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Beijing does a U-turn, praises India-China bond

I haven't, but you seem to forget that Kashmir was not a provincial state but a princely-state and under the terms of partition, the rulers of the princely state were allowed to decide their own fate.

And I think it is unfair to draw parallels between Hyderabad and Kashmir because the Indian government tried to resolve the dispute over this region for more than a year through diplomatic channels. And the Nawab of Hyderabad never signed an Instrument of Accession to Pakistan, but the maharaja of Kashmir did sign such a document with India - so India has every right to claim Kashmir. And even then, Pakistan holds 85,846 km2 area of Kashmir and India has repeatedly made aware of its intention to give up claim over this region for the sake of regional peace.

And what about Goa? It was under Portuguese control, not British. The terms and circumstances were completely different.

It does not matter how you spin it......muslim majority areas where to go to pakistan.
However i think its very difficult to understand the Forgien Policy of China. There is no one single tone in which they are talking, some time they are aggressive, some time they are soft and contradicts their own earlier statements.

Dear friend, I doubt this sentence is from China official media"But India can't actually compete with China in a number of areas, like international influence, overall national power and economic scale" --------Ï read China news everyday,People's Daily cannot speak such word, I'm afraid you derive this saying from which other media or private words, or can u pls list us the full article of the saying and advise where you got these words?

To my idea, at least Chinese people will not regard Indian as enemy, only some politicals treat it as mischiefing tool.
Hello Bra; Yes, believe me, i fully understood the pain, shame, you

going through whenever someone mention 1962 China-Indo war.

But unfortunetly, that will be something you have to live with for

the rest of your life. And the best part is you can do nothing about


You want to talk about now? Fine, let me give you a little reality


(1) 27-36% population live below proverty line.

(2) 37-45% illiteracy rate.

(3) 70% imported weapeons, because you simply can't make a

decent rifle.

The list will be continue for your respone.

Well, after all those hard fact, i like to inform you a great news.

India is now officially the biggest export in the world of TALKS,

Thanks for your CALL CENTER. Enjoy! :smitten:


Friend are u chinees? Are you sure? U have called me 'Bra' twice now. Dont force me to name you 'panty' friend. Anyway it seems you are studying in school. Which grade are you in? Open a thread about your school. Dont eat brain here friend. Grow up and debet like a grown up. And by the way calling me 'Bra' indirectly you are insulting your own mother and sister if u have one. Aint gonna reply you now. Childrens should kept away from this forums. You better concentrate on ur studys and exam. Take care.
We should learn from EU, even with rich history of wars they can be one, why not us.

for centuries France Spain and UK were at war but now good neighbors. they even had world wars twice.
there were a few reasons for e.u clicking and and that concept not clicking in case of india, china and pakistan
i am only pointing out 3 there may be many more
1 . almost all of them are developed economy..
2 . no border dispute amongst the member nation..
3. no cros border conflict amongst the member nation
However i think its very difficult to understand the Forgien Policy of China. There is no one single tone in which they are talking, some time they are aggressive, some time they are soft and contradicts their own earlier statements.

Dear friend, I doubt this sentence is from China official media"But India can't actually compete with China in a number of areas, like international influence, overall national power and economic scale" --------Ï read China news everyday,People's Daily cannot speak such word, I'm afraid you derive this saying from which other media or private words, or can u pls list us the full article of the saying and advise where you got these words?

To my idea, at least Chinese people will not regard Indian as enemy, only some politicals treat it as mischiefing tool.

Hi friend. Do you mean india cant compete china at present or you meant india wont ever be able to compete china? As far as i know india now emerging. China started emerging long time ago well before india. india was isolated for nuclear testing but now you can see how india emerging. We would have what china cant have. China got support of small countries. You should look at india. We have support of america, uk, france, israel, japan, south korea etc etc. India is long term horse. India lacks is infrastructure. Apart from it india would grow rapidly while china will slow down as they are export dependable. U can check india's export vs china's export. China way ahead. That proves indian economy stable and not depended on exports. What happens when export gets effected friend? 30 million chinees jobless. In india if indian goverment removes people from jobs than there is huge protest. Indian goverment dont take risk. Ask any think tank and they would say whats indian economy would be compare to china's economy in future friend. India will compete china and even go ahead in future friend.
Whats your problem fo addressing him in short ..Bra?

For example your name is Patrick, people always will always call

you Pat.

You want respect? earn it.:smitten:

Ur name is "grey boy", how about we call you "GEY".....sounds familiar??.:whistle:........so instead of doing indirect insult, address members with propper names.
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We should learn from EU, even with rich history of wars they can be one, why not us.

for centuries France Spain and UK were at war but now good neighbors. they even had world wars twice.

Once the asian nations starts to focus more on Economy every conflicts and disputes between each other will slowly starts to fade away.
Ur name is "grey boy", how about we call you "GEY".....sounds familiar??.:whistle:........so instead of doing indirect insult, address members with propper names.

Oh!! LITTLE ONE; How dare you calling me GEY, you RACIST!!!

OH! man that hurt!!! I am going to report you!!!

What a JOKE!!! you Indians are. Get real!

You Indians want to play a hurting game, expect to get hurt!!!

Thats the name of the game. So stop WHINNING!

GIVE and TAKE, thats all. Have i ever complain?:smitten:

Oh!! LITTLE ONE; How dare you calling me GEY, you RACIST!!!

OH! man that hurt!!! I am going to report you!!!

What a JOKE!!! you Indians are. Get real!

You Indians want to play a hurting game, expect to get hurt!!!

Thats the name of the game. So stop WHINNING!

GIVE and TAKE, thats all. Have i ever complain?:smitten:


look who is whining now!!!!!!!!!!..........boy!!!!
someone closed this thread already its turning into a name calling contest
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