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Beijing does a U-turn, praises India-China bond

Ball is in your court.

I would be thankful if you do not let your country become a western puppy. And to prove me wrong, please mention name of one neighboring country that is Friendly to you? Pakistan? China? Bangladesh? SriLanka? Do you want to name Bhutan or Maldives?

I will be thankful if India does not become a western puppy also. And I am all for greater positive engagement with China.

However, my purpose is to examine this beating India on the ehad with the charge of being 'neighbour unfriendly'. Let's take a look, using the same relationship assumptions you have made:

India: Has Bangladesh, Bhutan, the People's Republic of China, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan as neighbours (land border neighbours)

To your assumption that we're friendly only with Bhutan, I would add Myanmar.

So it seems India is friendly only with 33% of its neighbours.

Pakistan: Has India, the People's Republic of China, Afghanistan and Iran as land border neighbours.

Since you say we're not friendly with Nepal or Sri Lanka, I say that you're not friendly with Iran. Afghanistan we all know about.

So Pakistan is friendly with only 25% of its neighbours (China).

Bangladesh: Has India and Myanmar as its neighbours.

So Bangladesh is friendly with 0% of its neighbours.

Hope that helps.
It's not China's track record you need to be concerned about, it's Bharat's "FORWARD POLICY" (aka initiating aggressive land grabs, wars). That's the history. India back-stabbed all her neighbors all in the fantasy of Ahkand Bharat -- a foolish fantasy at that.

Considering how all India's neighbors have kindly chose not to focus on India's past brutish behaviour speaks volumes about their sincere wish for peaceful coexistence. You want real-life bloody proof??? Just look at the massacres of the natives in the occupied NE territories of "Mongoloids" (that's your terminology you guys use).

If it was China that was land-grabbing India, wouldn't you expect certain Chinese territory to contain "Indo" looking people??? Truth is obvious who the land-grabber and aggressor is. Yet all neighbors are willing to move beyond the past - it's about time India appreciates their good will.

Yeah right. So says you of massacres, grabbing territtory, brutish behavior (funny that) with the Uyghurs incident still in recent memory, the Vietnamese war, the war with the USSR in the past (and I'm naming a few).

India has made mistakes; so has China. China will do what's best for Chinese interests, so will India. Move on beyond slogans.
Yeah right. So says you of massacres, grabbing territtory, brutish behavior (funny that) with the Uyghurs incident still in recent memory, the Vietnamese war, the war with the USSR in the past (and I'm naming a few).

India has made mistakes; so has China. China will do what's best for Chinese interests, so will India. Move on beyond slogans.

(1) Uyghir terrot attack -- foreign orchestrated based on lies about GZ incident by Rebiya, Munich Germany, WUC....

(2) Vietnam -- you Indians really don't know your history of SE Asia. Vietnam was a southern province, also called Yue Nan. Vietnamese language is another dialect of Chinese, they used the same characters until after over a decade of forceful conversion lost their heritage. This was attempt to use force to regain Viet Nam.

(3) Russia/USSR -- is the aggressor and LAND GRABBER. Fact is Czar Russia was originally very small, they lied west of the Ural Mountain Range (UMR). Over the last 300+ years they started their territorial annexation. Thus, you see conflict in South Ossetia and Khazak and Siberia. Russia only recent annexed Siberia and Manchuria from China. Hence there are still MILLIONS of Chinese ABORIGINALS in all of Eastern "Russia".

(4) Japan -- Japan is the "Nazi" of the East during WW1, WW2. Read up on history.

(5) Korea -- as Korea was born from China they share common heritage, history and language. In fact only in the last few decades have Koreans converted to using Hangul script, even nowadays Chinese characters are used in official and traditional occasions. Do you know Korean surnames have their origin and equivalent in Chinese???

(6) India -- India's "Forward Policy" through aggressive land grabs and wars is the initiator and violator.

Let's review: (1) is a foreign instigated attack. (2) attempt at territorial integration. (3) Russia is the land grabber. (4) Japan was the land grabber. (5) Korea & China shared history. (6) India is the land grabber.

