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'Beijing-Dhaka ties will be substantially damaged if Bangladesh joins Quad'

Nah as BD may as well go direct to the US for F-35 since it will use US engine and S Korean is under heavy US influence.

BD will be fine with something like EFT this decade and so no rush for 5th gen at this time,

I agree , EFT will be enough even though it's taking like 69 years for it to come lol
We have already two nuclear reactors by the way in early 1960

That may have been the case. But one can't say with certainty that Indonesia would have had nuclear weapons or reactors. That would depend on how much USSR taught these scientists and how much infrastructure was available in Indonesian industries to support that research.
Have to say this is some Serious MISCALCULATIONS by the BD, and it is going to cost BD severely. BD was given an opportunity to stay neutral, but it decided to poke its nose in the affairs of a Superpower. Now watch how things will deteriorate on its Eastern border, and also from its Northern Border.
Not BD,

Awami league.

These fools have no control over their own tongue or hand. Acts like as if they suffer multiple personality disorder.

The way the chinese are turning the screws , awami league will go in a year's time.
Nah as BD may as well go direct to the US for F-35 since it will use US engine and S Korean is under heavy US influence.

BD will be fine with something like EFT this decade and so no rush for 5th gen at this time.

British is also under US influence, when US is angry on Indonesia due to mass killing of East Timor protester by our soldiers, not only US, we also get arm embargo from British.

This is why our Hawk squadrons get avionics upgrade from our national company, Info Global. We have learned to bypass their avionics system during embargo period
You are close to USSR, dont deny they have given you rocket and nuclear technology to India
If USSR gave India missiles and rockets, India would have had them long back. In fact, India was able to develop its own SLV rocket only in 1994. USSR helped India in getting cryogenic technology for launching rockets to GEO with minimum size. But India already had built its own rockets by then.
We have already two nuclear reactors by the way in early 1960
Can you give me the source on this so that I can study?
British is also under US influence, when US is angry on Indonesia due to mass killing of East Timor protester by our soldiers, not only US, we also get arm embargo from British.

This is why our Hawk squadrons get avionics upgrade from our national company, Info Global. We have learned to bypass their avionics system during embargo period

True to a lesser extent than with S Korea, but EFT is for Myanmar and not India.

J-35 and or TF-X can deal with India.
Nah as BD may as well go direct to the US for F-35 since it will use US engine and S Korean is under heavy US influence.

BD will be fine with something like EFT this decade and so no rush for 5th gen at this time.
2-3 squadron of EFT this decade , and I promise I will never make jokes about BAF again.
The positive side of this drama is that China has publicly expressed how much it values its relations with BD.

This diplomatic spat might result in China offering to invest more heavily in our infrastructure and sell cutting edge military equipment.
Yes. The Chinese will only do all that if the Awami league is removed The Awami league has been exposed as India's little pet. The mask of neutrality has slipped.

This spat is between China and Awami league. Not BD vs China.
If USSR gave India missiles and rockets, India would have had them long back. In fact, India was able to develop its own SLV rocket only in 1994. USSR helped India in getting cryogenic technology for launching rockets to GEO with minimum size. But India already had built its own rockets by then.

Can you give me the source on this so that I can study?

It is normal to get USSR technology, at least they can give you opportunity to learn in their university like what happened with Indonesia nuclear and rocket scientist. Some help can be exist as well in your own research and give you equipment, some thing like that, It doesnt need to spoon feed you, and give the secret right away........People has brain, they can develop what they have taken into something higher


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A friend send me a news link. He said that global Times reflects the opinion of Chinese govt.

Wooing Bangladesh to Quad against China not to help Bangladesh devt
By Liu ZongyiPublished:
May 11, 2021 08:40 PM

The Chinese-built Padma Bridge Project is Bangladesh's largest bridge project. Photo: Xinhua

The Chinese-built Padma Bridge Project is Bangladesh's largest bridge project. Photo: Xinhua

Member countries of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad), an informal security grouping of the US, Japan, Australia and India, are now seeking to seduce Bangladesh to be part of their Indo-Pacific efforts, according to media reports. Chinese Ambassador to Bangladesh Li Jiming said on Monday that China-Bangladesh bilateral ties would be substantially damaged if Dhaka engaged with Quad, according to a report of The Times of India.

As a response, Bangladesh Foreign Minister AK Abdul Moment told local English daily Dhaka Post that, "None of us were invited to the Quad, nor did we show interest." If what he said is the fact, this will be good. But given that some media outlets, including local ones, had covered Li's remarks, the news that Bangladesh had been invited to join the Quad was possibly not be groundless. Bangladesh either had talked with Quad members over this issue, or aim to launch a trial balloon to see China's reaction.

