this. Now I don't think anyone wants this to happen so I would be very mindful of wanting "Arakan for our Rohingya brothers".

Welcome to the PDF forum alaungphaya. If you do not mind my asking, are you currently staying in Rakhine state or other part of Myanmar, or overseas? Let me say that I have one very close friend, a Burman from Myanmar. I also have another Burman friend and another Chinese-origin Myanmar friend. They are my colleagues.

It is good to see a member from Myanmar. As a Bangladeshi, I can say that people in Bangladesh would never support "an independent Rohingya islamic republic in Myanmar". There are irresponsible people in this forum who support "an armed insurrection", but not our govt. or majority of our people as far as I know. Myanmar is too important a neighbor for us to upset Myanmar-Bangladesh relationship.

But you have persecuted a minority, 1.2 million of which have fled and living in other countries because of this persecution. Many have died on the sea trying to flee and have been mistreated in other countries. The fact that some of them may have moved from Chittagong area in early 1800's during British rule is no excuse for denying citizenship and persecution. They have their rights to citizenship and for continuing their culture, language and religion and you cannot force them to assimilate to Burmese society, if they do not want to, unless they do it voluntarily.

We helped these hapless persecuted people and gave them refuge out of humanitarian concern. Yes they have some ethnic, religious and linguistic ties to neighboring people of Chittagong but we helped Buddhist Rakhine community also and I am sure we would help any other group running for their lives just as much even if they had no ethno-religious-linguistic ties with us.

Myanmar has been an irresponsible nation in the way it has treated with Rohingya's. I have heard majority Burman tribe is at war with many other tribes, but Rohingya's have been treated the worst and denied citizenship.

If some of them have armed themselves, they may have done it for self-defense as I heard they get no protection from Police or Army.

These problems you have are not insurmountable, they are not difficult to solve. But if you cannot solve them and your problems spill over to our land, we will approach, ASEAN-10 org., UN, USA, China, Japan and South Korea to correct your actions. But if the problems are not solved even then and we continue to have refugee problems, then as a last resort our armed forces may intervene and then we may end up in war, although none of us want that eventuality. And we are confident as a nation that we can easily take care of a nation like yours in a war, please do not underestimate our resolve.

Now, lets look at the other side, you are a member of ASEAN and we are trying to become another member of ASEAN, by first becoming an observer. Please look at the regional picture here:

Please come to this thread and discuss regional and even our mutual issues here. Our future membership in ASEAN and a formation of ASEAN+ depends on our good relationship with Myanmar, so it is a vital strategic issue for Bangladesh and we will not jeopardize this vital relationship unless we are forced to.

Also, please note that India strategically want to box us in and does not like our look east policy to have increased relationship with ASEAN via Myanmar. So it is not impossible that they are instigating or even staging incidents like the recent flare up. But provocateurs can only provoke when a situation already exist for such provocation. It is good for Indian strategy, but bad for both Myanmar and Bangladesh.

I think both of our countries have a lot to learn about each other and if we work together, I believe we have a bright future, where both of us can help each other tremendously. So I welcome you in this forum and also I would encourage you to ask other Myanmarese to come to this forum, so we get the opportunity to learn about each other and work on regional issues.
I think Bangladesh should team up with Thailand who also face same kind of refugee problems and create pressure on the junta to take back their citizens and stopping them to persecute tribal people.

So far it happened back in 1991 when tension arose between BD-Burma, Thailand also deployed its troops along Burma border on a friendly call from BD.
Why do Bangladeshis have issues with each and every country bordering it. These internate warriors want to cede north east from India and arakan from Myanmar while forgetting that they are not even a blip in Indian or Burmese radar.
Please believe me, I am in no way a junta sympathiser. Right now the consesus of the whole country is that the government should take a hardline stance towards the Rohingya (this includes some pro-democratic parties). Like I said before, Aung San Suu Kyi has distanced herself from this issue as she doesn't wish to be seen as anything other than Burmese. I repeat , this is not a junta/democracy problem. It is far, far worse.

Right...from your first post that I went through made me think you were a junta sympathizer, now you completely sound to be in metal disorder, none of your words are chained in a manner.
The fact that some of them may have moved from Chittagong area in early 1800's during British rule is no excuse for denying citizenship and persecution. They have their rights to citizenship and for continuing their culture, language and religion and you cannot force them to assimilate to Burmese society, if they do not want to, unless they do it voluntarily.

In the realm of real-politik, that is what will happen. The have no de-facto stake in Myanmar. Unless they do accept assimilation, they will not be seen as citizens. Unfair, perhaps, but thta is the reality. I don't think anyone is calling for religious conversion but they will never be allowed to have political autonomy. Not by the Burmese and not by the Arakanese. This is why I sympathise; because they truly are stateless.

