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Best BVR Capable Fighter in South Asia

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JHMCS provides support for raster scanned imagery to display FLIR/IRST pictures for night operations and provides collimated symbology and imagery to the pilot. The integration of the night-vision goggles with the JHMCS was a key requirement of the program.

Can you explain how is this replace TVC?

why is maneuverability important....to prevent one's AC from being shoot or locked...with JHMCS or (Generically HMD) the targeting is made so easy that maneuverability has virtually become subdued.

HMD systems, combined with High Off-Boresight (HOBS) weapons, results in the ability for aircrew to attack and destroy nearly any target seen by the pilot. These systems allow targets to be designated with minimal aircraft maneuvering, minimizing the time spent in the threat environment, and allowing greater lethality, survivability, and pilot situational awareness.
Helmet mounted display - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Then there is the weaponry. While Russia (I won't say China since most of their stuff is merely clones of Russian or Western stuff) has some very good missiles, and thus China will probably have them as well, the thing is that the Raptor also carries some of the best missiles in the world. The AIM-9X (which with the Raptors helmet-cued targeting system and agility, and the missile's off-bore ability, would make any short-range engagement with a RAptor highly imprudent), and ofcourse the AMRAAM (which by itself is highly lethal .....BUT THEN ADD the Raptor's kinematic performance, which would give the AMRAAM a significant boost, and also add to this the Raptor's sensory suites, and the AMRAAM goes from being a terrifying missile into becoming the veritable hand of god in aerial engagements!). Actually the Raptor would probably never have to use the AIM-9X .....the AMRAAM would do all the work because there would be almost no chance of a foreign fighter getting close enough to necessitate the use of heaters ....and anyways, the use of heaters (short-range IR missiles) has nowadays become highly dangerous since so many countries are already using IR missiles that have large no-escape zones, off-bore ability and helmet tracking (think about the Ruskie R-73, the German IRis-T, the Euro ASRAAM, our AIm-9X, the Israeli Python 4 and 5), meaning that we are quickly approaching a time when a short-range engagement between aircraft carrying next-gen IR A2A missiles will basically be tantamount to mutually assured destruction (as in MAD ....both planes will shoot each other out of the sky)! And anyways, no pilot wants to close in like that. Most would want to simply destroy their foe from BVR.
High G maneuverability vs. High off-boresight AAMs
AIM-9X provides the war fighter with the following capabilities: full day/night employment,resistance to countermeasures, extremely high off-boresight acquisition and launch envelopes, greatly enhanced maneuverability and improved target acquisition ranges. The AIM-9X airframe coupled with other advanced features gives fighter pilots a significant tactical advantage in the dogfight arena. The AIM-9X uses an extremely agile thrust
vector controlled airframe.
why is maneuverability important....to prevent one's AC from being shoot or locked...with JHMCS or (Generically HMD) the targeting is made so easy that maneuverability has virtually become subdued.

How about Israili HMD(which they will use in their F35) and Russian R73/Python 5 with 2D or 3D TVC..U can't ask more:azn:
^^ These are the reasons that the aerial ballet called dogfighting or BFM is being devolved in importance. We are seeing the end of an era. With these modern systems, a turning fight is like two guys with submachine guns facing each other at 4 meters. While one just might survive, there is an excellent chance both will go down.

Remember the "Hypermaneuverability" thread? All the Cobras/VIFFs/extreme maneuvering in the world won't help you against a missile that can do 50 to 60 G. The future is in reduced RCS, acceleration, high off boresight, and sensors.
High off-boresight is the ability to launch a highly-maneuverable, lethal IR missile without having to point your aircraft at the enemy.

Now, you simply turn your head and look at him. The missile seeker is slaved to the pilots line of sight, acquires the target, and is launched. Or, it can even be launched before its seeker acquires, and the acquisition can happen in-flight.

Think of a bullet that you can have strike a target just by looking at the target.
High off-boresight is the ability to launch a highly-maneuverable, lethal IR missile without having to point your aircraft at the enemy.

Now, you simply turn your head and look at him. The missile seeker is slaved to the pilots line of sight, acquires the target, and is launched. Or, it can even be launched before its seeker acquires, and the acquisition can happen in-flight.