The US' Indo-Pacific Strategy does not only rope in Japan, India and Australia. It also intends to woo other countries, including ASEAN members, and South Asian countries such as Nepal and Sri Lanka. Bangladesh could also be among the targets. Since Beijing and Dhaka established bilateral relations, their friendly relations and cooperation have been growing smoothly. China's assistance and investment to Bangladesh has played a vital role in the latter's remarkable economic growth. But some Western media outlets have driven a wedge between the two countries. They groundlessly hyped that Bangladesh had fallen into China's trap.

As an important partner of China, Bangladesh signed up to the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and is a member of the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. One of the crucial aims of both US' and India's Indo-Pacific visions is to counter the BRI with a bid to contain China's development. Roping in Bangladesh can help them achieve this goal.

India has accused China of expanding influence in Bangladesh. India sees Bangladesh as an important country in China's so-called string of pearls strategy, which poses a threat to India. As a matter of fact, cooperation between China and Bangladesh focuses on economic fields, not geopolitical considerations. China does not intend to bring Bangladesh into its "sphere of influence."

Another Quad member, Japan, is engaged in many areas of cooperation with Bangladesh as well. For one, Bangladesh's market is appealing to Japan. Despite its small size, Bangladesh has a population of more than 160 million. For another, out of geopolitical considerations, Tokyo hopes to counter the BRI. Japan has proposed the Partnership for Quality Infrastructure, and attempted to sign infrastructure deals with Bangladesh. Tokyo, together with New Delhi and Washington, are really the ones behind the scenes that instigated Dhaka to call off the Sonadia deep-sea port project that was constructed by China and turn to cooperate with Japan on another similar program, reported The Times of India in 2016.

The Quad is a military grouping that obviously targets China. Although it has four members to fit into the notion of multilateralism, it is actually exclusive. True multilateralism respects the international system, and salutes the global order with the UN at the core, rather than the US-centered system and order. If Bangladesh joins the Quad, it will be placed in a subordinate position and then become a tool that will be taken advantage of by India, the US and others.

Bangladesh strikes a good balance between major powers. It actively cooperates with China on economics. At the same time, Dhaka hopes such cooperation will thus bring more countries to invest in Bangladesh. But it also hopes a competition over it remains at the economic level instead of at the political level. If the country falls into the geopolitical trap of the Quad, its economic prospects will accordingly be at risk.

If the Quad really wants to bring Bangladesh in, then Dhaka has to weigh the damage the joining would cause to its economic development and national security.

The author is secretary-general of the Research Center for China-South Asia Cooperation at Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, visiting fellow of the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China, and distinguished fellow of the China (Kunming) South Asia & Southeast Asia Institute. opinion@globaltimes.com.cn

A friend send me a news link. He said that global Times reflects the opinion of Chinese govt.

Wooing Bangladesh to Quad against China not to help Bangladesh devt
By Liu ZongyiPublished: May 11, 2021 08:40 PM

The Chinese-built Padma Bridge Project is Bangladesh's largest bridge project. Photo: Xinhua's largest bridge project. Photo: Xinhua

The Chinese-built Padma Bridge Project is Bangladesh's largest bridge project. Photo: Xinhua

Member countries of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad), an informal security grouping of the US, Japan, Australia and India, are now seeking to seduce Bangladesh to be part of their Indo-Pacific efforts, according to media reports. Chinese Ambassador to Bangladesh Li Jiming said on Monday that China-Bangladesh bilateral ties would be substantially damaged if Dhaka engaged with Quad, according to a report of The Times of India.

As a response, Bangladesh Foreign Minister AK Abdul Moment told local English daily Dhaka Post that, "None of us were invited to the Quad, nor did we show interest." If what he said is the fact, this will be good. But given that some media outlets, including local ones, had covered Li's remarks, the news that Bangladesh had been invited to join the Quad was possibly not be groundless. Bangladesh either had talked with Quad members over this issue, or aim to launch a trial balloon to see China's reaction.

The US' Indo-Pacific Strategy does not only rope in Japan, India and Australia. It also intends to woo other countries, including ASEAN members, and South Asian countries such as Nepal and Sri Lanka. Bangladesh could also be among the targets. Since Beijing and Dhaka established bilateral relations, their friendly relations and cooperation have been growing smoothly. China's assistance and investment to Bangladesh has played a vital role in the latter's remarkable economic growth. But some Western media outlets have driven a wedge between the two countries. They groundlessly hyped that Bangladesh had fallen into China's trap.

As an important partner of China, Bangladesh signed up to the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and is a member of the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. One of the crucial aims of both US' and India's Indo-Pacific visions is to counter the BRI with a bid to contain China's development. Roping in Bangladesh can help them achieve this goal.

