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'Beijing-Dhaka ties will be substantially damaged if Bangladesh joins Quad'

But according to the PDF BD members, NOW:
1) I am a Chinese fanboy and a hardcore Chinese nationalist. ( Taiwanese?!) :woot:
Don't pay attention. Majority in Bangladesh support you. But we have some people who became so aroused by any words of India that they start masturbating and get orgasm (ভারতের কল্পনায় স্বমেহন করে শিৎকার দেয়). Only these people will condemn you.So I believe you are on right track.

Besides ,do not trust people who claim themselves complete neutral, because they are actually the sugar coated quinine ;overt Indian dalals are better than them, as you can counter Indian dalals brutally, but can't counter these so called neutrals who are actually covertly serving Indian purpose under the coat of neutrality.

In this universe, only Allah, Satan, and dead body completely neutral; even mentally handicapped people and kids are not completely neutral.

There is a saying in Bangla and that is ,"Pagol o nijer bhalo bujhe" ,so it's clear that pagol/insane is not neutral too.

So who pretend to be completely neutral , beware of them brother.
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We gotta play both sides for our own benefits if we want to succeed
If you are opportunist,you will get success fast for a short period of time. In the long run , you will suffer the most.

I think Bangladesh should choose the way of Pakistan. As we should make a secrete pact with China , but will keep good relationship with west too.

But remaining completely neutral aka trying to become Switzerland of the East is nothing but wet dream.

So my priority is China, not the west,since India is in QUAD.
If you are opportunist,you will get success fast for a short period of time. In the long run , you will suffer the most.

I think Bangladesh should choose the way of Pakistan. As we should make a secrete pact with China , but will keep good relationship with west too.

But remaining completely neutral aka trying to become Switzerland of the East is nothing but wet dream.

So my priority is China, not the west,since India is in QUAD.

I guess , Just to be on the safer side when the CCP comes steam rolling through lol
If Indian and China goes to war, BD will get run over for no reason. I would suggest BD to join China and take rest if Bengal from India.

I mean certain Indian states in general want to move away from India so in a war situation it will be easy to just fund rebels and cause havoc for the Indian military

Chinese remarks aggressive, unfortunate, unexpected: FM
Diplomatic Correspondent | Published: 16:06, May 11,2021


Foreign minister AK Abdul Momen

Foreign minister AK Abdul Momen on Tuesday said that remarks of the Chinese ambassador in Dhaka with mentions of likelihood of substantial damage to bilateral relations was unfortunate and aggressive.

‘Usually China does not poke its nose in matters of other countries. We have heard no one speaking in an aggressive manner like this. It is unfortunate,’ the minister said replying to a question on recent remarks made by Chinese ambassador Li Jiming.

Chinese ambassador Li Jiming on Monday said that Bangladesh’s engagement in the US-led Indo-Pacific strategy would substantially damage Dhaka’s relations with Beijing.

Replying to a question on the recent visit of the Chinese defence minister to Dhaka, Li Jiming said on Monday that it was not a good idea for Bangladesh to participate in a small club. Any form of participation for Bangladesh in this small group may substantially damage relations with China.

The ambassador said this at a programme on Bangladesh-China relations with Diplomatic Correspondents Association, Bangladesh held virtually.

Expressing his astonishment about the intensity of the statement made by the ambassador, the foreign minister said, ‘someone is talking loudly about what we would do or not! We’ll do whatever we think essential for betterment of the country.’ Bangladesh has not expected such behaviour from China, Momen added.

In a meeting with president Abdul Hamid on April 27 in Dhaka, Chinese defence minister General Wei Fenghe emphasised the need for Bangladesh to take joint efforts against the formation of a military alliance led by the United States on maintaining ‘hegemony’ in South Asia.

‘To jointly maintain regional peace and stability, the two sides [Bangladesh and China] should make joint efforts against powers outside the region setting up military alliance in South Asia and practising hegemonism,’ General Wei said, according to Chinese news agency Xinhua.