We helped these hapless persecuted people and gave them refuge out of humanitarian concern. Yes they have some ethnic, religious and linguistic ties to neighboring people of Chittagong but we helped Buddhist Rakhine community also and I am sure we would help any other group running for their lives just as much even if they had no ethno-religious-linguistic ties with us.

As far as I'm aware, Rohingyas are treated like 3rd class citizens in Bangladesh. I think it's very disingenuous to paint your tribe in a beneficent light. However, I have conceded that the Burmese government has been particularly harsh to the Rohingyas and the reason being, in my opinion, is that firstly Rohingyas are seeking an autonomous islamic republic and secondly becuase the hostility towards Rohingyas from Arakanese is particularly strong. Unfortunate but that's how it is.

These problems you have are not insurmountable, they are not difficult to solve. But if you cannot solve them and your problems spill over to our land, we will approach, ASEAN-10 org., UN, USA, China, Japan and South Korea to correct your actions. But if the problems are not solved even then and we continue to have refugee problems, then as a last resort our armed forces may intervene and then we may end up in war, although none of us want that eventuality. And we are confident as a nation that we can easily take care of a nation like yours in a war, please do not underestimate our resolve.

I agree they are surmountable. Bi-laterally between Myanmar and Bangladesh. Do not expect the international community to take your side though as currently the US, India, China, Japan and ASEAN are in a dogfight to curry favour with the Burmese. As for your childish threats, I feel they are unecessary. I am not going to beat my chest about how the Burmese are miltarily superior as I don't feel I need to.

Now, lets look at the other side, you are a member of ASEAN and we are trying to become another member of ASEAN, by first becoming an observer. Please look at the regional picture here:

Please come to this thread and discuss regional and even our mutual issues here. Our future membership in ASEAN and a formation of ASEAN+ depends on our good relationship with Myanmar, so it is a vital strategic issue for Bangladesh and we will not jeopardize this vital relationship unless we are forced to.

Also, please note that India strategically want to box us in and does not like our look east policy to have increased relationship with ASEAN via Myanmar. So it is not impossible that they are instigating or even staging incidents like the recent flare up. But provocateurs can only provoke when a situation already exist for such provocation. It is good for Indian strategy, but bad for both Myanmar and Bangladesh.

I think both of our countries have a lot to learn about each other and if we work together, I believe we have a bright future, where both of us can help each other tremendously. So I welcome you in this forum and also I would encourage you to ask other Myanmarese to come to this forum, so we get the opportunity to learn about each other and work on regional issues.

Well, if you ever become a member of ASEAN, you will have to join the ASEAN visa free travel zone. Then you'll be obligated to allow Rohingyas into your country. Also, I really don't understand why Bangladeshis are so paranoid about India. Why would India want to 'box you in'? You owe your independence to the Indians. As for historical relations between our countries, we used to see Bangladesh as a future area of conquest and our wars with the British were fought over control of Bangladesh and North-East India. Infact, had the Japanese won World War 2, Bangladesh would have been absorbed in the the restored Burmese Empire as part of the Japanese East-Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere. But that's all in the past. Let's not go down the route of childish sabre-rattling.
Right...from your first post that I went through made me think you were a junta sympathizer, now you completely sound to be in metal disorder, none of your words are chained in a manner.

From his words, it seems whole ethnic Burmese nation got possessed by kind of fascism. Its really a bad symptom. It may turn out to be Yugoslav situation.

It should also be noted what their state media has been feeding ethnic Burmese for last 50 years related to rohinghas which concluded them not being part of Rakhanine or Arakan province.
I'm not bihari I have met several including rohigyas but with this attitude your going to be headed to a war myanmar that you won't win.

I thought only Indian's troll in this forum, now I see that so called half german and half egyptian Muslim is also troll, or he is lying about his origin, please ignore this joker.
The key point is that as far as the Arakanese and the Burmese are concerned, their 'homeland' is Bangladesh. Now I don't necessarily agree with this but I don't believe that Bengalis and Rohingyas are different 'races'. I don't understand why Bengladeshis are so wilfully reluctant to accept these people as they are being persecuted, not just by the military government, but by the peoples of Arakan and Myanmar. Even the likes of Aung San Suu Kyi are distancing themselves from the issue as they don't want to admit that Rohingyas don't belong in Myanmar yet are trying to appease the international community by showing tolerance. If this issue is to be solved, Bangladesh must play a role in it as the people who will suffer are the Rohingyas; muslims who speak a Bengali dialect. If Bangladesh continues to solely consider this a Burmese matter, it will lead to more misery for the Rohingyas and voluntary refugees coming into BD. We should solve this issue bi-laterally.

Because Bangladesh has no place to accommodate more people. Bangladeshis also started pouring inside India creating tensions in our North-East India. They keep one foot in India and other foot in Bangladesh and many time got shot by Indian troops for violating international borders.

