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Betrayed by India: The tale of the Pakistani Hindu refugee

One noob question, why should we bother about Pakistani Hindus?

Why should we not?

The same reason we took in refugees from Sri Lanka - perhaps the reason was Tamil vote bank.

From Bangladesh - Bengali vote bank

I guess there is not a big enough vote bank of Sindhis, Baluchis and Pathan Hindus - but should that stop us from doing what is right?
Each to their own.Definition and criteria varies from country to country....But if India is choosing this European definition of Asylum,then they aren't doing that either..
On one hand the Indian media is full of reports of how Hindus and other minorities are being chased around by Muslim men wielding machetes ..and Hindu girls abducted by Muslim men high on Viagra...and when these "Oppressed" people go to India for Asylum..they aren't given anything..
so there is the betrayal....

They are given something alright, something very important, a secure environment where they won't be killed and their life and religious belief won't be in danger. There must be a reason as to why they don't want to go back right?

India is not some welfare state which can afford to hand out doles to asylum seekers. They should and they do get citizenship eventually, but as I said it needs to be done on case to case basis. We can't give citizenship en masse to anyone and everyone, specially when they are coming from Pakistan.

Even this number, however, is artificially low, kept down by stringent Indian visa regulations, especially after the 2009 Mumbai attack.

Problem is that these sorta things are too small an issue for the political leadership to even take notice, and the bureaucracy is happy to just laze about.

Ideally, they should be provided citizenship or maybe permanent residency first and then citizenship(after 10 years), but only after proper scrutiny and security checks.
If you had had the courage to fight and defeat the communal partition demand, that would have been valid.

Having surrendered before Jinnah and his Direct Action massacres, now it is incumbent on you to at least save your people who were left on the wrong side because of your cowardice and failure.

I'm not 80 years old so save it.

Your responsibility extends to all those who did not support the communal partition, whatever denomination they may belong to.

So what do you propose? Ask each and every refugee whether they support(ed) communal partition or not? Aren't you assuming that Pakistani Hindus were "left on the wrong side". What about the ones who chose to stay?
Omar, I can't believe that you're using this to score points against India ! Pakistanis who are ill-treated or discriminated against in their own Motherland is a massive blot on Pakistan...not India ! The CJP should take immediate action to alleviate any and all concerns of 'Our' religious minorities for they, by virtue of being a minority, have more rights over us then the other way around !
One noob question, why should we bother about Pakistani Hindus?
we should bother for the well being of any one who seeks livelyhood at our door steps. when we can give land and livelyhood to the tibetians who fled Tibet and BD milsim and hindus who fled BD, why not a hindu from pakistan. I think even if a muslim from Pakistan wishes to return to INDIA we should interview him like western country give him some time in INDIA and if we find he is eligible we should give him citizenship in INDIA
Oh and think about this. When a refugee seeks asylum - it speaks more ill of the country where he comes from than of the country delaying giving him asylum. Do you see Indian citizens seeking refuge nowadays anywhere in the world? Perhaps the last instance was Sikhs during the Khalistan days. And I would also like to know - given Pakistani insistence that Muslims are ill-treated in India - how many Muslims from India have sough asylum in Pakistan?
They are given something alright, something very important, a secure environment where they won't be killed and their life and religious belief won't be in danger. There must be a reason as to why they don't want to go back right?

India is not some welfare state which can afford to hand out doles to asylum seekers. They should and they do get citizenship eventually, but as I said it needs to be done on case to case basis. We can't give citizenship en masse to anyone and everyone, specially when they are coming from Pakistan.

Problem is that these sorta things are too small an issue for the political leadership to even take notice, and the bureaucracy is happy to just laze about.