President Hamid avoided saying anything about the matters involving IPS issues, according to Bangladesh government officials.
Bangladesh foreign minister AK Abdul Momen on Tuesday said China has crossed the line while talking about Quad. The foreign minister was addressing a media conference at state guest house Padma in the capital on Tuesday in response to Chinese ambassador Li Jiming’s recent remarks.

Momen said the government is yet to take any decision regarding Quad. Besides, Bangladesh is an independent country and will take the decision as a sovereign country.

China ambassador to Bangladesh Li Jiming on Monday said Bangladesh’s relations with China will be “substantially damaged” if Bangladesh joins the US-led initiative, Quad. China considers Quad -- a strategic alliance of the US, Japan, India and Australia -- as a minor group with anti-China motives.

Chinese ambassador made these remarks at a virtual meeting to exchange views with journalists on Monday.
Chinese defence minister Wei Fenghe also sought Bangladesh’s assistance over issues such as Quad and IPS (Indo-Pacific Strategy) during his visit to Bangladesh last month.

The Chinese ambassador did not reply when asked what Bangladesh said in reply of China’s request.

Li Jiming said China always maintains that the US-led Quad is a minor anti-China initiative. I want to clearly say that there are security elements in the initiative although it is said to be economic, he said.

The Chinese ambassador alerted Bangladesh saying that it is not wise to ponder over joining with such a “small” group or club. Bilateral relations with Bangladesh would be substantially damaged if it joins hand with the initiative.

Addressing the media today, Abdul Momen said we are an independent and sovereign country. We set our foreign policy. Any country can express its opinions. But we’ll decide our course of action based on the fundamental principle we have for the welfare of our country. The Chinese ambassador has talked about his country’s stand. The organisation he was talking about has not approached us as yet. This was a bit of overstepping. But we have nothing special to say about this.

The minister further said generally China does not interfere in the affairs of other countries. I never heard them talking so aggressively to anyone. This is a matter of regret. Another country is trying to dictate what we should or should not do. We’ll do whatever is beneficial for the country.

The foreign minister further said the government did not expect such behaviour from China.

Responding to a question about whether any message would be given to the Chinese ambassador for his remarks, the foreign minister said, we do not tell the media about what we do. We have ways of doing things. We know what we’ll do. We can’t reveal everything.

Have to say this is some Serious MISCALCULATIONS by the BD, and it is going to cost BD severely. BD was given an opportunity to stay neutral, but it decided to poke its nose in the affairs of a Superpower. Now watch how things will deteriorate on its Eastern border, and also from its Northern Border.
SCO - India (big mistake Russians acknowledge) is the new anti quad, anti-nato. The SCO countries only reason they want to keep away from full fledged alliance is to prevent a new cold war. This way they can win the peace while the West develops into minority majority countries.
Sorry! But not under Hasina. All BD has shown is to be India's lackey which is unfortunate.

All you lot will ever see in BD is an Indian lackey, we understand, your sleep needs to be protected.

Now just watch how China will tighten the screws on BD. It is going to get painful very quickly for BD.

Nothing will happen, the Chinese know how to play the game of diplomacy.
Have to say this is some Serious MISCALCULATIONS by the BD, and it is going to cost BD severely. BD was given an opportunity to stay neutral, but it decided to poke its nose in the affairs of a Superpower. Now watch how things will deteriorate on its Eastern border, and also from its Northern Border.

BD isn't going to join QUAD so all of this is of little significance anyway.
Have to say this is some Serious MISCALCULATIONS by the BD, and it is going to cost BD severely. BD was given an opportunity to stay neutral, but it decided to poke its nose in the affairs of a Superpower. Now watch how things will deteriorate on its Eastern border, and also from its Northern Border.
You missed the memo. We are not joining any camp. However, the Chinese ambassador's comments are unwarranted and very inconsistent with traditional Chinese foreign policy. He should not lecture us on what camp to join in this manner.

Now watch how CCP makes him withdraw his statement.
You missed the memo. We are not joining any camp. However, the Chinese ambassador's comments are unwarranted and very inconsistent with traditional Chinese foreign policy. He should not lecture us on what camp to join in this manner.

Now watch how CCP makes him withdraw his statement.

Chinese do not make statements they have to withdraw later. Let's just wait and see.

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