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Beijing does a U-turn, praises India-China bond

But the funny part is Japan is only a fraction of Chinese in land area and population....its like getting beaten up by a 5yr old.:hitwall:

if japan didn't stuck in china,US probably wouldn't have a chance to nuclear them,you should thank gud it's not india living in our territory at that time,Japanese was dreaming they would occupy the whole china within 3 month,but fighting was still everywhere even 8 years past,our weapons were suck ,but we were willing to fight with our blood,it's the same reason US played like crap in korean war.BTW,what's india's response at that tough time ?
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chinese have a lot to thank the Americans who gave them freedom from the Japanese. Definitely chinese(especially the KMT) were fighting the japanese but without western help they would still be serving the japanese . After the war Mao came out from the jungle and claimed victory over the Japanese.
If not for the Americans neither Tibet nor East Turkestan would be under the Hans.
So what? Japan invaded China when China was at its all time low in history. Chinese people fought for 8 years straight, lost million s of lifes but never give up.

Didn't "little" British empire rule your huge "India" for decades? did u fight back? NO, u stop eating and protest, and call it non-violent - no corporation, I call it NO GUTS!

You guys even take English as your official language, biggest joke in human history. A huge country with more than a billion people plus thousand years of history, using English to unite the country? Man, what a shame!

A country without guts has no future, Chinese without nuclear capability can fight American force(UN force actually) under their nuclear threat back in the 50s:china:. My Indian friend, ask yourself, can you?

Nothing can be more shame than importing your bhuddist religion from this shameful country. And india doesnot have 2 language like china, we have over 400+.

Same Gandhi is man of century but you chinese comrades love violence too much to resort to something as simple as a dialogue and Non-cooperation.

India also received same nuclear threat from US in 1971 but we didn't backed down.No wonder you have to agree with your communist POV otherwise they will make your grave at Tinaman square.:police:
are you a real indian.....this is real pathetic thought "i am a big country,so i can ravage small one.follow hegemony countries,hopefully they won't kid my *** like they did before"

Friend your china loves to ravage the small country and threat them. Anyway if u dont like my thought than u shouldnt reply to it. Last year indian prime minister went japan. There they had talks. America too was there. Suddenly your china raises eyebrow and objected and told india and japan to explain whats going on. i really dont understand whats wrong with china. They object everything like meetings in which they not included, military exercise in bengal sea, they even objected india deploying sukhoi 30 Mki, they even veto and stopped funds for our anurachal pradesh, they kept increasing military and infrastructure at indo-china border. They surrownding india all side. i think china lost mind. Is it fear? i think best answer to china is by surrownding china. Thats possible by america, india, japan and south korea. i can bet thats biggest fear of china. Am sure this fear would come true if china kept provoking india. By the way friend who gave freedom to india? Do u know mahatma Gandhi? Do some research friend. Cheers.
chinese have a lot to thank the Americans who gave them freedom from the Japanese. Definitely chinese(especially the KMT) were fighting the japanese but without western help they would still be serving the japanese . After the war Mao came out from the jungle and claimed victory over the Japanese.
If not for the Americans neither Tibet nor East Turkestan would be under the Hans.

Open your mind and accept the truth, my friend.

China and US were allies during WW2, that's why China got Permanent seat at UN Security Council after the war.

And Mao did not come out of jungle, both CCP and KMT signed agreement to stop civil war and fight Japs together.

Do some research before making comment about Chinese history
That's not called "join", it's called "kissing someone's ***", those countries u mentioned are far more superior compare to India. And no, they don't take you to play with them as u guys are not on the same level.

BTW, u so called top countries does not include India, not yet.

yes friend i agree with you that india not in top countries group but so does your china. You shouldnt forget china too developing country like india and not developed. But one thing is sure that india will catch up other countries fast by the help of other top countries. infact india getting stronger after two top deals with america. As far as u kept saying we kissing their a** than let it be. It will benefit india while china can only object everything that india does. Do let me know when nuclear deal was nearly completed who objected it? And than what happen? Did china kissed america's a**? One phone call from former president bush and your china dissapeard. i think india will grow even more faster now because of america. Our military will get stronger. We would get new technology by western countries that would help india make new weapons and might even export it to friendly countries. india will grow even more fast now. India's economy more stable than china's. India's economy named as 'long running' while china's economy is boom boom sparkle short term and than slowly will fade away. Cheers.
Nothing can be more shame than importing your bhuddist religion from this shameful country. And india doesnot have 2 language like china, we have over 400+.

Same Gandhi is man of century but you chinese comrades love violence too much to resort to something as simple as a dialogue and Non-cooperation.

India also received same nuclear threat from US in 1971 but we didn't backed down.No wonder you have to agree with your communist POV otherwise they will make your grave at Tinaman square.:police:

1. So u have 400 languages and u are proud of that??????

China got united with one language and currency 2,500 years ago. A country with 400 languages will never be a super power as u Indians claimed. And don't ask me why, u know the history.

2. Same Gandhi is man of century in India maybe.

The difference between Gandhi and Mao is:

The west appraise Gandhi and

The west were afraid of Mao

And u know the real difference and why.

3. My friend India did not received same nuclear threat from US in 1971, and u never have the guts to stand up against US. China is the one received threat and FOUGHT with US.

