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Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel Speaks to Arnab About Pakistan

India-Israel nexus is the best thing that could happen to humanity. Both believe in removing terrorists and terrorism from the face of our mother earth.

Ironically, both India and Israel acknowledges sponsoring terrorism officially. Israel excuse was that Israel cannot defend itself against majority-dominated Arab ME so Israel admittedly using proxy wars to sponsor terrorism to destabilize Middle East.

Whereas for India, Ajit Doval, in-charge of Indian NSA, confesses sponsoring Afghan-based terrorism that claimed the lives of more than 50,000 innocent people including the children and the women in Pakistan.

And both think they can fool the entire world using mind control technique. And if both are determined to fool the world, then why confess sponsoring terrorism in the first place. I never understood that except i can chalk it under seemingly arrogant just to be boastful.
Seems like the israeli modus operandi is to absolute apathy when it comes to Pakistan. Seems appropriate, why make enemies when youve got enough.
Israel wants no part of Pakistan india dispute,They have managed to piss almost all of middle east off.
nethanyahu is smiling and saying in his head "india has numerical advantage over Pakistan but still want us to fight for them,How pathetic are these people"

india needs israel but israel doesn't need india at all.
very well put. i was thinking the same.
There they areView attachment 409884
View attachment 409885

View attachment 409886

Doesn't look handicap to me. Soviet union messed with you and they are still powerful.
What about you?

Sending every tom, dick and harry to Russia for signing an MI-35 helicopter deal.

Sorry brother you are terribly miss informed ...

Below is the map of USSR broken down ...
Status of super power lost ...
Humiliated in Afghanistan ...
Lost influence over 80% of the allied countries ...
Russian communism is gone even from RUssia and also from india

and you are saying that Russia is strong ...

Can't beat you sunnis in this thing
Anti pedophila bill rejected


You Pakistani sunnis bring good name to your country and your religion. Keep up the good work

Funny The Pathetic Bhindu Talking About pedophillia Follows Books Which Are The Manual on pedophillia

a girl should be given in marriage before puberty.

gautama (18-21)

out of fear of the appearance of the menses, let the father marry his daughter while she still runs about naked. for if she stays in the home after the age of puberty, sin falls on the father.

vashistha (17.70).

" A man, aged thirty years, shall marry a maiden of twelve
who pleases him, or a man of twenty-four a girl of eight years of age; if
(the performance of) his duties would otherwise be impeded, he must marry

Funny The Pathetic Bhindu Talking About pedophillia Follows Books Which Are The Manual on pedophillia

gautama (18-21)

vashistha (17.70).


I am a Christian lol. I don't want to be banned here I can show you Quran quotes of Muhammad's antics with Aisha. So go back to your cave and bow down. If you know what position it is.
Sorry brother you are terribly miss informed ...

Below is the map of USSR broken down ...
Status of super power lost ...
Humiliated in Afghanistan ...
Lost influence over 80% of the allied countries ...
Russian communism is gone even from RUssia and also from india

and you are saying that Russia is strong ...

View attachment 409890
why dont you do the same to US of A instead of letting them run all over you?
I am a Christian lol. I don't want to be banned here I can show you Quran quotes of Muhammad's antics with Aisha. So go back to your cave and bow down. If you know what position it is.

Do it then. What a piece of filth you are.
Do it then. What a piece of filth you are.
Nah... it's all over the internet all you need to do is go to google.us and type Mohammed and Aisha in the images. You will get what I mean. Adios
Benjamin Netanyahu Speaks to Arnab

Arnab puting Israeli pm on the spot about Pakistan

Benjamin Netanyahu Speaks to Arnab

and he didnt dare to name Pakistan for even once, it seems he also want subhumans to worship him in squares so he can perform some stunts against Pakistan... he is not yet ready.

Kuttay wali hogai Arnab ki.

You Indians have respect for every person who kill Muslims.

Even zionists dont have anything against us, they maybe hate bcoz Muslim resist land grab of European in ME, the real haters and enemies of Islam are Hindus.
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I think Pakistanis can relax as long as they stop terror support.

