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Betrayed by India: The tale of the Pakistani Hindu refugee

Omar you are an epic person are you for real are you supporting that pakistani hindus should be thrown out of their home land pakistan just because they are hindus what a shame
Omar you are an epic person are you for real are you supporting that pakistani hindus should be thrown out of their home land pakistan just because they are hindus what a shame

he point is not that...
Even if we accept that we are persecuting Hindus...Can the Hindu majority state who is the most vocal about it "India" can help them at all?
well the answer is a big fat NO
he point is not that...
Even if we accept that we are persecuting Hindus...Can the Hindu majority state who is the most vocal about it "India" can help them at all?
well the answer is a big fat NO
The poinst is exactly what he said. Anywho, its your shyte and you take care of it. NOT India's problem!

LOL at the "sentiments" shown for your minorities while millions shed crocodile tears for minorities in India. The flawed concept of TNT lies bared with the blatant show of hostilities against minorities. This when Pakistan was created to provide sanctuary for "minorities' of the subcontinent with a promise of taking care of their own minorities!! What a load of bollocks!
the only thing you have proved is that you are a dim witted, fundamentalist islamist radical. I am a proud Hindu but I dont like to talk about religion in public and its not because i am not proud of hinduism. We in india believe in secularism and generally keep religion out until we knw someone personally.
I have had personal experience to this a few yrs ago. When in London on a project, I actually got asked by Pakistanis on 2 occassions if I was muslim as an ice breaker question. that is just absolutely a no-no in India. Being alone and in a large city I politely declined to comment and moved on.

How much do you earn?

Oh thank you proud Hindu...Finally somebody came forward..
So .. Proud Hindu tell me a bit about your faith/Religion/Ideology...which one is Hinduism? For example we say Islam is a religion.. can you say the same about Hinduism and why? or Why not?
Well you are proud of something...you should have knowledge about it too.

Since i am not "Proud" of my earnings...i wont tell you ;)

Thats because its your shyte and you take care of it. NOT India's problem!

LOL at the "sentiments" shown for your minorities while millions shed crocodile tears for minorities in India. The flawed concept of TNT lies bared with the blatant show of hostilities against minorities. This when Pakistan was created to provide sanctuary for "minorities' of the subcontinent with a promise of taking care of their own minorities!! What a load of bollocks!

Oh thank you kind sir...
So it is Pakistan's internal problem and India should refrain from interfering?
Even if we accept that we are persecuting Hindus...Can the Hindu majority state who is the most vocal about it "India" can help them at all?
well the answer is a big fat NO
Oh thank you kind sir...
So it is Pakistan's internal problem and India should refrain from interfering?
Oh, the lessons of 1971 seem to be lost upon you. Did I forget to mention that when India was burdened with refugees from the erstwhile East pakistan, India intervened and thus was born Bangladesh. Pray that this time India does NOT interfere with your problem. Lest....
Like wise men say, be careful what you wish for..
Anyway..i can go on for another 20 pages...But i am not here to disrespect any religion..each to their own..
But next time you lot open thread after thread aimed at disrespecting Islam and trying to show us our flaws...First try to ponder yours....

Outs this thread ;)
Oh, the lessons of 1971 seem to be lost upon you. Did I forget to mention that when India was burdened with refugees from the erstwhile East pakistan, India intervened and thus was born Bangladesh. Pray that this time India does NOT interfere with your problem. Lest....
Like wise men say, be careful what you wish for..

^^^ that is some sound advice. :lol:
Oh thank you proud Hindu...Finally somebody came forward..
So .. Proud Hindu tell me a bit about your faith/Religion/Ideology...which one is Hinduism? For example we say Islam is a religion.. can you say the same about Hinduism and why? or Why not?
Well you are proud of something...you should have knowledge about it too.

Since i am not "Proud" of my earnings...i wont tell you ;)
sanatan dharma is my philosophy i dont have a faith , on my birthcert, hindu is my religion b ut i dont believe in its ritual and i dont have a so called ideology. however i do believe in a secular society and believe that there are many paths to attaining spiritual knowledge. otherwise i belive that even a muslim is essentially a hindu , who believes in one of the paths to god. i dont believe in superstition and dont believe in violence on behalf of god. if god feels insulted She will deal with it. If you are fighting on Her behalf YOU are insulting Her as an impotent power. whether this god is allah, or Ram this holds true.

and by the way i take back what i said on being a 'proud hindu'. being hindu / muslim / christian is not a matter of pride. its just a path you are trying to follow. Are you proud of taking the main road or are you proud of taking the side roads to reach your house. its the same answer.
the difference is that while Hindus are willing to leave Pakistan as they are in a minority , the minorities in India easily defend their rights using the press and the judiciary . at least the minorities have that luxury in India .

its sad the Hindus have to leave their home in Pakistan as they face religious persecution there. i wish they were granted protection in Pakistan .
Anyway..i can go on for another 20 pages...But i am not here to disrespect any religion..each to their own..
But next time you lot open thread after thread aimed at disrespecting Islam and trying to show us our flaws...First try to ponder yours....
Outs this thread ;)

you just proved what a sneaky lil B@stard you are, no one disrespected Islam in this thread. The first person to disrepect any religion was YOU in the #17 thread. So good riddance from this thread.
We don't need any Pakistanis here. Whether they are Hindus or whatever. We don't see people with religious glasses. Its very shameful that Pakistan can't take care of its own citizen. These citizens then go to other countries to save their lives. Really shameful.
We don't need any Pakistanis here. Whether they are Hindus or whatever. We don't see people with religious glasses. Its very shameful that Pakistan can't take care of its own citizen. These citizens then go to other countries to save their lives. Really shameful.
i beg to disagree.. the partition was done for Pak to be the land for all of Indias muslims. and INdia for all of the Hindus. So I think if Hindus want they should be allowed to come to India and if Indian muslims want they can go to Pak.
But in this the only thing is there are 150 million muslims in India and only 15 million Hindus in Pak + BD. We should take them in and give the muslims the choice to go to Pak
Lack of Pride and self esteem and hence lack of Identity among Hindus was the point just prove.
Asking address is totally different..But if you ask me i am a Muslim..I will proudly say yes i am..
Same cannot be expected from Hindu..That is just proved.

Come up with as many fancy sentences you may...But you just failed the litmus test....

Please say it slowly so that your mind comprehends what you are speaking "I do not understand"! :)
Lack of Pride and self esteem and hence lack of Identity among Hindus was the point just prove.
Asking address is totally different..But if you ask me i am a Muslim..I will proudly say yes i am..
Same cannot be expected from Hindu..That is just proved...
care to explain how proud you are as a Muslim after seeing that you and your people are misled by a bunch of tugs who call them selves as Mullahs. Islam was pure but no more you people who seek identity based on religion have corrupted the teachings of Islam and please do not act like the sole representation of Muslim world. There are better leaders like Turkey, Indonesia and Malasia which can take the mantle of leading the Muslim world to betterment. Pakistan is a worst example to be a leader of the Islamic world.
In India how discusing about caste and being proud of belonging to a perticular caste is prohibited to the maximum extent by educated masses so is religion.
As long as we live to gether as a nation we care less about what a man's faith is. so you are just being too much amplified about your idea that we Hindus do not have an identity. The hero of Non Violance is a Hindu and the world knows this.
you just proved what a sneaky lil B@stard you are, no one disrespected Islam in this thread. The first person to disrepect any religion was YOU in the #17 thread. So good riddance from this thread.

Even I reported that thread, but no use....the standard is damn low nowdays...
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