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As for the 3mn Afghan refugees, that is a problem that Pakistan/ISI has contributed to with their support for creating the Taliban.
ISIS is not our creation, it is a purely Muslim invention.
ISIS and al qaeda are the creation of west even leaders of western countries have accepted this so please stop this already.
You can kill, rape, murder, plunder, take drugs etc but you are still a Muslim. Only not a good Muslim. If a Muslim was only those who abide by every precept of that religion then we only would have few dozen Muslims left in the world.

And often the biggest leach is that one which moans and bitches most. That certainly is true here. You of course are aware I refer to Pakistan as the leach, a leach that lives by sucking off the West? Unashamedly and proudly. However that condition can create a deflective reflex. You see that here.

@A.P. Richelieu
I am not here to bad mouth pakistan or its citizens but cant say the same for the policies followed. Its good to have the realization of the same. Hopefully there is a bigger consensus and spread. Good luck!!
Perhaps a biased mind will only read what it wishes to

Perhaps for sure, I'll give you that. But my biais is all inclusive so ...

8-) Tay.

The GDP if Iraq is way higher now than under Saddam.

But if it doesn't free, secure and feed the Iraqi people, what's the gain? What was the point?

Just sayin', Tay.
Now Cardinal, please!
There were no valid reasons especially that of liberating the world from that idiot ( G.W. );
If pretend calls sufficed, we'd all be killed before graduating from kindergarten;
There was no vote due to real veto threats.

Don't get carried away anymore than SalarsiK?

Just sayin', Tay.

I think You will find that attacking a former head of state is a valid reason for war.
Attempted attacks on US aircraft maintaining the no-fly zone as well.

Before You go to war, you need to convince your country to support it, and this may be harder.

ISIS and al qaeda are the creation of west even leaders of western countries have accepted this so please stop this already.
ISIS and Al Qaeda are certainly the creation of the Muslim World.
have the realization
There is nothing wrong with being a leach. A leach is highly developed and very successful specimen in nature. The biggest, the most successful leach out there is, Israel.

All I am saying is be good at leaching and don't delude yourself into thinking your not leaching. On that caveat full throttle ahead I say ......

SIS and Al Qaeda are certainly the creation of the Muslim World.
Not quite. They are creations of geopolitics that involved all sort of inputs from all over the world. No one single entity can be blamed entirely.
Perhaps for sure, I'll give you that. But my biais is all inclusive so ...

8-) Tay.

But if it doesn't free, secure and feed the Iraqi people, what's the gain? What was the point?

Just sayin', Tay.

It freed, and fed the Iraqi people, but they are certainly less secure.
The reason is the Sunni - Shia conflict.
Iraqis are insecure, mainly since other Muslims are out to kill them.
Before You go to war, you need to convince your country to support it, and this may be harder.

Man, really? I'm stunned! GW did not even convince America past the bellicist habit,
couldn't rally all its friends and certainly not France and Germany.
Do remember that we're talking about a moron that wasn't elected by popular vote?

Iraqis are insecure, mainly since other Muslims are out to kill them.

OH! REALLY? Then why we're they not at risk as much of that before the cavalry intervened?
Those "other Muslims" were there already, weren't they?

Take your time to reflect on that ...

Relax man, forget the forum and go to sleep ( almost 02:00 in Stockholm ); we'll see you in the morning, Tay.
Man, really? I'm stunned! GW did not even convince America past the bellicist habit,
couldn't rally all its friends and certainly not France and Germany.
Do remember that we're talking about a moron that wasn't elected by popular vote?

Relax man, forget the forum and go to sleep ( almost 02:00 in Stockholm ); we'll see you in the morning, Tay.
Read Hans Blix. And it is 00.53 GMT here.

These days the west arms both sides and let's them fight each other. Same pattern over and over again. Like in Sierra Leone, Iran-Iraq war and now with Isis and the Iraqi army.

These days the west arms both sides and let's them fight each other. Same pattern over and over again. Like in Sierra Leone, Iran-Iraq war and now with Isis and the Iraqi army.