If they stir trouble then I think we will see Israeli support for India via intelligence tactics and weapons to help end that .nonsense .

In a war Israel will be supporting it's Massive investment in the Indian arsenal to see. It's deployed and used effectively.

Israel has no love for Islamic countries I believe yet India is it's biggest importer if hardware and judging by their love for Modi and India this is very deep alliance
I am a Christian lol. I don't want to be banned here I can show you Quran quotes of Muhammad's antics with Aisha. So go back to your cave and bow down. If you know what position it is.

You're Christian????? You Made My Job Even Easier

And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Avenge the children of Israel of the Midianites ... And they warred against the Midianites, as the LORD commanded Moses; and they slew all the males ... And the children of Israel took all the women of Midian captives, and their little ones ... And Moses was wroth with the officers ... And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive? ... Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

Numbers 31:1-18

saint augustine: saint augustine, who is credited with having formulated christian theology, betrothed himself to a ten year old girl, and this was when he was thirty-one years of age. he waited two years for her body to mature, after which she moved into saint augustine’s at the age of twelve

we read:
one such example of betrothal between a mature male and young girl is that of st.

augustine (354-439 a.d.). at the age of thirty-one, augustine betrothed himself to a ten-year-old girl.

(mark e. pietrzyk, http://www.internationalorder.org/scandal_response.html)

Byzantine Emperors and Nobles Marries 8 Year Old Girls



girls were sold off as slave girls by their own fathers to other men.

“When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. 8 If she does not satisfy her owner, he must allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her. 9 But if the slave’s owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave but as a daughter."

1. saint hedwig of andechs: saint hedwig is revered by the christians as the patron saint of orphans. she was married off at the age of twelve to henry i of silesia.

2. saint rita of cascia: she is considered by christians to be the patron saint of hopeless causes, and was betrothed at the age of twelve to a man named paola mancini.

3. saint mary of jesus crucified: she was betrothed at the age of thirteen.

4. saint elizabeth of portugal, patron of the third order of st. francis, was married off at the age of twelve.

5. saint joseph, the supposed foster father of jesus, was in his nineties when he married the twelve year old mary. some claim that joseph was in his thirties—and not his nineties—but the fact remains that he was a grown man who married a twelve year old.

and there are many other examples from amongst the venerated christian saints…

christian kings, royals, and nobles

the christian royals were marrying girls as young as nine, according to an article written by professor lynda garland of the university of new england:

child brides, whether byzantines or foreign princesses, were the norm rather than the exception, especially from the late twelfth century. irene ducaena, wife of alexius i comnenus, was twelve at her marriage, and empress before she was fifteen; the byzantine princess theodora, manuel's niece, was in her thirteenth year when she married baldwin iii of jerusalem; and margaret-maria of hungary married isaac ii angelus at the age of nine.

(professor lynda garland of university of new england, http://www.roman-emperors.


it should be noted that these christian kings, royals, and nobles married with the blessing and sanction of the church. as such, the countless examples that we will provide serve as a strong proof against the christians and their insincere criticisms of prophet muhammad (peace be upon him). in this article, we will only provide a few of the many examples, as follows:

1. king richard ii, at the age of thirty, married a french princess named isabella who was only seven years old at the time.

2. duchess of milan, bianca of savoy, was married off at the age of thirteen.

3. theodora comnena was married off at the age of thirteen to king baldwin iii, who was more than double her age.

4. king adronikos i komnenos, the valiant christian leader of the byzantine empire, married the twelve year old agnes of france when he was sixty-four years old.

5. king denis of portugal married the twelve year old saint elizabeth of portugal. glass house

6. girolamo riario, lord of imola and forli, married the nine year old caterina sforza.

7. jeanne iii of navarre was wed at the age of thirteen.

8. giovanni sforza married the thirteen year old lucrezia borgia.

9. king haakon vi of norway married the ten year old queen margaret.

10. count agness of essex was betrothed at the age of only three years old and married off at the age of twelve to a man who was almost fifty years of age.

11. prince edward of wales married the french king’s daughter, isabella, who was only seven years old.

12. romanos ii married bertha (renamed eudokia), the daughter of the king of italy, when she was only four years old!

