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Beijing bound Air Malaysia flight loses contact


Indian sandman at work
How?Since Chinese immigration is thousands of kilometers away in Beijing?

Edison Chen was implying that these people must have used the stolen passports many times, and blaming the Malaysian authorities/airline for it, which is not right, cause they must have disembarked in other countries too. Passport and immigration check is done at both ends of the journey, and is done by the immigration officials, so blaming Malaysia alone is not right.
Edison Chen was implying that these people must have used the stolen passports many times, and blaming the Malaysian authorities/airline for it, which is not right, cause they must have disembarked in other countries too. Passport and immigration check is done at both ends of the journey, and is done by the immigration officials, so blaming Malaysia alone is not right.

Yes, I am blaming Malaysian Authorities. Many people are same with me. They lack enough security inspection before on board. Many Chinese tourists coming back from Malaysia said so. Even there is a bottle of water was not inspected by them, isn't if funny?

Don't pretend to be a saint here.
Well,I think the most likely possibility would be terrorist attack.the target could be beijing.The investigation would take very long time though.
Edison Chen was implying that these people must have used the stolen passports many times, and blaming the Malaysian authorities/airline for it, which is not right, cause they must have disembarked in other countries too. Passport and immigration check is done at both ends of the journey, and is done by the immigration officials, so blaming Malaysia alone is not right.

People may have,may not have。We don't know yet。

What we do know is that Malaysian Immigration allowed two Asians to board the flight under 2 European passports,2 passports that have caucasian faces on them。
Yes, I am blaming Malaysian Authorities. Many people are same with me. They lack enough security inspection before on board. Many Chinese tourists coming back from Malaysia said so. Even there is a bottle of water was not inspected by them, isn't if funny?
Yes. Also Malaysian authority allows person to board if the passport is different but have strong ties. Ie. Husband can use wife passport vice versa. How are Chinese customs? Are they laxed also?
People may have,may not have。We don't know yet。

What we do know is that Malaysian Immigration allowed two Asians to board the flight under 2 European passports,2 passports that have caucasian faces on them。
well,you have to understand they are malays.Anything could happen there
Yes, I am blaming Malaysian Authorities. Many people are same with me. They lack enough security inspection before on board. Many Chinese tourists coming back from Malaysia said so. Even there is a bottle of water was not inspected by them, isn't if funny?

Don't pretend to be a saint here.

They could see the water bottle via scanner, but whether they request to remove it from your luggage or not ... depends !!!
Q&A: What happened to Malaysia Airlines flight 370?

Following are some of the scenarios being mulled over by regional authorities, investigators and industry experts.

Q: Is mechanical or structural failure likely?

Sudden, accidental structural failures leading to explosions or a sudden loss of cabin pressure are considered extremely unlikely in today's passenger aircraft.
This is especially so with the Boeing 777-200 model, which has one of the best safety records of any jet.

"From a crack, there can be a whole structure breakdown that allows for no response. But in the last two to three decades there have been next to nil such incidents," said Ravi Madavaram, an aviation analyst with Frost & Sullivan.

Indonesia-based aviation analyst Gerry Soejatman said based on the MH370 plane's maintenance records, "there is nothing that would jump straight out of the page".

Q: How likely is human error in this case?

The MH370 case may draw comparisons with the crash in 2009 of an Air France into the Atlantic Ocean, which killed more than 200 people.

An investigation said speed sensors failed, causing the Airbus jet to stall and lose altitude. But it also said pilots failed to react correctly, losing control of the jet.

Soejatman said despite all the safety features on modern aircraft, well-trained pilots taking proper action in an emergency also is essential.

"If the crew is not on the ball, they quickly lose control of the situation," he said.

Q: Was it an attempted hijacking or terror attack?

This spectre has loomed after authorities said at least two passengers had boarded with stolen passports. Malaysian officials also said Sunday radar data indicated the pilot may have inexplicably tried to turn back to Kuala Lumpur.