India has accused China of expanding influence in Bangladesh. India sees Bangladesh as an important country in China's so-called string of pearls strategy, which poses a threat to India. As a matter of fact, cooperation between China and Bangladesh focuses on economic fields, not geopolitical considerations. China does not intend to bring Bangladesh into its "sphere of influence."

Another Quad member, Japan, is engaged in many areas of cooperation with Bangladesh as well. For one, Bangladesh's market is appealing to Japan. Despite its small size, Bangladesh has a population of more than 160 million. For another, out of geopolitical considerations, Tokyo hopes to counter the BRI. Japan has proposed the Partnership for Quality Infrastructure, and attempted to sign infrastructure deals with Bangladesh. Tokyo, together with New Delhi and Washington, are really the ones behind the scenes that instigated Dhaka to call off the Sonadia deep-sea port project that was constructed by China and turn to cooperate with Japan on another similar program, reported The Times of India in 2016.

The Quad is a military grouping that obviously targets China. Although it has four members to fit into the notion of multilateralism, it is actually exclusive. True multilateralism respects the international system, and salutes the global order with the UN at the core, rather than the US-centered system and order. If Bangladesh joins the Quad, it will be placed in a subordinate position and then become a tool that will be taken advantage of by India, the US and others.

Bangladesh strikes a good balance between major powers. It actively cooperates with China on economics. At the same time, Dhaka hopes such cooperation will thus bring more countries to invest in Bangladesh. But it also hopes a competition over it remains at the economic level instead of at the political level. If the country falls into the geopolitical trap of the Quad, its economic prospects will accordingly be at risk.

If the Quad really wants to bring Bangladesh in, then Dhaka has to weigh the damage the joining would cause to its economic development and national security.

The author is secretary-general of the Research Center for China-South Asia Cooperation at Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, visiting fellow of the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China, and distinguished fellow of the China (Kunming) South Asia & Southeast Asia Institute. opinion@globaltimes.com.cn

Dont make this spat about BD vs China.

Only fools think this spat is about China vs BD.

It more about Awami league vs China.

Awami league is desperately trying to cling to power. So desperate now that , they are making stupid comments and decisions.
Dont make this spat about BD vs China.

Only fools think this spat is about China vs BD.

It more about Awami league vs China.
Even not BAL vs China.

I believe that govt is extremely divided; part of govt is pro China ( Pro Bangladeshi material ) ,and other part is pro India ( even in BAL they are minority,yet very powerful).

And I believe this is a mental war between them.

However I hope that In the end traitors ( pro Indians) will be defeated.
Even not BAL vs China.

I believe that govt is extremely divided; part of govt is pro China ( Pro Bangladeshi material ) ,and other part is pro India ( even in BAL they are minority,yet very powerful).

And I believe this is a mental war between them.

However I hope that In the end traitors ( pro Indians) will be defeated.

I was actually referring to this faction. This is the faction that holds real power today in BD.

Its this faction that needs to go. 80% of BD's problems would be solved if this faction just disappears !

Allah will give justice. Munafiqs will have nothing in this life or the next.
I was actually referring to this faction. This is the faction that holds real power today in BD
I would say that they are becoming weaker compared to the past. Result is improving relationship with Pakistan and degraded relationship with India.

As a last resort the pro Indians might becoming aggressive as the final strike . Now let's see what's going to happened.

Some people can easily sell their soul for money. If pro Bangladeshis can remain united, I hope enemies will be neutraluzed. Let's be optimistic and sincerely pray to Allah , so that pro Indian traitors don't win.

Its this faction that needs to go. 80% of BD's problems would be solved if this faction just disappears !
Completely agree , and I also realise that it's not easy to fight the traitors.

Allah will give justice. Munafiqs will have nothing in this life or the next.
Inshallah in the end Allah will do justice in this world, as if we have to wait till judgment day, we will lost our sovereignty in literal sense. So they must be annihilated once and for all. And later Allah may punish them in next life ,it's his will.

However when pro Indian faction will get destroyed once and for all, then I will consider us as a truly free nation.

Our land is sacred to us , here dirty Munafiqs don't have any places.
The chinese statement is very logical, if u r going to be a part of quad then u cannot be a friend of china. Simole as that, why is the FM jumping???
The chinese statement is very logical, if u r going to be a part of quad then u cannot be a friend of china. Simole as that, why is the FM jumping???

Because we want nothing to do with quad ?

If your friend repeatedly suspects you of wrongdoing and behaves with you in a way that shows that you have done wrong by them, won't you be taken aback and angry ?

The Chinese are paranoid about quad..

Quad main man in the region India is literally running out of air.. quad is over before it even began.

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