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Beijing does a U-turn, praises India-China bond

Well, what else can I say? First nobody claimed China is a Top country but u claimed India is one.

The FACT is China and India were on par in 70s in terms of Economy. However today, China has a 4 trillion economy and India only has 1. Even then, China still grows at a higher rate year after year, the gap is widening everyday, even an elementary school pupil knows what that means. U want to call that "boom boom sparkle short term and than slowly will fade away", it's up to u.

Again, u may buy "Hi-tech" from US but u don't possess the "Hi-tech", too many countries buy weapons from US and India is just one of them. US only sells weapon to those who can not possess threat to its interest. Does US sell weapon to Russia?

U can buy whatever u want but u can not buy "RESPECT", and certainly can not buy your name on the Top countries list.

BTW, China does not kiss anybody's *** today, China is America's No.1 Debtor.

Good nite and have a nice DREAM

Friend thats funny. Why china dream to compete with america? 4 trillion dollars??? Thats how much america spend in 6 years on military. India can catch up ur china because 1 trillion vs 4 trillion not big gap but 4 trillion vs 118 trillion is something. Right??? And you are right that america dont give high-tech to russia or china. Thats biggest plus point because than india will get it while china can keep copy russian technology which aint superior to russia's orginal technology. Thats what russia said and not i. india not heavy exporter yet we growing 2nd fast in whole world. China depended on export. India will grow even more faster as our export gets going. For that we need technology which we would get easily now unlike china. Cheers. Good night friend sweet dreams.
Open your mind, OK? every country has its own interest just like everyone living on this planet.

Don't u guys claim Aksai Chin too? And that shows what India is?

Grow up and learn to put yourself into other's shoes, OK?

Friend what intrest are you talking about? Blocking funds for development of our anurachal pradesh??? Why china done that for??? And friend whose childish? Me or your china? Your china keep claimming anurachal pradesh china's part. Why dont china grow up my friend? China big country. It doesnt look good when china cry's for anurachal pradesh. They should just come and take it. Its as simple as that. When they keep crying doesnt mean china would get our anurachal pradesh. So i think china needs to grow up. Cheers friend.
Friend thats funny. Why china dream to compete with america? 4 trillion dollars??? Thats how much america spend in 6 years on military. India can catch up ur china because 1 trillion vs 4 trillion not big gap but 4 trillion vs 118 trillion is something. Right??? And you are right that america dont give high-tech to russia or china. Thats biggest plus point because than india will get it while china can keep copy russian technology which aint superior to russia's orginal technology. Thats what russia said and not i. india not heavy exporter yet we growing 2nd fast in whole world. China depended on export. India will grow even more faster as our export gets going. For that we need technology which we would get easily now unlike china. Cheers. Good night friend sweet dreams.

Looks like our beloved Indian member on this forum is not good at math.

USA 2008 GDP: 14.2 trillion
China 2008 GDP: 4.4 trillion
India 2008 GDP: 1.2 trillion

2008 List by the International Monetary Fund

Let me tell you the difference between 1 trillion and 4 trillion is not small, it would take India about 20 years to get to 4 trillion with a growth of 8%. After 20 years, China's GDP exceeds US already.

And USA spends 500 billion on Defense every year. 4.4 trillion would take America 9 years to spend on defence.

Where did u get that 118 trillion from? Our earth's total GDP is 61 trillion, is 118 trillion for Mars?

So u see the difference between US and China is somewhat similar to the difference between China and India.

Is that clear?
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Friend what intrest are you talking about? Blocking funds for development of our anurachal pradesh??? Why china done that for??? And friend whose childish? Me or your china? Your china keep claimming anurachal pradesh china's part. Why dont china grow up my friend? China big country. It doesnt look good when china cry's for anurachal pradesh. They should just come and take it. Its as simple as that. When they keep crying doesnt mean china would get our anurachal pradesh. So i think china needs to grow up. Cheers friend.

So u want something u should just come and take it? who is childish here?
Friend your china loves to ravage the small country and threat them. Anyway if u dont like my thought than u shouldnt reply to it. Last year indian prime minister went japan. There they had talks. America too was there. Suddenly your china raises eyebrow and objected and told india and japan to explain whats going on. i really dont understand whats wrong with china. They object everything like meetings in which they not included, military exercise in bengal sea, they even objected india deploying sukhoi 30 Mki, they even veto and stopped funds for our anurachal pradesh, they kept increasing military and infrastructure at indo-china border. They surrownding india all side. i think china lost mind. Is it fear? i think best answer to china is by surrownding china. Thats possible by america, india, japan and south korea. i can bet thats biggest fear of china. Am sure this fear would come true if china kept provoking india. By the way friend who gave freedom to india? Do u know mahatma Gandhi? Do some research friend. Cheers.

which one is a small country ?Japan?US? or india.......never heard of this propaganda anyway,your media made it up?look around the small countries around india,you will know what i mean,prachanda attend a ceremony,india got mad ,Bangladesh and china are getting close ,india got mad ,Sri Lanka consider china as friend,india got mad .....you don't own these countries......some idiot was even dreaming to make Sri Lanka as "hongkong" of india
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Indians and Chinese, gentlemen please stop this meaningless squabling. Some of the arguements being presented are down right childish. Nothing productive is being achieved at all. THE BOTTOM LINE IS THAT THE CHANGE OF HEART WHICH SOME MEMBERS ATTRIBUTED THE CHINESE GIVERNMENT WITH, WITH REGARD TO INDIA IS GREAT NEWS FOR BOTH COUNTRIES AND ASIA, IF IT IS TRUE AND WE HOPE IT IS. (I have deliberately avoided the word 'U' turn as some members are allergic to it) Neither country wants war nor can they afford a war or any other distraction which causes them to deviate from the path of development and progress.