So out of all of these cases, only (2) was when China was the initiator. :pop:
Hardly a U-turn. Any positive statement from the Chinese side to better the relationship between the two countries is being described as a U-turn.
Sino, how on one hand do you consider Vietnam, Korea etc as part of China (based on ethnicity and migration patterns) and on the other hand point finger at India for integrating people that are of the same ethnicity? Pretty soon you will claim all the asean countries as part of China and then us Indians can then claim parts of UK, US and Australia as part of India since the Indian diaspora has migrated there along with Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia and parts of Singapore.

This is ridiculous.

The wall of China was an official demarcation that China considered in the past its territory and build a wall along its borders to protect from Mongols. Now, you are claiming Myanmar, Vietnam, Asean countries after gobbling up Tibet. Who is the expansionist here? Us or you?

Japan was the Nazi of the east in WW1&2. It seems the torch has been handed off to its eastern big neighbor now.
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Some very wise words.

Sorry to say, utter BS.

However i think its very difficult to understand the Forgien Policy of China. There is no one single tone in which they are talking, some time they are aggressive, some time they are soft and contradicts their own earlier statements.

I hope this tone is here to stay..!!!

Consider the list of India-China events in 2008-2009:
  1. Incredible growth in bilateral trade.
  2. Shared environmental concerns.
  3. Shared concerns on Islamic terrorism.
  4. Tibet uprising and it's Dalai Lama factor.
  5. Being arm twisted by US into the nuclear deal
  6. Being overruled in the ADB despite possessing veto power .
  7. Possibility of Indian missile shield,ICBM's, N-sub, Aircraft carrier by 2012.(very optimistic)
  8. Indian launch and deloyment of space-based and aerial systems in the last 6 months: Moon vehicle, AWACS,Spy satellite, Su-30MKI's:whistle:
  9. Increasing unpredictability of satellite states such as Pakistan, N. Korea, Myanmar demanding a more hands on approach to foreign affairs, in general.

I think they are trying to reform their India policy and haven't settled down on a new one yet.
it's a U-turn,but it will be india's choice whether it's go up or down
Ball is in your court.

I would be thankful if you do not let your country become a western puppy. And to prove me wrong, please mention name of one neighboring country that is Friendly to you? Pakistan? China? Bangladesh? SriLanka? Do you want to name Bhutan or Maldives?

Nepal,bhutan,srilanka,myanmar,bangladesh(depending on government). If you still consider them as countries and people with their own value system...!!! We got issues with some of our neighbors, some serious issues with china, Bangladesh, Pakistan. But then again you can see something in common between them, No stable democracy is there in these three countries, decisions and public opinions are largely governed by religions in Pakistan and bangladesh, and peoples mind are propagated by one party in china. You can't claim that it is India's sole fault for these neigbhours being hostile to us.

Now the issue is, the intentions of china is very unclear. And the issue is that the propaganda that comes out from peoples daily clearly states India as a wannabe and frustrated with chinas growth, some days later we have this statement coming from china. So how should Indians perceive Chinese. You tell me. If there is a continuous and consistent foreign policy coming from china then only we can be convinced of their intentions.
Nepal,bhutan,srilanka,myanmar,bangladesh(depending on government). If you still consider them as countries and people with their own value system...!!! We got issues with some of our neighbors, some serious issues with china, Bangladesh, Pakistan. But then again you can see something in common between them, No stable democracy is there in these three countries, decisions and public opinions are largely governed by religions in Pakistan and bangladesh, and peoples mind are propagated by one party in china. You can't claim that it is India's sole fault for these neigbhours being hostile to us.

Now the issue is, the intentions of china is very unclear. And the issue is that the propaganda that comes out from peoples daily clearly states India as a wannabe and frustrated with chinas growth, some days later we have this statement coming from china. So how should Indians perceive Chinese. You tell me. If there is a continuous and consistent foreign policy coming from china then only we can be convinced of their intentions.

Why do people keep bringing up the "we are better because we have democracy" when in fact they don't. When Untouchable Caste still exists, there's no equality, without equality you can NOT have true democracy.

Intentions are VERY CLEAR. Solve McMahon problem peacefully and work together in peace for common prosperity. China is even wiling to have a land swap with NE & NW regions. Now how hard is that to understand? Regarding Pakistan divide Kashmir up between two nations, solidify borders, resume friendly relations. Now how hard is that to understand? Same with BD.
Why do people keep bringing up the "we are better because we have democracy" when in fact they don't. When Untouchable Caste still exists, there's no equality, without equality you can NOT have true democracy.

