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Beijing bound Air Malaysia flight loses contact

During the search and rescue, Vietnam get the excellent cooperation with US defense cooperation dept.
There is great possibility a terrorist attack can happen> Maybe they are never worried of being checked by using fake passport by other countries' airport or immigration authority , because they never plan to get off the plane alive.。。。
This is becoming increasingly mind boggling, a 777 whose last known coordinates 40 minutes into the flight are known, has just disappeared into the sea, with an average depth of around 50m only....no debris, no ACARS, no ELT, no Black box pings...no nothing.

Very very unusual.
The truth about the passport.

Using stolen passport is not uncommon in aviation industries. It is not common, since you need to hide something for you to use stolen passport. But not unheard of.

The passport was checked in 2 occasions on departure and 1 occasion on arrival. First when you check in, you need to produce your passport and the airline check in counter would connect to NATIONAL (Not international) database, so if your passport was flagged by the national authority, for example, in this case, Malaysian Police or Custom for anything range from unpaid parking ticket or wanted for murder. They will know at this point.

After check in, depends on whether or not it is an international or domestic flight, you may or may not gone thru border control. However, once you did, ie. an international flight. Border control check point suscribe to ICAO database for international waybilling (MUST). It is NOT A MUST for any country to subscribe to the Interpol Stole Passport database. or any common law enforcement database. People need to realise, border control check about 10-20 thousand people per counter in some busy airport in the world (Like Heathrow or LAX) IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR THEM TO SUBSCRIBE TO ALL DATABASE AND CHECK THEM ALL WITHOUT ANY DELAY. While most likely country will just check with local authority, checking with international authority tkaes time and also it will be a major delay if the international database is down. (Border control need to build their counter around the stuff they want to check. KLIA is not at all that busy (I think it's within top 30) They may not suscribe to any international services

And then passport will be check again with passenger arrival to destintation country by Border Agency

People need to know it is extremely hard to spot fake passport, different country issue different passport and it's nearly impossible for any airport/border agent to know how to spot a specific passport is a forgery, I did came up with some forge passport in my time when i was with SAS, but i do hear that good quality fake passport is very very hard to notice.

And some people here seems to forget criminal will not use a stolen passport directly without altering it. Like they will cut out the original photo and put the criminal's own photo on a fake paassport, this is extremely easy to do, you just need a surgical blade and an iron.

It would be stupid for an asian to travel using a caucasian photoed passport. If you do, i think you deserved to get caught. And asian people with anglos-saxon name is not at all uncommon to begin with.
This is becoming increasingly mind boggling, a 777 whose last known coordinates 40 minutes into the flight are known, has just disappeared into the sea, with an average depth of around 50m only....no debris, no ACARS, no ELT, no Black box pings...no nothing.

Very very unusual.
50m? 777's wings are larger, how the heck can they not find anything?
This is becoming increasingly mind boggling, a 777 whose last known coordinates 40 minutes into the flight are known, has just disappeared into the sea, with an average depth of around 50m only....no debris, no ACARS, no ELT, no Black box pings...no nothing.

Very very unusual.

Actually, it's not.

Air France 447 was founded 8 days after the planes gone missing.

Planes do not crash (If they do) on losing contact, they travel some more. With a planes going 905 Km/h 1 minute delay mean 15km off, depend on how long it took for the plane to crash into the ocean, it may be 100 to 200 km away from the point of
lost. And with the plane may change their direction, you are looking at that 100 to 200 km with a 360 degree area.

Give you a general idea

If the planes crash 6 minutes after the point of lost with unknown last bearing, the search would have been about 25000 square kilometer from the point of lost........The area is ever large with every minute of flight time, so by 15 minutes. You will need to search for an area equate to a small country (150000 sq. km) Nothing but oceans.
Vietnam navy continues scanning the area...nothing found yet.


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The US defence ministry says at that time when the plane went missing, their satellites had not registered any explosions in the region.
As per my understanding they have found the wreckage near vietnam

new found item ... hope they could collect it today.
don't understand why the seaplane did not stay last night for collecting the floating item

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Yes, I am blaming Malaysian Authorities. Many people are same with me. They lack enough security inspection before on board. Many Chinese tourists coming back from Malaysia said so. Even there is a bottle of water was not inspected by them, isn't if funny?

Don't pretend to be a saint here.
valuable time for an early search and rescue operation went lost.

Although the plane disappeared at 02.40am local Beijing time, Malaysia Airline announed at 7:30am the aircraft as missing.
valuable time for an early search and rescue operation went lost.

Although the plane disappeared at 02.40am local Beijing time, Malaysia Airline announed at 7:30am the aircraft as missing.

They must have a fluke mind, they thought they can contact with the pilots, but they failed. But this whole thing is very strange.
new found item ... hope they could collect it today.
don't understand why the seaplane did not stay last night for collecting the floating item

because of darkness...the search plane returns today.
Actually, it's not.

Air France 447 was founded 8 days after the planes gone missing.

Planes do not crash (If they do) on losing contact, they travel some more. With a planes going 905 Km/h 1 minute delay mean 15km off, depend on how long it took for the plane to crash into the ocean, it may be 100 to 200 km away from the point of
lost. And with the plane may change their direction, you are looking at that 100 to 200 km with a 360 degree area.

Give you a general idea

If the planes crash 6 minutes after the point of lost with unknown last bearing, the search would have been about 25000 square kilometer from the point of lost........The area is ever large with every minute of flight time, so by 15 minutes. You will need to search for an area equate to a small country (150000 sq. km) Nothing but oceans.

I am not talking bout finding the whole plane or large parts of debris...something should have been found till now, small pieces of debris...in case of mid-air disintegration, the debris would have been spread over large parts of the sea, some would have been found by now.

And as far as AF447 goes, some parts of wreckage were found by June 2, seats, some life rafts, and other pieces of debris. Oil was also seen spread across the Oceanic surface.

Secondly, the Ocean provided a much more deeper area to search in.

BTW, does anybody know if this aircraft had ACARS capability?
because of darkness...the search plane returns today.

seaplane can land onto the sea water surface ... right ?
why they dont land, stay or color marking ?

instead of leave it and restart to seek next day ?

NEW !!! Suspected life raft found !!!

Something look like this

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