Think of a bullet that you can have strike a target just by looking at the target.

Sir can High off boresight be used to launch BVR missiles as well or is it only applicable for IR missiles?
It's applicable to both with the exception that visual (pilot) acquisition is replaced with radar (or anti-radiation) acquisition.

You can launch a semi-active missile like the AIM-7 right up to the gimble limits of the radar, although pointing first (there are steering cues on the HUD), launching, and THEN maneuvering to the radar gimble limits is best. This increases what is called the "F-pole" distance, which is your jet's distance to the target at missile impact. Higher F-poles are desirable.

With missiles that go active (like the AIM-120), you can turn away completely and drag out at that point. MUCH better than having to guide a missile all the way to impact.
Which fighters in South Asia have High Off BoreSight capabilities ? Could someone please give some information. Thanks
Which fighters in South Asia have High Off BoreSight capabilities ?

Aircrafts armed with R 73 and the AIM 9X have high off boresight capability. It is also the Helmet Mounted Cueing system that plays a vital part.

Why would missiles with active seekers need to be guided?
If High Off Bore sight is a capability of missiles than as Sir Chogy has mentioned the AIM 120 which is part of the block 52 Package has this capability.

Are there any indian BVRs that have High Off Bore Sight capabilities?
If High Off Bore sight is a capability of missiles than as Sir Chogy has mentioned the AIM 120 which is part of the block 52 Package has this capability.

Are there any indian BVRs that have High Off Bore Sight capabilities?

Yes the IAF operates R 73 archer and RVV-AE missile which are high off boresight missiles and RVV-AE is an active guided BVRAAM nicknamed 'Amraamski'. We had this capability since 1998 after the MiG 29S upgradation.
AFA, PAF is concerned, new Falcons are equipped with JMHCS. There was a news regarding JHMCS for PAF
Boeing in St Louis, MO received a $68.8 million indefinite-delivery/ indefinite-quantity, firm-fixed-price contract for Full Rate Production Lot 4 (FRP 4) Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems (JHMCS). At this time, total funds have been obligated. Work will be complete December 2009. The Headquarters Air Force Materiel Command at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH issued the contract (F33657-01-D-0026/Delivery Order 0058). The systems will be used on USAF F-15s and F-16s, MACH Brooks, the USN's F/A-18 platforms, and foreign military sales to Poland (F/16s), Belgium (F-16s), Pakistan (F-16s), Greece (F-16s), Royal Australian Air Force (F/A-18s), Switzerland (F/A-18s), and Canada (F/A-18s).

DID has covered the Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems (JHMCS) before, from its revolutionary effect on air combat when used with 4th generation SRAAMs like the AIM-9X Sidewinder, AA-11 Archer et. al., to the program's rocky but ultimately successful history. JHMCS helmets are now a common request from countries who are upgrading their US-made fighters (as DID noted, Canada is the latest as part of its Phase 2 CF-18 upgrade).

Boeing has contracted for more than 2,000 JHMCS systems over the past six years. They are the prime contractor and integrator for JHMCS, which is produced by the Rockwell Collins/ Elbit joint venture Vision Systems International, LLC, based in San Jose, CA.
It is highly likely that PAF will upgrade current operating blocks to have JHMCS as well. I think PAF F-7s also use Chinese origin HMD. Regarding WVRAAMs PAF is actively looking for A Darter WVRAAM to mate with its JHMCS. I dont think we have AIM-9X on PAF Falcons 52s at the moment but PAF looks on the way to acquire A Darter as its standard WVRAAM. On JFT at the moment HMD is absent IMHO, but the plans include integration of HMDS on JFT to enhance its combat effectiveness
A high off boresight missile is not very useful unless the fighter has a Helmet Mounted Cueing System. This is because without the Helmet Mounted Cueing System you still have to point the aircraft at the target to acquire the target and fire at it.

The block 52 F-16s do have Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems.

Does any Indian Fighter have a Helmet Mounted Cueing System ? I would be grateful if anyone could add to my information on this aspect.
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