PS:- A quote from one of India's greatest sons-
"Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule".

- Gautam Buddha, 'Tathagata'
So what? Japan invaded China when China was at its all time low in history. Chinese people fought for 8 years straight, lost million s of lifes but never give up.

Didn't "little" British empire rule your huge "India" for decades? did u fight back? NO, u stop eating and protest, and call it non-violent - no corporation, I call it NO GUTS!

And in the end who WON??........the difference is You faught with ur millitary and couldnt win against a tiny island, we fought with our unarmed civilians and brought down an empire to its Knees. thatz what i call my friend "Determination".

You guys even take English as your official language, biggest joke in human history. A huge country with more than a billion people plus thousand years of history, using English to unite the country? Man, what a shame!

Yes we do. As a nation with multiple languges and cultural gaps, we consider English as a connecting link. I believe entire world consider English as a connecting link. The very country that u r living in right now has offical language English and u wouldnt get a job or education unless u know English, without english how do u communicate with Canadians and the very software that run on your computer is written in English codes and syntaxs.

It is a SHAME that u dont understand the importance of English in this golbalized world and use it everyday to communicate with fellow Canadians......at the same time question other's about using it. What a mess u r in!:hang2:

A country without guts has no future, Chinese without nuclear capability can fight American force(UN force actually) under their nuclear threat back in the 50s:china:. My Indian friend, ask yourself, can you?

Yes i know the gutts of ur Chinese Major General Zhu Chenghu about fighting Americans without using nuclear weapons, dont make me quote his words here bcoz it would burst ur bubble about "Chinese gutts" towards Ameican tech.:agree: read up the china section of the below link and make urself comfortable.
No first use - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Another funny demonstration of funny mentality!

Did China say AP is not an integral part of China? No! Then there is no turn, much less U turn.

Don't need too much IQ to understand it, does it?

Of Course China wants a good relationship with India, because China is now making money out of India.

Did you even read the article?

The article clearly says that there is a U-Turn in the tone of Chinese media, not in China's official policy regarding the border dispute.

I have already posted excerpts from the two articles published by People's Daily within a span of two months and the tone of the news outlet changes from an aggressive one to a more conciliatory one. And the Times of India article was talking about a "U-Turn" in that perception.

God.. some people come to conclusions without reading and then think they are too smart.
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Zhu Chenghu about fighting Americans without using nuclear weapons, dont make me quote his words here bcoz it would burst ur bubble about "Chinese gutts" towards Ameican tech.:agree: read up the china section of the below link and make urself comfortable.
No first use - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

we have proved ourself in korean and vietnam war when we were facing US, i appreciated his words,like Sun Tzu said "the best army can always subdue the enemy without war",<<the art of war>> is too hard for you,you are more good at the <<the art of sex>>
No it's not like getting beaten up by a 5yr old, because at the time Japan was far greater in technological, scientific, economic, military aspects of power, and it's ability to project it's power throughout East Asia was also great, Japanese Navy was highly modernized.

China on the other hand was by all means a developing nation, it was a weak China, a China under the threat of imperialism, it lacked the military, scientific, technological means to defend itself from mighty Japan.

Oh really???? how technological,scientifical, economical and millitarly advanced were the Talibans in Afghanistan and suicidal Iranqis against Americans?? How succesfull mighty US was in Vietnam???...so u cant win a determined man with advanced tech and ur point is pointless.

Geographical size or landmass of a nation does not necessarily equate to power.

yes it matters. what forced the Britts to leave India is that fact that Indians realized that "100,000 Brittish soldiers simply CAN NOT controll 350 million Indians (then) if those Indians refuse to cooperate". Size does matters my friend!!

Even though Japan was a fraction of China's size is a moot point, because when it came to development and military, scientific, economic, and technological means they were worlds apart.

so does the Indians and Britts in 1947, so does the Afghanis, Iraqis and United states in 2009?
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Wow!! Indians on the run!!

What is the matter with you? Can't handle the TRUTH?

TRUTH HURT? too bad.

Let me tell you, the SHAMEFUL DEFEAT of 1962 China-Indo war

will stay with you for the rest of your life. PRICELESS.:smitten:


Shameful defeat?! :rofl:

Yes, we were caught by surprise.. but c'mon.. during the 1962 war, 80,000 Chinese troops fought against 10,000 to 12,000 Indian troops. In other words, it took 8 Chinese troops to defeat 1 Indian jawan. And besides, everyone knows the real reason behind Chinese unilateral retreat.

So, stop these childish rants. You are not going to fool anyone here.
we have proved ourself in korean and vietnam war when we were facing US, i appreciated his words,like Sun Tzu said "the best army can always subdue the enemy without war",<<the art of war>> is too hard for you,you are more good at the <<the art of sex>>

may be we are, but still u have the LARGEST population in this wold, we (the artists of sex) are behind u as of now. Congratts!!
we have proved ourself in korean and vietnam war when we were facing US, i appreciated his words,like Sun Tzu said "the best army can always subdue the enemy without war",<<the art of war>> is too hard for you,you are more good at the <<the art of sex>>

And what about this Vietnam War -

Sino-Vietnamese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia?

And are you talking about that Korean War during which China deployed almost 1 million troops against USA's less than 500,000 troops and yet lost 400,000+ troops compared to ~37,000 American troops KIA? And even then, China wasn't able to secure the entire Korean peninsula. I can't even call it a Pyhrric victory.

To end, I greatly admire China, especially the work ethic of its people. But lets not get too over-board and please have a reality check. We have all made our share of military blunders in the past and are prone to repeating those same mistakes in future.
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wow,indian was very mad today,even try to change history,is it because Yi hurt your confidence last night?gud ,he only played 16 minutes
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