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Bengali Muslims in India: illegal immigrants or victims of silent genocide

To respond to the first bit of rants, there are multiple threads running on this same topic - it's better if we don't discuss anythign related to this topic outside this thread. A genocide of the same ethnicity is defence related by all means and, yes, some Indians were in fact going overboard with all the "hate threads".

As for Bengali Muslim population rising, it's not like you hindutvas are contributing somehow, are you? What's with the "it's all with our help" attitude?

Now continue with your cheap shots. Oh don't forget to make use of "brain farts" and "poonting". :P

Genocide is when a whole community is systematically targeted and wiped off . Like how it is happening to the Hindus in Bangaldesh with a dramatic decrease in their proportion. On the other hand, Bengali muslim population has been increasing dramaticlly in India.

just a question for indians . you all want to push back illegal bangali muslims from india ya ?
what about the illegal banglai hindus ?/ wanna push the back too ?

They are not welcomed either, unless they are asylum seekers coming through proper channels. But then most of these land encroaches seem to be Bengali speaking muslims for some reason.
As for Bengali Muslim population rising, it's not like you hindutvas are contributing somehow, are you? What's with the "it's all with our help" attitude?

So who are contributing? Cyber Jihad.is like you by pole vaulting to India?
English is not my mother language, so I am poor at it. I accept it, and by everyday I am improving my English Skills. Coming to your query:

Million of Pakistani are coming to india to live there dream, million of Muslims are living in India and living better than Muslims of some Muslims country. Agree 1/3 Indian are poor but point here is 2/3 are rich. We are working on making them rich.

Hindu Terrorism: Hindu can not be terrorists, If Hindu is terrorists Muslims have not grown from 7% to 30% in India. In India no muslim had ever felt prosecution.

If India is such a bad country why Muslims are growing like %%%%% ??? and why Bangladeshies are pole Vaulting??? and why Illegal Bangladeshi and Paksiatni are not willing to go back to there Islamic Pure land???
really? gosh that's some over exaggerated number and please please please dont use colors, its annoying and hard to read
Hey forumers, please post all news related to the thread title here. Let's not have multiple threads running on the same topic - sort of defeats the purpose of having a "thread".

I don't know...this sub forum has become some sort of rant forum :confused:

There's no "genocide", just some random communal nut jobs. That's it.

Some food for thought:

Is India repeating the same mistake Pakistan did in pre-1971 East Pakistan? They used to call us "gaddars" and "less muslim" to justify the ethnic cleansing. In India, BJP/RSS/Hindutvas call Bengali Muslims (especially those who speak with a non-Kolkata accent) "illegals", "troublemakers" and, I bet very soon, "muslim terrorists".

Let's see...

There were riots all the way in Mumbai, and somehow, it was Bangladesh's and Pakistan's fault :lol:
BBC News - India to share exodus messages proof with Pakistan

They were clearly instigated by some crazy Indian Muslims. Through and through. No Bangladeshis as some folks here claimed.

I've waited for a few weeks to validate those claims. It just shows their pathetic attempts.

They also believe that Greater Bangladesh is real. It's almost a prophecy for those guys.

Additionally, some guys compared their imaginary dilemma to Myanmar. And added a little religious flavor to the matter. Don't ye just love them? :angel:

And oh, according to an Indian chacha, our air force is so awesome, that our helicopters can bomb $hit! Since when did combat helicopters bomb? They carry an assortment of shells and rockets.

And yes, we did 'bomb' incoming Rohingya boats.

All of the Indians here bought it :angel:

Do we need to explain anything about the real character of these people? :no:

Of-course, that isn't to say all Indians are like that.

GoI is now even censoring social media sites :lol:
BBC News - India targets social media sites after Assam violence

Will China provide covert support if a war breaks out between India and BD? It's in their interest, as much as it was in India's interest to take advantage of the situation in 1971. I know the very thought of an Indo-BD war sounds outrageous, but don't underestimate BJP's resolve to do something stupid (military aggression) and get super popular with more than half of Indian society!

mmm...nah, they won't militarily threaten us. Remember, India is very dependent on imports. Particularly in advanced weapons.

Most of the Indians here are BJP supporters. But that doesn't describe every Indian in a vast nation like India. The word "Pakistan" is awfully attractive for their ilks.

China is our largest arms supplier, and will remain so for all time.