Intentions are VERY CLEAR. Solve McMahon problem peacefully and work together in peace for common prosperity. China is even wiling to have a land swap with NE & NW regions. Now how hard is that to understand? Regarding Pakistan divide Kashmir up between two nations, solidify borders, resume friendly relations. Now how hard is that to understand? Same with BD.

Brother is the problems in one country enough to influence a national foreign policy??? Un touchability and inequality are problems which never influence India's foreign policy, please understand. But if you are talking about religion and stuff, the basis of these two countries are that, and if you have more fanatics influencing peoples mind, that will eventually put pressure on government and reflects in their foreign policy. Same is the case with dictatorship, if the dictator is good the country is good, else foreign policy of the country will change as per his moods.
Why do people keep bringing up the "we are better because we have democracy" when in fact they don't. When Untouchable Caste still exists, there's no equality, without equality you can NOT have true democracy.

well Democracy is still better than communism or dictatorship otherwise why did Pakistanis went head on with Musharaff to reinstate Democratic government eventhough Communist China was the closest friend and could have adopted one party rule. thatz ur answer right there.
It will be a great development for the stability of the region. Even if Kashmir is settled peacefully, the chances of conflict in the region would reduce and region can think on the lies as European Union or NATO thinks.

But I doubt Indian intents here. India enjoying ecstasy of being darling to USA and Zionists who do not want to see China, Russia or Any other country of the world prosper or gain dominance in the region. So they are preparing India to tackle China and Pakistan (as Pakistan poses threat to Israeli in a way) Hinditua Ideology believes that "All the neighbors are enemies and all the neighbors of neighbor are friends" and when Zionists are patting their back, expect nothing but something crazy out of India.

Well taking sides of ur dear friends is gud but trying to argue that we too have the same perception abt china is asking too much. Practically India and China can gain more if they respect eath other even if they don't agree everything and anything. For that matter US doesn't like China but it still wants to live with it... becoz of all the gains or whatever u want to say abt the support CHina has given them in terms of debt !!!
Ball is in your court.

I would be thankful if you do not let your country become a western puppy. And to prove me wrong, please mention name of one neighboring country that is Friendly to you? Pakistan? China? Bangladesh? SriLanka? Do you want to name Bhutan or Maldives?

I sincerely appreciate your concern for India, but it is Pakistan which has been the puppy of the west especially America for the last 60 years and it does not look like it is going to change in a hurry. Most of your equipment are American, you fought two wars with India with US Patton tanks and F-86 Sabres and French Mirages. Your officers are trained in the US, your country runs on US aid and yet you have the cheek to advise us, great. I know it is fashionable in Pakistan to hate the west and yet no Pakistani government has ever refused western money. Aren't your generals right now running around in Germany and France looking for submarines and neclear technology? Most of your leaders, whether military or civil, have homes in Britain and many are educated in the west. Yet you call India a puppy of the west? Well good luck to you.
It's not China's track record you need to be concerned about, it's Bharat's "FORWARD POLICY" (aka initiating aggressive land grabs, wars). That's the history. India back-stabbed all her neighbors all in the fantasy of Ahkand Bharat -- a foolish fantasy at that.

Considering how all India's neighbors have kindly chose not to focus on India's past brutish behaviour speaks volumes about their sincere wish for peaceful coexistence. You want real-life bloody proof??? Just look at the massacres of the natives in the occupied NE territories of "Mongoloids" (that's your terminology you guys use).

If it was China that was land-grabbing India, wouldn't you expect certain Chinese territory to contain "Indo" looking people??? Truth is obvious who the land-grabber and aggressor is. Yet all neighbors are willing to move beyond the past - it's about time India appreciates their good will.

SO does that give CHina to Occupy ... ohhh sorry some don't think that's true ... to control Tibet just becoz in some gud old years back some rulers of china had control over there !!! and what is this mongoloisd r u taking abt ? in that sense we can say pakistan and afghanistan and India are all from same "RACE" so lets join it to form real India which was when Ashoka Ruled couple of centuries rather 20 centuries back !!! :woot::woot:

What i want to say is... if u want to argue , u can choose the time period and particular instance to suit ur argument.....that doesn't make anyone better .....
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