I didn't know that Myanmar too had such a big issue with Bangladesh.
From his words, it seems whole ethnic Burmese nation got possessed by kind of fascism. Its really a bad symptom. It may turn out to be Yugoslav situation.

It should also be noted what their state media has been feeding ethnic Burmese for last 50 years related to rohinghas which concluded them not being part of Rakhanine or Arakan province.

I do tend to agree somewhat. Burmese are not racists but we can be fiercely nationalistic and assume an air of cultural superiority over others. Akin to fascism? Perhaps. However, the Rohingya problem goes way back and transcends even the state and military. I don't agree with other commentators here who have said that the military is using this issue to create support. This is the last thing their delicate proto-democracy needs. Let's hope all people, Buddhist or Muslim, Burmese or otherwise, stay calm in all this and peace prevails.
Please believe me, I am in no way a junta sympathiser. Right now the consesus of the whole country is that the government should take a hardline stance towards the Rohingya (this includes some pro-democratic parties). Like I said before, Aung San Suu Kyi has distanced herself from this issue as she doesn't wish to be seen as anything other than Burmese. I repeat , this is not a junta/democracy problem. It is far, far worse.

Ok from your views all Burmese already ganged up against these few Rohingiyas. Well thats the saddest part of the whole episode. If that is the case I should suggest Bangladesh should provide all out support for Rohingiyas as well and arm them openly. We cant let the people die right across our border.

I do tend to agree somewhat. Burmese are not racists but we can be fiercely nationalistic and assume an air of cultural superiority over others. Akin to fascism? Perhaps. However, the Rohingya problem goes way back and transcends even the state and military. I don't agree with other commentators here who have said that the military is using this issue to create support. This is the last thing their delicate proto-democracy needs. Let's hope all people, Buddhist or Muslim, Burmese or otherwise, stay calm in all this and peace prevails.

Well its your country and I dont know which culture you are talking about? You already mentioned you have different ethnic and racial group in your country. So which group does represent cultural superiority? Rohingyas are minute minority and I believe they are not in a position to impose their culture on you.
In the realm of real-politik, that is what will happen. The have no de-facto stake in Myanmar. Unless they do accept assimilation, they will not be seen as citizens. Unfair, perhaps, but thta is the reality. I don't think anyone is calling for religious conversion but they will never be allowed to have political autonomy. Not by the Burmese and not by the Arakanese. This is why I sympathise; because they truly are stateless.

As far as I'm aware, Rohingyas are treated like 3rd class citizens in Bangladesh. I think it's very disingenuous to paint your tribe in a beneficent light. However, I have conceded that the Burmese government has been particularly harsh to the Rohingyas and the reason being, in my opinion, is that firstly Rohingyas are seeking an autonomous islamic republic and secondly becuase the hostility towards Rohingyas from Arakanese is particularly strong. Unfortunate but that's how it is.

I agree they are surmountable. Bi-laterally between Myanmar and Bangladesh. Do not expect the international community to take your side though as currently the US, India, China, Japan and ASEAN are in a dogfight to curry favour with the Burmese. As for your childish threats, I feel they are unecessary. I am not going to beat my chest about how the Burmese are miltarily superior as I don't feel I need to.

Well, if you ever become a member of ASEAN, you will have to join the ASEAN visa free travel zone. Then you'll be obligated to allow Rohingyas into your country. Also, I really don't understand why Bangladeshis are so paranoid about India. Why would India want to 'box you in'? You owe your independence to the Indians. As for historical relations between our countries, we used to see Bangladesh as a future area of conquest and our wars with the British were fought over control of Bangladesh and North-East India. Infact, had the Japanese won World War 2, Bangladesh would have been absorbed in the the restored Burmese Empire as part of the Japanese East-Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere. But that's all in the past. Let's not go down the route of childish sabre-rattling.

What exactly do you mean by "accept assimilation"? You are murdering them right and left for not assimilating or just they being who they are, and calling them "kala's"? We do not support that they should have any Islamic state or something like that, I do not believe they even want that, I think it is a propaganda to malign them. They have armed themselves for self-defense, after the abuse they got from you. If you don't abuse and persecute them they will have no need for self-defense. Even if some of idiots are thinking about some "Islamic state", they are completely misguided, Bangladesh will never support the creation of another mini state, "Islamic" or otherwise, between Myanmar and Bangladesh.

Rohingya's treated in Bangladesh like 3rd class citizen's? They are refugee's from your country, we give them shelter and refuge, as best as we can, when they run to us to save their lives. They are not citizen's of our country. It is you who made them stateless and denying their citizenship illegally against all international law.

Even if no one take our side, we can and will intervene if you continue to press refugee problems on us.