13. stephen milutin, the kral of serbia, married simonis, the daughter of emperor andronikos ii, when she was only five years old. at the time of the marriage, stephen milutin was fifty years old.

14. edward i married the nine year old eleanor of castile.

15. richard of shrewsbury, king edward iv’s son, married the five year old anne mowbray of norfolk.

16. mary stewart married henry viii when she was only six.

So Before Going High and Mighty You Might Want To Look At The Glass House You Live In.

And Before You Talk About "Muhammad's antics with Aisha" Read This


I Am Sure You Have A Lot of "Quran quotes" Copy Pasted From Some Second Rate Islam Hater
You're Christian????? You Made My Job Even Easier

saint augustine: saint augustine, who is credited with having formulated christian theology, betrothed himself to a ten year old girl, and this was when he was thirty-one years of age. he waited two years for her body to mature, after which she moved into saint augustine’s at the age of twelve

(mark e. pietrzyk, http://www.internationalorder.org/scandal_response.html)

Byzantine Emperors and Nobles Marries 8 Year Old Girls



girls were sold off as slave girls by their own fathers to other men.

1. saint hedwig of andechs: saint hedwig is revered by the christians as the patron saint of orphans. she was married off at the age of twelve to henry i of silesia.

2. saint rita of cascia: she is considered by christians to be the patron saint of hopeless causes, and was betrothed at the age of twelve to a man named paola mancini.

3. saint mary of jesus crucified: she was betrothed at the age of thirteen.

4. saint elizabeth of portugal, patron of the third order of st. francis, was married off at the age of twelve.

5. saint joseph, the supposed foster father of jesus, was in his nineties when he married the twelve year old mary. some claim that joseph was in his thirties—and not his nineties—but the fact remains that he was a grown man who married a twelve year old.

and there are many other examples from amongst the venerated christian saints…

christian kings, royals, and nobles

the christian royals were marrying girls as young as nine, according to an article written by professor lynda garland of the university of new england:

(professor lynda garland of university of new england, http://www.roman-emperors.


it should be noted that these christian kings, royals, and nobles married with the blessing and sanction of the church. as such, the countless examples that we will provide serve as a strong proof against the christians and their insincere criticisms of prophet muhammad (peace be upon him). in this article, we will only provide a few of the many examples, as follows:

1. king richard ii, at the age of thirty, married a french princess named isabella who was only seven years old at the time.

2. duchess of milan, bianca of savoy, was married off at the age of thirteen.

3. theodora comnena was married off at the age of thirteen to king baldwin iii, who was more than double her age.

4. king adronikos i komnenos, the valiant christian leader of the byzantine empire, married the twelve year old agnes of france when he was sixty-four years old.

5. king denis of portugal married the twelve year old saint elizabeth of portugal. glass house

6. girolamo riario, lord of imola and forli, married the nine year old caterina sforza.

7. jeanne iii of navarre was wed at the age of thirteen.

8. giovanni sforza married the thirteen year old lucrezia borgia.

9. king haakon vi of norway married the ten year old queen margaret.

10. count agness of essex was betrothed at the age of only three years old and married off at the age of twelve to a man who was almost fifty years of age.

11. prince edward of wales married the french king’s daughter, isabella, who was only seven years old.

12. romanos ii married bertha (renamed eudokia), the daughter of the king of italy, when she was only four years old!

13. stephen milutin, the kral of serbia, married simonis, the daughter of emperor andronikos ii, when she was only five years old. at the time of the marriage, stephen milutin was fifty years old.

14. edward i married the nine year old eleanor of castile.

15. richard of shrewsbury, king edward iv’s son, married the five year old anne mowbray of norfolk.

16. mary stewart married henry viii when she was only six.

So Before Going High and Mighty You Might Want To Look At The Glass House You Live In.

And Before You Talk About "Muhammad's antics with Aisha" Read This


I Am Sure You Have A Lot of "Quran quotes" Copy Pasted From Some Second Rate Islam Hater
Lol.. sorry to burst your bubble I am not a Catholic. I am a pure Protestant. We don't have saints. Lol
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