Analysts said the absence of any distress signal raises eyebrows, as it could indicate an event so sudden that the crew could not respond.

"There was not even time for the pilot or crew to raise an alarm. It could have happened due to a deliberate act -- by a pilot or a terrorist -- but this is all very speculative," Ravi said.

The terror theory's credibility is hurt by the fact that -- so far -- no claim of responsiblity has surfaced.

"What's the motive? If they didn't bring any weapons, it is extremely difficult to get into the cockpit," said Shukor Yusof, aviation analyst with Standard & Poor's.

He also noted that stolen passports do not necessarily equate to terrorism.

Large numbers of illegal workers, as well as criminal syndicates, are known to move between Malaysia and neighbouring countries such as Thailand. The two suspect passports were reportedly stolen in Thailand.

Q: Is lax security at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) to blame?

The modern facility does not have a history of known security breaches.
But Rohan Gunaratna, a terrorism expert at Singapore's Nanyang Technological University, said the passport issue could indicate a "glaring flaw" in the airport's immigration clearance.
He noted that Interpol maintains a database of stolen passports that should have raised red flags at the immigration counter.

"There are two categories of people who use these (stolen passports) -- criminals and terrorists," he said.

However, Shukor said the sheer volume of travellers moving through airports likely means not all forgeries can be caught.

"To blame Malaysian authorities for this is probably unfair -- they have to get it right all the time and potential hijackers just have to get through once," he said.

Q: Could violent turbulence or bad weather have brought down the plane?

This possibility is being widely discounted as all indications are that the weather was fine in the area where contact with MH370 was lost.

Q: Could it have run out of fuel?

Malaysia Airlines has said the plane was fuelled for at least eight hours of flight. The Kuala Lumpur-Beijing route lasts six hours.

Aircraft typically carry two hours' worth of fuel on top of what is needed.
Adds Ravi: "If there was a fuel loss, the pilot would have enough time to call for distress signal, and to turn around and glide back to land."

Q&A: What happened to Malaysia Airlines flight 370? - Yahoo!7
8 minutes ago

The head of Malaysia's department of civil aviation says the fate of a missing Malaysia Airlines jet remains "a mystery".
People may have,may not have。We don't know yet。

What we do know is that Malaysian Immigration allowed two Asians to board the flight under 2 European passports,2 passports that have caucasian faces on them。

The photos via CCTV could be not clear, so the report said looks Asiantic ... not mean Asian...
And Asian has European passport is normal ...

Every time we go through the airport security, step on the footprints look into the camera ... visual check could make mistake
What's the **** is wrong with your ? You never consider the dead's families feelings. All you want to defend is just a fucking Airline company, it's so disgusting.

Where do you see me defending the airline! Am just saying that if people have been travelling via Malaysia and Malaysian airlines on fake passports, repeatedly as per your assumption, then they must be disembarking somewhere in some other country right? So we shouldn't blame Malaysia alone.

Passport check is done at both ends of the journey, by the immigration officials of the respective countries, its not the job of the airline.
Where do you see me defending the airline! Am just saying that if people have been travelling via Malaysia and Malaysian airlines on fake passports, repeatedly as per your assumption, then they must be disembarking somewhere in some other country right? So we shouldn't blame Malaysia alone.

Passport check is done at both ends of the journey, by the immigration officials of the respective countries, its not the job of the airline.

Yeah, the arrival could deny their entry.
For the terrorism case, able to be on board with fake passport is successful.
The two stolen passport are on a flight to Amsterdam via Beijing. Not sure do they need transit visa in Beijing. If not, it is possible to not go through Chinese immigration if they stay inside the Beijing airport?

If they planned to go inside China, I think they would need to apply for a Chinese visa. Their passport would then be checked by Chinese.

Not sure about the immigration check in Amsterdam for European passport holder.

One more question is, how did the passport get into Malaysia? Did they use the passport for entry? Is there an entry record in Malaysian immigration?
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