Talking about Tiananmen? again, do not just look at one side of the story, think about what China has achieved after the incentive and Why? Think yourself, do not just follow the western media.
Hardly a U-turn. Any positive statement from the Chinese side to better the relationship between the two countries is being described as a U-turn.

Haha good point. Here's my opinion...




Some of our gullible members are really desperate, that's for sure. Anyways, I highly doubt Chinese Government leaders, Military Generals, Foreign policy and Defence policy experts and officials have decided to take a "U-Turn" in regards to regional/international affairs with India, considering the history and contemporary border issues, security issues, cross-border raids (perhaps on both sides), and ongoing mistrust...
Hi friends i just now heard news that india talk tough with china in indo-china meeting. India made it clear that anurachal pradesh belongs to india and the way china veto shows what china is. India decided it will fund 80 million dollars by it self. Anyone please add the links if links already available. The news just now flashed on tv. Thank you.

Another funny demonstration of funny mentality!

Did China say AP is not an integral part of China? No! Then there is no turn, much less U turn.

Don't need too much IQ to understand it, does it?

Of Course China wants a good relationship with India, because China is now making money out of India.
But the funny part is Japan is only a fraction of Chinese in land area and population....its like getting beaten up by a 5yr old.:hitwall:

This is the one of the most preposterous, ridiculous, and ignorant assessment(s) made on the Geo-Political frontier of China vs Japan...

"its like getting beaten up by a 5yr old"-xebex

No it's not like getting beaten up by a 5yr old, because at the time Japan was far greater in technological, scientific, economic, military aspects of power, and it's ability to project it's power throughout East Asia was also great, Japanese Navy was highly modernized.

China on the other hand was by all means a developing nation, it was a weak China, a China under the threat of imperialism, it lacked the military, scientific, technological means to defend itself from mighty Japan.

Geographical size or landmass of a nation does not necessarily equate to power.

Even though Japan was a fraction of China's size is a moot point, because when it came to development and military, scientific, economic, and technological means they were worlds apart.
Wow!! Indians on the run!!

What is the matter with you? Can't handle the TRUTH?

TRUTH HURT? too bad.

Let me tell you, the SHAMEFUL DEFEAT of 1962 China-Indo war

will stay with you for the rest of your life. PRICELESS.:smitten:

yes friend i agree with you that india not in top countries group but so does your china. You shouldnt forget china too developing country like india and not developed. But one thing is sure that india will catch up other countries fast by the help of other top countries. infact india getting stronger after two top deals with america. As far as u kept saying we kissing their a** than let it be. It will benefit india while china can only object everything that india does. Do let me know when nuclear deal was nearly completed who objected it? And than what happen? Did china kissed america's a**? One phone call from former president bush and your china dissapeard. i think india will grow even more faster now because of america. Our military will get stronger. We would get new technology by western countries that would help india make new weapons and might even export it to friendly countries. india will grow even more fast now. India's economy more stable than china's. India's economy named as 'long running' while china's economy is boom boom sparkle short term and than slowly will fade away. Cheers.

Well, what else can I say? First nobody claimed China is a Top country but u claimed India is one.

The FACT is China and India were on par in 70s in terms of Economy. However today, China has a 4 trillion economy and India only has 1. Even then, China still grows at a higher rate year after year, the gap is widening everyday, even an elementary school pupil knows what that means. U want to call that "boom boom sparkle short term and than slowly will fade away", it's up to u.

Again, u may buy "Hi-tech" from US but u don't possess the "Hi-tech", too many countries buy weapons from US and India is just one of them. US only sells weapon to those who can not possess threat to its interest. Does US sell weapon to Russia?

U can buy whatever u want but u can not buy "RESPECT", and certainly can not buy your name on the Top countries list.

BTW, China does not kiss anybody's *** today, China is America's No.1 Debtor.

Good nite and have a nice DREAM
1. So u have 400 languages and u are proud of that??????

China got united with one language and currency 2,500 years ago. A country with 400 languages will never be a super power as u Indians claimed. And don't ask me why, u know the history.

2. Same Gandhi is man of century in India maybe.

The difference between Gandhi and Mao is:

The west appraise Gandhi and

The west were afraid of Mao

And u know the real difference and why.

3. My friend India did not received same nuclear threat from US in 1971, and u never have the guts to stand up against US. China is the one received threat and FOUGHT with US.

Talking about Tiananmen? again, do not just look at one side of the story, think about what China has achieved after the incentive and Why? Think yourself, do not just follow the western media.

Friend i think you got confused. 1971 it was war between india and pakistan. Do you know what america did? America sended war ships, aircraft carriers to bengal sea to engage india. Do you know what happened than? India sended our solo aircraft carrier to engage with all american war ships. Than russia came to know and russia joined india by sending nuclear submarines and submarines to engage american war ships. Do you know what happened than? America runaway. Do some research friend. If anyone can post the link than please do post so everyone can read what happened in 1971 with india and america when india was busy in war with pakistan. Thank you.
Hi friends i just now heard news that india talk tough with china in indo-china meeting. India made it clear that anurachal pradesh belongs to india and the way china veto shows what china is. India decided it will fund 80 million dollars by it self. Anyone please add the links if links already available. The news just now flashed on tv. Thank you.

Open your mind, OK? every country has its own interest just like everyone living on this planet.

Don't u guys claim Aksai Chin too? And that shows what India is?

Grow up and learn to put yourself into other's shoes, OK?
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