View attachment 320381
Funny thing is the this imaginary boogeyman has been downgraded and is no longer designated as terrorist by State department. Everything in WEST HAPPENS in a nick of time from war to downgrading the status of enemy
. .
Man, really? I'm stunned! GW did not even convince America past the bellicist habit,
couldn't rally all its friends and certainly not France and Germany.
Do remember that we're talking about a moron that wasn't elected by popular vote?

OH! REALLY? Then why we're they not at risk as much of that before the cavalry intervened?
Those "other Muslims" were there already, weren't they?

Take your time to reflect on that ...

Relax man, forget the forum and go to sleep ( almost 02:00 in Stockholm ); we'll see you in the morning, Tay.

The same Muslims Now doing random killing were ruling the country and still killed a lot, but it was targetted killing.

  • Halabja poison gas attack:The Halabja poison gas attack occurred in the period 15–19 March 1988 during the Iran–Iraq War when chemical weapons were used by the Iraqi government forces and thousands of civilians in the Iraqi Kurdish town of Halabja were killed.
  • Al-Anfal Campaign: In 1988, the Hussein regime began a campaign of extermination against the Kurdish people living in Northern Iraq. This is known as the Anfal campaign. The attacks resulted in the death of at least 182,000 people, many of them women and children. A team of Human Rights Watch investigators determined, after analyzing eighteen tons of captured Iraqi documents, testing soil samples and carrying out interviews with more than 350 witnesses, that the attacks on the Kurdish people were characterized by gross violations of human rights, including mass executions and disappearances of many tens of thousands of noncombatants, widespread use of chemical weapons including Sarin, mustard gas and nerve agents that killed thousands, the arbitrary imprisoning of tens of thousands of women, children, and elderly people for months in conditions of extreme deprivation, forced displacement of hundreds of thousands of villagers after the demolitionof their homes, and the wholesale destruction of nearly two thousand villages along with their schools, mosques, farms and power stations.
  • In April 1991, after Saddam lost control of Kuwait in the Persian Gulf War, he cracked down ruthlessly against several uprisings in the Kurdish north and the Shia south. His forces committed full-scale massacres and other gross human rights violations against both groups similar to the violations mentioned before. Estimates of deaths during that time range from 20,000 to 100,000 for Kurds, and 60,000 to 130,000 for Shi'ites.
So if You were a Baathist Sunni living in Bagdad, You were probably safe, but if You were a member
of another group You were in trouble.
Exercising free speech by criticizing Saddam would get You tortured and killed regardless of who you were.
Saddam ran his security show even worse than Stalin.

The US trained and armed Afghans and foreign Muslims that wanted to fight against the Soviets
in Afghanistan. Once the Soviet left, the US left.
A lot of the funding came from KSA.

The decision to form Al Qaeda is a political decision and totally separate from the Soviet war in Afghanistan.
Noone is denying that many foreign fighters trained by the US joined Al Qaeda.

Likewise, ISIS was formed by former Baathists in Iraq as a reaction to losing power after the US invasion.
It started to grow after the US significantly reduced its presence under Shia discriminatory behaviour.

The US supported, as I have previously mentioned, FSA and similar groups.
They have more or less fallen apart and soldiers have defected to al Nusra and ISIS bringing their US weapons.
That still does not mean that the US "created" ISIS.
Still a political decision, and a decision solely made by Muslims.
Again the effort to train FSA got a lot of funding from KSA.

There is a world of differences between actively funding an organisation and
ending up with your help bering diverted for other purposes.
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ISIS, Boko Haram, Al - Qaeda are all offspring of Muslim culture,
and are supported by a significant portion of Muslims worldwide partly or in full.
When ISIS are killed, there is whining about killing Muslims.
When they are committing evil deeds, they are not Muslims.

If Islam suddenly ceased to exist, the base for ISIS would also cease to exist.

If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it is probably a duck...
Americans created these "Muslim Terrorists" , you do know this right??
They're not Muslim at all.
Americans created these "Muslim Terrorists" , you do know this right??
They're not Muslim at all.

Maybe You should read the thread before You comment.
The post just before states my view and that is that the US was not involved in the POLITICAL
decisions to create Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
Your comment adds zero to the thread.
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