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Berlin moves to cut ties between German Muslims and Turkey


May 10, 2015
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"Berlin wants to sever the financial and institutional ties between local Muslim communities and the Turkish government as part of a bold campaign to help German Muslims develop a homegrown version of Islam. “What we need now is an Islam for German Muslims that belongs to Germany,” Markus Kerber, the top civil servant in the German interior ministry, said in an interview with the Financial Times. “That does not mean that we want to develop a new theology. It means that German Muslims have to decide: what kind of Islam do we want here?” Mr Kerber, who is the official in charge of relations between the government and the country’s 4m-strong Muslim community, added: “Our goals are: to reduce foreign influence — both financial and personal — on Germany’s Muslim community; to ensure that imams preaching in Germany are trained in Germany; and to ensure that Muslims are better integrated in German society when it comes to issues of everyday life.” ."

Berlin moves to cut ties between German Muslims and Turkey
all over the world is slowly becoming right winged it's like history on rewind

also to break Ummah which is already broken
German Islam, American Islam, Turkish Islam, Saudi Islam, Iranian Islam, French Islam, British Islam, Russian Islam, Pakistani Islam, Chinese Islam...

I need an Islam that belongs to me, how does it sound? :D
You already have one....

Lol Germans will be losing on this one
Another addition in the long list....
Crazy fvcks. How can you seperate Turkish Muslims living in Germany from their roots i.e. Turkey?

This is eventually what all Western states are hoping to achieve. Simply have a bastard breed race that doesn’t understand its true roots. A community that has abandoned its culture, language and norms. It ain’t happening. Even an animal doesn’t abandon his ways.

Guess what happens to those that do? Their generations are lost and they are cast out like a leper. They are hated by their own and not accepted by the other side.
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"Berlin wants to sever the financial and institutional ties between local Muslim communities and the Turkish government as part of a bold campaign to help German Muslims develop a homegrown version of Islam. “What we need now is an Islam for German Muslims that belongs to Germany,” Markus Kerber, the top civil servant in the German interior ministry, said in an interview with the Financial Times. “That does not mean that we want to develop a new theology. It means that German Muslims have to decide: what kind of Islam do we want here?” Mr Kerber, who is the official in charge of relations between the government and the country’s 4m-strong Muslim community, added: “Our goals are: to reduce foreign influence — both financial and personal — on Germany’s Muslim community; to ensure that imams preaching in Germany are trained in Germany; and to ensure that Muslims are better integrated in German society when it comes to issues of everyday life.” ."

Berlin moves to cut ties between German Muslims and Turkey

Considering Turkish Islam is liberal anyway I don't really know what they are asking for. But the idea of having a localised Islam....? Personally I agree with it, as long as it doesn't break Koran. Its very tough topic and may hurt a lot of emotions and is insensitive. Controversial.
Considering Turkish Islam is liberal anyway I don't really know what they are asking for. But the idea of having a localised Islam....? Personally I agree with it, as long as it doesn't break Koran. Its very tough topic and may hurt a lot of emotions and is insensitive. Controversial.

You know what they are asking for.

Ditch Turkey and become total Germans. Even liberal Turkish Islam is still a major threat to the Europeans.

Without a shred of a doubt, even if Turkey disowned Islam today they would still feel threatened by it. Islam is just an excuse. This war goes beyond religion.
Considering Turkish Islam is liberal anyway I don't really know what they are asking for. But the idea of having a localised Islam....? Personally I agree with it, as long as it doesn't break Koran. Its very tough topic and may hurt a lot of emotions and is insensitive. Controversial.
There is no Turkish Islam. Islam is one.

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