You can have your "Burmese Empire" including Bangladesh and Indian NE states too, if you support our ASEAN membership and work together with us for creating ASEAN+ with Japan and South Korea in the lead, we will gladly go into this renewed East Asia Co-prosperity sphere. But for Indian NE states, I would suggest that Bangladesh and Myanmar do not get involved and let Japan, China and South Korea handle this part, as India may try to Nuke us to oblivion, if we put our hand there.

I am for Buddhists and Muslims living side by side. If ASEAN+ is going to succeed Muslims and Buddhists will need to find a way to work as brothers, and it is not hard to do. Our country was Buddhist before and after Hindu's tried to re-establish Hindu caste oppression in this region, people chose Islam instead after the advent of Muslim rule of Bengal. There is still some Bengali Buddhists left in Chittagong called Barua's. I have employed many Barua's and several hundred Chakma Buddhists in a factory at one time in Chittagong:
Barua (Bangladesh) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Buddhist Studies: Theravada Buddhism, Bangladesh

Indian Hindutva chauvinists have already decided about how they will treat Muslims in their neighborhood. They are stealing our water from shared river, killing our people at the border and interfering in our internal politics. They have chosen a hostile path and it will not change in a thousand years I think because of the history of Muslim rule in Indian subcontinent.

We do not have that kind of history of hostility with you guys and Rohingya is a very small problem for you to solve if you just change your attitude. Let them live there peacefully in their own homeland and all will be fine. And we can go on to build a integrated ASEAN+ region into a super power in its own right, which will be good for the security, stability and prosperity for all member states of ASEAN+.
Ok from your views all Burmese already ganged up against these few Rohingiyas. Well thats the saddest part of the whole episode. If that is the case I should suggest Bangladesh should provide all out support for Rohingiyas as well and arm them openly. We cant let the people die right across our border.

I agree. It's regretful but government are actually the one tempering the whole situtaion. If the mob had their way, I am sure the Rohingya will be forced into Bangladesh. But I repeat my question: why, if you are willing to provide them support and arms, are you not willing to open your arms to them and provide support?
In the realm of real-politik, that is what will happen. The have no de-facto stake in Myanmar. Unless they do accept assimilation, they will not be seen as citizens. Unfair, perhaps, but thta is the reality. I don't think anyone is calling for religious conversion but they will never be allowed to have political autonomy. Not by the Burmese and not by the Arakanese. This is why I sympathise; because they truly are stateless.

What autonomy you are talking about? You dont even recognize them as citizen. Did you already make that a law that the Rohingyas will be given citizenship after they accept assimilation (I dont know what the fck is that).

As far as I'm aware, Rohingyas are treated like 3rd class citizens in Bangladesh. I think it's very disingenuous to paint your tribe in a beneficent light. However, I have conceded that the Burmese government has been particularly harsh to the Rohingyas and the reason being, in my opinion, is that firstly Rohingyas are seeking an autonomous islamic republic and secondly becuase the hostility towards Rohingyas from Arakanese is particularly strong. Unfortunate but that's how it is.

Rohingyas are not treated like any citizen in the Bangladesh (3rd class or 1st class). They are treated as refugee.

I agree they are surmountable. Bi-laterally between Myanmar and Bangladesh. Do not expect the international community to take your side though as currently the US, India, China, Japan and ASEAN are in a dogfight to curry favour with the Burmese. As for your childish threats, I feel they are unecessary. I am not going to beat my chest about how the Burmese are miltarily superior as I don't feel I need to.

Bangladesh can easily take care of Burma and you know what we will have unlimited supplies. Just dont try that path.. And the bigh countries you just mentioned made me laugh..

Well, if you ever become a member of ASEAN, you will have to join the ASEAN visa free travel zone. Then you'll be obligated to allow Rohingyas into your country. Also, I really don't understand why Bangladeshis are so paranoid about India. Why would India want to 'box you in'? You owe your independence to the Indians. As for historical relations between our countries, we used to see Bangladesh as a future area of conquest and our wars with the British were fought over control of Bangladesh and North-East India. Infact, had the Japanese won World War 2, Bangladesh would have been absorbed in the the restored Burmese Empire as part of the Japanese East-Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere. But that's all in the past. Let's not go down the route of childish sabre-rattling.

Well its a Kalu-Mia idea of ASEAN+ thing in PDF. No BD will not be a part of ASEAN and there will not be a visa free Burmese citizen in Bangladesh in the years to come.

I agree. It's regretful but government are actually the one tempering the whole situtaion. If the mob had their way, I am sure the Rohingya will be forced into Bangladesh. But I repeat my question: why, if you are willing to provide them support and arms, are you not willing to open your arms to them and provide support?

Well, its our current position that no Rohingiyas will be allowed to be forced in Bangladesh anymore. Now, your army and law enforcement should take these word of our Government as serious. You can take that as threat.
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