Although, Bangladesh does need to take the issue of national security more seriously on all aspects. And honestly, I want those battling begums gone, along with their sons. Just disappear.
See Brother I respect Bengalis , I don't have any bad feeling for them. @topic

if (they are Indian Muslims):
Then STFU, its not your Business to poke nose in our Internal matter. We never asked you how you treated BD hindus. We
never gave you guidelines how to treat your Hindus. So mind your business and Go off.
else (If they are illegal Migrants)
Take them and show u care your own flesh and blood..

under no circumstances you should be doing Widow dance here...
See, the Jack Arse- Malaun's type knows well that BD's Hindu are well off, well placed for not to be touched thus he throws the bait as a meticulously calculated risk whereas Muslim's of Bharat are defence less, so killing spree could go unabated. With the above comments, Hindutavya terror fukc's evil intention of exterminating Muslims by hook or by crook is now exposed.
See, the Jack Arse- Malaun's type knows well that BD's Hindu are well off, well placed for not to be touched thus he throws the bait as a meticulously calculated risk whereas Muslim's of Bharat are defence less, so killing spree could go unabated. With the above comments, Hindutavya terror fukc's evil intention of exterminating Muslims by hook or by crook is now exposed.

theses hindutv's got another surprise coming

no one can wipe out islam or muslims , we are here to stay, inshallah:police:
See, the Jack Arse- Malaun's type knows well that BD's Hindu are well off, well placed for not to be touched thus he throws the bait as a meticulously calculated risk whereas Muslim's of Bharat are defence less, so killing spree could go unabated. With the above comments, Hindutavya terror fukc's evil intention of exterminating Muslims by hook or by crook is now exposed.

Malaun_Saint, if those attacked in Assam are Indian muslims, as per your bangals here, then what happens to them is none of your ******* marshland mosquito business. Keep out of it.

no one can wipe out islam or muslims , we are here to stay, inshallah:police:

No one foresaw the destruction of abbasids by Hulagu either.
No one foresaw the destruction of abbasids by Hulagu either.[/QUOTE]

yet my friend there is 53 muslim nations

and only 1 hindu

(look nothing against hindus but i wont stand for extremism. wheather its the hindu muslim , christian, budhist, alein monekkys)
yet my friend there is 53 muslim nations

and only 1 hindu

(look nothing against hindus but i wont stand for extremism. wheather its the hindu muslim , christian, budhist, alein monekkys)

57 it is actually.

And none will give a jack what happens to Bangladesh. FACT.

Those 57 are soooooooo hopelessly divided on tribal, ethnic, racial, sectarian, idealogical basis that this 1 Hindu country is enough for any of them anytime.
57 it is actually.

And none will give a jack what happens to Bangladesh. FACT.

Those 57 are soooooooo hopelessly divided on tribal, ethnic, racial, sectarian, idealogical basis that this 1 Hindu country is enough for any of them anytime.

happy wet dream buddy !:rofl:

wipe out bangladesh there will still be west bengal so our culture lives .

wipe out pak , islam will still live.

but a few nukes over your nation

and whooooooooooop there goes your hindu's

so please quit being so anti islamic and learn to live side by side
happy wet dream buddy !

Did I say anything wrong ? Or do you think the Muslim Ummah is so united ? :woot:

Your country came into existence because of the divisions I mentioned. lol

Ummah is the crutch you south asian muslims carry on because of the inherent inferiority complex and the need to be associated with the Arabs, persians and turks. Have you seen any other muslim carry on this ummah crutch as much as the south asian muslims ? I have not.
yet my friend there is 53 muslim nations

and only 1 hindu

(look nothing against hindus but i wont stand for extremism. wheather its the hindu muslim , christian, budhist, alein monekkys)

We saw their might in 71 when all of them were behind Pakistan but could not avert anything.
Did I say anything wrong ? Or do you think the Muslim Ummah is so united ? :woot:

Your country came into existence because of the divisions I mentioned. lol

wipe out bangladesh there will still be west bengal so our culture lives .

wipe out pak , bangladesh islam will still live.

( i am not saying these 2 countries are the centre of islam but i hope you get my point )

but a few nukes over your nation

and whooooooooooop there goes your hindu's

so please quit being so anti islamic and learn to live side by side
wipe out bangladesh there will still be west bengal so our culture lives .

the west bengali babus dont give a **** to you bangalis except for the hilsa you grow.

wipe out pak , bangladesh islam will still live.

As if I care.

And what is the use that arab muslims live when you, your family, your country, your culture dies ?

Did not I say, this is the mindless ummah crutch you south asian muslims carry on ?

An arab would not say "wipe out all the arabs", islam would still live in bangladesh,

but a few nukes over your nation

and whooooooooooop there goes your hindu's

so please quit being so anti islamic and learn to live side by side

And who will lob the few nukes ? and no few nukes will not be enough to take out a single tier-I city, let alone a 3.3 million sq km country.
the west bengali babus dont give a **** to you bangalis except for the hilsa you grow.

As if I care.

And who will lob the few nukes ? and no few nukes will not be enough to take out a single tier-I city, let alone a 3.3 million sq km country.

And what is the use arab muslims live when you, your family, your country, your culture dies ?

look you fail to miss my point

you will destroy lives sure and cities yes

but you wont destroy islam as a religion

nor will you destroy bengali as a culture .

but i anything happens to india, an entire religion goes !

it doesnt matter wheather WB's give **** about bd or not. cos we dont either.

but end of the day they are bengali . Try and get your little head around what i am saying
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