Ideally, they should be provided citizenship or maybe permanent residency first and then citizenship(after 10 years), but only after proper scrutiny and security checks.

india has only malecious motives when crying about hindus in pakistan...
they dont do it becasuse they have any sympathy for hindus of pakistan or for any minotity...
the thing is why poke your noee if you either cant help or dont want to help...

your last sntnce proves india is a racist state .. not secular...far from it.
So what do you propose? Ask each and every refugee whether they support(ed) communal partition or not? Aren't you assuming that Pakistani Hindus were "left on the wrong side". What about the ones who chose to stay?

It can be safely assumed that any minority on the wrong side would not be a supporter of the communal partition. The number of exceptions would be negligible.

I say we also have an obligation towards Muslim opponents of the communal partition - e.g. Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan. Maybe we cannot take in all such cases, but we should at least try to help them where they are.
india has only malecious motives when crying about hindus in pakistan...
they dont do it becasuse they have any sympathy for hindus of pakistan or for any minotity...
the thing is why poke your noee if you either cant help or dont want to help...

your last sntnce proves india is a racist state .. not secular...far from it.
150 million muslims can move to pak if they wish, since you are islamic country lets see if you take them
Hindus anywhere in the world will naturally be more loyal to India than their country of origin just like jews will be more loyal to
stolen land of palestine. The only difference is that hindus have legal and historical claim to India where as Jews have a
mythical claim to Palestine. It makes more sense for India to give citizenship to fellow hindus from anywhere in the world.
150 million muslims can move to pak if they wish, since you are islamic country lets see if you take them

says who!
those who cant accomodate.a few hundred migrant hindus...despite a barrage of media abuse and propoganda against pakistan in their favor
wow I am amazed at the logic or lack of it, If India actually is trying to malign Pakistan on its minorities issue - dont u think we would have put a show of accepting them with open arms thus aiding more refugees fleeing from Pakistan looking up to India who is so generous towards Pakistani refugees.

150 million muslims can move to pak if they wish, since you are islamic country lets see if you take them

WTH was that??
An ideology of what? That there we some ancient kings and prince who fought a war against some weird creatures? How does it guide your life?

Now I know how much you have learnt, just shows your ignorance...

A religion is "Theist" anything atheist isnt a religion,so stop calling Hinduism a "Dharam" because you just said it isnt.

Dharma does not mean religion, shows againg your ignorance, please do a basic search(google helps!) before shouting off from top of your ignorant brain..

Dont know what you are on about

As if you correctly unserstood the ones before?

Nothing wrong with being secular,or atheist..But the worst thing is being split and confused,and having no clear path..Hindus are shy of being hindu and hide it...why live a life of shame...

See, we are atleast thinking of a reasonable way when in doubt or confusions. Clear path for what exactly? Noone in India is shy about being either a Hindu, Musalman or Christian.. you need to check your facts again..

That is one of the reasons..But i am totally unsure why you follow hinduism which isnt even a religion..An ideology..Tell me to come up with an ideology and i will take less than a day to make a new one..so there is not worth of just an ideology.

Again, why should we follow something just for the sake that you follow some religion? Who is asking to make an Ideology here? it guides us in how we conduct ourselves.. you seriously have no idea about Hinduism dude...

No its a blessing,which you lot don't have and want to take away ours by ridiculing it.
Reminds me of Aesop's fables..The fox that lost his tail.
Identity comes from Character dude not religion. there are extremists with same religion also do you identify with them too?
We always told them to come in the beginning days, but they didn't listen. Many of them were well-to-do businessmen and traders who didn't want to leave their businesses and opposed the idea of moving to India. That too when an open offer was made to them.

They can still come but at what price? This government won't accept Hindu refugees while our friends from Sundarbans get a free ticket in return for vote to secularist parties... what a shame.
says who!
those who cant accomodate.a few hundred migrant hindus...despite a barrage of media abuse and propoganda against pakistan in their favor
We have accomodated them, they are living here what are you even saying? Yes they will get citizenship but it takes time.. we even handeled a lot more BD refugees in 71.. we will do what is appropriate you giving moral lectures to us when you cant even provide a safe environement to them speaks loads of your country and people like you..
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