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Beijing bound Air Malaysia flight loses contact

Most recent information leaked out : fake passport holders are Asian looking, however the photos on passport are White looking.

My speculation is that maybe they are not terrorists, they are drug dealers, smuggler or other criminals. They are too familiar with Malaysia Air's security inspection and management loop hole, and passports were stolen one and a half years ago, they could use that passports for many times during this period to smuggle, transport and conceal drugs without being caught, but this time they are not so lucky. It's exactly the reason why Asians used fake passports with White photos, they were familiar with the weakness of airport security and traveled this air line too many times safely. Were it terror attack, some one would already stand out to declare responsibilities for this.
Most recent information leaked out : fake passport holders are Asian looking, however the photos on passport are White looking.

My speculation is that maybe they are not terrorists, they are drug dealers, smuggler or other criminals. They are too familiar with Malaysia Air's security inspection and management loop hole, and passports were stolen one and a half years ago, they could use that passports for many times during this period to smuggle, transport and conceal drugs without being caught, but this time they are not so lucky. It's exactly the reason why Asians used fake passports with White photos, they were familiar with the weakness of airport security and traveled this air line too many times safely. Were it terror attack, some one would already stand out to declare responsibilities for this.
Nobody stand out and declare responsibility for kunming terrorism incident.That doesn't means that's not terrorism.
They don't need to. Criminals already caught.
You don't get it.xinjiang terrerism are relatively isolated and less organized.There is no such organization stand out and declare the responsibility in most cases.
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Please examine the rumor, several phone calls from Chinese relatives to passengers ringing and no answer ?
it is funny to see you are critizing Vietnam...who provides most of the informaton to date?
your personal view does not matter.

In contrast, Malaysia airline and the authority are rarely providing information...the families of the victims and even the Chinese government and state media critize Malaysia for lacking of information.

Relatives of Chinese passengers on the plane meanwhile angrily accused Malaysia Airlines of keeping them in the dark, while state media criticized the carrier's poor response.

Relatives were taken to a hotel near Beijing airport, put in a room and told to wait for information from the airline, but none came, Reuters news agency reported.

About 20 people stormed out of the room at one point, enraged they had been given no information, it said.
"There's no one from the company here, we can't find a single person. They've just shut us in this room and told us to wait," said one middle-aged man, who declined to give his name.

Another relative, trying to evade a throng of reporters, muttered: "They're treating us worse than dogs," according to Reuters
Chinese media outlets took to their official Weibo microblogs to criticize the airline for taking so long to announce what was going on and for refusing to answer questions.

The dude is. saying if Vietnamese authority do not have verified information, just remain silent. What you posted about Malay authorities is a separate issue.
The dude is. saying if Vietnamese authority do not have verified information, just remain silent. What you posted about Malay authorities is a separate issue.

They suspect anything, but media said the difference ...
Your Chinese ppl blaming Malaysia not to say anything ... we know their reason ...
Any well-informed suspect make hope !!!
You could see Vietnam is showing suspected photos in real, taken by our means.
we never photoshop anything, or create rumors ...

That's why Western, Malaysia ... media now rushing into the Vietnam command centers ...
in Phu Quoc islands, or Ca Mau peninsula


Vincent Jiang and partners


Phoenix TV, Hong Kong
Most recent information leaked out : fake passport holders are Asian looking, however the photos on passport are White looking.

My speculation is that maybe they are not terrorists, they are drug dealers, smuggler or other criminals. They are too familiar with Malaysia Air's security inspection and management loop hole, and passports were stolen one and a half years ago, they could use that passports for many times during this period to smuggle, transport and conceal drugs without being caught, but this time they are not so lucky. It's exactly the reason why Asians used fake passports with White photos, they were familiar with the weakness of airport security and traveled this air line too many times safely. Were it terror attack, some one would already stand out to declare responsibilities for this.

Don't the Chinese authorities/immigration check the passport at their end of the journey?
Don't the Chinese authorities/immigration check the passport at their end of the journey?

It's most important to check before boarding ... pal !!!
almost they focus on security check ...

What it could be, below item ?
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It's most important to check before boarding ... pal !!!
almost they focus on security check ...

Yeah exactly, so its stupid to suggest that these people might have been using the passport repeatedly. And if they were and getting away with it then both the Chinese and Malaysian officials should be blamed for it.
Don't the Chinese authorities/immigration check the passport at their end of the journey?

How?Since Chinese immigration is thousands of kilometers away in Beijing?

And are you suggesting that China should decide who is allowed to board the flight?
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