This logic is as old as the invention of wheel, which probably results in millions of job losses at that time as well
People assume automation is cheap and there is some magical switch which the companies can switch on and the products will get manufactured get delivered to the customer. If only it were that simple.
Automation will result in millions of 'existing' job losses - True
What is also true is that Automation will ensure tens of millions of 'new' jobs that will be needed to ensure Automation is achieved.
I remember when I used to physically write letters and post them. I have not done that in couple of decades now. What happened to all those jobs that were lost because of invention of e-mail, interactive forms etc etc? Well, all those guys who lost those old jobs to e-mail, moved to create the support structure to enable the new technology.
This logic has been true for millennia and will be true for the next millennia as well.
Those who are lazy and inept have always ended up in gutter. this is true for now, past and will hold true for future as well.