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Betrayed by India: The tale of the Pakistani Hindu refugee

Omar, I can't believe that you're using this to score points against India ! Pakistanis who are ill-treated or discriminated against in their own Motherland is a massive blot on Pakistan...not India ! The CJP should take immediate action to alleviate any and all concerns of 'Our' religious minorities for they, by virtue of being a minority, have more rights over us then the other way around !

We can not force anyone to stay in Pakistan. Its human nature to be around the same people as you. They decided to seek refuge in Hindustan, we cant force them to stay in Pakistan. Hindustan (land of hindus) they will be happier in a hindu nation.
We have accomodated them, they are living here what are you even saying? Yes they will get citizenship but it takes time.. we even handeled a lot more BD refugees in 71.. we will do what is appropriate you giving moral lectures to us when you cant even provide a safe environement to them speaks loads of your country and people like you..

so ..are you a hindu?
150 million muslims can move to pak if they wish, since you are islamic country lets see if you take them

you claim to be secular so you should keep them. Pakistan is an Islamic Republic.
Hindus anywhere in the world will naturally be more loyal to India than their country of origin just like jews will be more loyal to stolen land of palestine.

Not just the Hindus; us and other sister communities as well. Our history started in these lands and naturally we will prefer it that way

You idea is good but we don't have sufficient land for all the Hindus around the world. Besides, until we change the constitution to a Dharmic one, we cannot officially claim to be the "zion" of Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs etc.

Besides, if this is to happen then two things would take place:

1- Migration of non-Dharmic communities to their countries of choice.


2- Joining up of many Southeast countries with India due to shared culture and faith.

Even if this were to happen hypothetically, it would be a real headache to re-adjust our entire finances and national economic structure as there would be a lot of brain drain and reverse brain drain. Accommodating economies and liabilities of half a dozen more countries would be a big crunch on our resources EVEN if their lands join us. This will lead to an extremely chaotic situation.

So in short, it is worth too much trouble even if a population exchange is agreed upon.

The only difference is that hindus have legal and historical claim to India where as Jews have a mythical claim to Palestine. It makes more sense for India to give citizenship to fellow hindus from anywhere in the world.

First off, we need equal amount of land to be able to accommodate more Dharmic followers. We aren't exactly Russia in size to accommodate every single believer of Dharmic faiths.

Secondly, would you accept a population exchange similar to how Greece and Turkey had?

You yourself are constrained off land.

Doesn't seem practical.

BTW, Jews existed there long before your community ever was born. So they have full legitimacy in claiming the State of Israel. It was a Jewish kingdom much before both Islam and even Christianity existed.
you claim to be secular so you should keep them. Pakistan is an Islamic Republic.

We are ready to keep , we want them to be here and enrich our country. but should they choose to Pak you cannot stop them
How does it matter?

thanks for proving my point.

you lot are shy of your "hindu ideology" and try to hide being a hindu..
while we are open and truthful about it and dont try to hide us being muslims.
and yes it does matter..because yours are trying to fill uswith shame as much as you yourself are filled with shame...
thanks for proving my point.

you lot are shy of your "hindu ideology" and try to hide being a hindu..
while we are open and truthful about it and dont try to hide us being muslims.
and yes it does matter..because yours are trying to fill uswith shame as much as you yourself are filled with shame...

thats a foolish thing to assume.. if i ask for your address and you refuse to give it to me, i wouldnt say that you are ashamed to admit where you stay.. its just a matter of personal choice to disclose personal info or not. stupid way of argiung that unveils low intelligence quotient!!
thanks for proving my point.

you lot are shy of your "hindu ideology" and try to hide being a hindu..
while we are open and truthful about it and dont try to hide us being muslims.
and yes it does matter..because yours are trying to fill uswith shame as much as you yourself are filled with shame...

You are just arguing on imagined hard-set anti-hindu 'ideology'..

We were discussing about what hinduism is.. whether I be a Hindu or not should not be consequence if I know the facts unless you who by your straw man logic would like to go on a tangent just to mix up things..

I did not feel shameful in telling you what I believe in because in logical discussions it does not matter what I believe in it only matters what facts you put forward and how ably you reason with them.. so unlike you.. my case rests..
Some guys are falling to new lows everyday. Looks like it is point of no return. Unfortunately, they don't know how childish their thinking is. They think they are so logical and keep living in that idiocracy. :hitwall:
thats a foolish thing to assume.. if i ask for your address and you refuse to give it to me, i wouldnt say that you are ashamed to admit where you stay.. its just a matter of personal choice to disclose personal info or not. stupid way of argiung that unveils low intelligence quotient!!

Lack of Pride and self esteem and hence lack of Identity among Hindus was the point just prove.
Asking address is totally different..But if you ask me i am a Muslim..I will proudly say yes i am..
Same cannot be expected from Hindu..That is just proved.

You are just arguing on imagined hard-set anti-hindu 'ideology'..

We were discussing about what hinduism is.. whether I be a Hindu or not should not be consequence if I know the facts unless you who by your straw man logic would like to go on a tangent just to mix up things..

I did not feel shameful in telling you what I believe in because in logical discussions it does not matter what I believe in it only matters what facts you put forward and how ably you reason with them.. so unlike you.. my case rests..

Come up with as many fancy sentences you may...But you just failed the litmus test....
^^^ how does it matter if he is a Hindu/Muslim/Christian/Atheist to discuss about Hinduism?
He won't understand our society. Don't bother wasting time.

That is because you lot dont know about who you are and what you beleive in..
Ask me about islam and i will give you a good idea about our faith..
But same canot be expected from a Hindu..they themselves are ignorant of their Ideology/Faith/theory or whatever Hinduism is and cannot explain if asked..and that's why they hide it.

Clear definition of faith and beliefs and an identity is what Muslims have and that's what makes the whole world Uncomfortable and they want to take away our identity by filling us with shame as much as they themselves are.
Lack of Pride and self esteem and hence lack of Identity among Hindus was the point just prove.
Asking address is totally different..But if you ask me i am a Muslim..I will proudly say yes i am..
Same cannot be expected from Hindu..That is just proved.

Come up with as many fancy sentences you may...But you just failed the litmus test....
the only thing you have proved is that you are a dim witted, fundamentalist islamist radical. I am a proud Hindu but I dont like to talk about religion in public and its not because i am not proud of hinduism. We in india believe in secularism and generally keep religion out until we knw someone personally.
I have had personal experience to this a few yrs ago. When in London on a project, I actually got asked by Pakistanis on 2 occassions if I was muslim as an ice breaker question. that is just absolutely a no-no in India. Being alone and in a large city I politely declined to comment and moved on.

Lack of Pride and self esteem and hence lack of Identity among Hindus was the point just prove.
Asking address is totally different..But if you ask me i am a Muslim..I will proudly say yes i am..
Same cannot be expected from Hindu..That is just proved.

Come up with as many fancy sentences you may...But you just failed the litmus test....

How much do you earn?
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