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Behind the Myth of 3 million

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Watch this more then enough evidence ..
The Myth of 3 Million is a well known book but never referred to in Bangladesh ...
The Myth of 3 Million is a well known book but never referred to in Bangladesh ...
Hasina will keep this myth alive to keep the grip on power. Fill the hearts with hate and control the people.
@Janbaz Rao even Sheikh Hasina don't believe in 3 million figure in her heart I believe.All the learned person in Bangladesh suspect that figure to be an exaggeration to some degree along with rape figure.But this myth was perpetuated too long and so widely that it is a very difficult to deconstruct it.Specially from within Bangladesh where any dispute over the official version is regarded as treacherous act.So do not expect any reputed Bangladeshi scholar to dispute this claim or undertake any investigation.

I have an idea.Invite some Bangladeshi prominent activists who propagate this myth like Shahriar Kabir or Muntasir Mamun in Pakistan to debate with the scholars who dispute these claim and prove them wrong in the debate lounge.Give it extensive media coverage.By that way you can shake up and steer debate inside Bangladesh and people will start realizing the folly of blindly accepting the narrative of the official version.By that way propagator of those exaggerated claim will lost their ground. I believe, this is the only way to dispel that myth, silence from Pakistan is only cementing that wild accusation.

Even if we accept the lowest figure of 26,000 by Hamudur Rahman commission report.Still it is a genocide and should be condemned and offer apology by Pakistan.But I am willing to left it to the Pakistani conscience.I am not willing to jeopardize relation with Pakistan over 1971 issue unlike what Sheikh Hasina is doing today.
Hmm .but don't you think that Bangladesh also apologize for the killing of bihari?
These two are grade A idiots.
Shahriar Kabir is a R&AW agent,I can bet my head. Not sure about muntasir mamun. But probably the idiot get some payment I believe .
Hmm .but don't you think that Bangladesh also apologize for the killing of bihari?
Apologize to whom actually? The Biharis are now our own citizen(except the few who didn't accept the citizenship and still dreams of Pakistan). Within another generation or one more after that these Biharis will be completely Bengali people.
This myth has been debunked so many times. The only question is when Bangladeshis will accept it. As for genocides in Bengal, an actual one took place during the colonial period, when the British diverted food from Bengali's to the war effort knowing fully well millions would die. That is an actual genocide that Bengali's should speak about, instead of a fabricated one.
This myth has been debunked so many times. The only question is when Bangladeshis will accept it. As for genocides in Bengal, an actual one took place during the colonial period, when the British diverted food from Bengali's to the war effort knowing fully well millions would die. That is an actual genocide that Bengali's should speak about, instead of a fabricated one.

It is not a myth. A civilian relation of ours was gunned down for no crime but that he was a BD'shi along with many other civilians in 1971.

3 million figure is exaggerated - I think Mujib said 3 lakh(300,000) and that got mistranslated to 3 million. Around 2-300,000 killed is the true number.

As for Bengal famine, there was no pretence of the British and Bengalis being equal but BD thought it was in an equal union with Pakistan.:crazy:
Apologize to whom actually? The Biharis are now our own citizen(except the few who didn't accept the citizenship and still dreams of Pakistan). Within another generation or one more after that these Biharis will be completely Bengali people.
You are right .
So called killers ( of Bengalis) of the civil war were biharis and rajakars.
All are Bangladeshi citizens now ,and they are no longer the citizen of pakistan. so why Pakistan need to apologize for the crime of Bangladeshi citizens?

However ,Sheikh hasina should apologize to Bengalis,because her father declared general amnesty to rajakars.

So you only can demand apolozy from Pakistan because of their 195 army POWs .

Sadly your father of nation sheikh mujib closed the option too long ago.
So better demand apolozy from sheikh hasina instead of Pakistan ,as her father forgave those 195 POWs and closed the door immediately after the war .
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Even if we accept the lowest figure of 26,000 by Hamudur Rahman commission report.Still it is a genocide and should be condemned and offer apology by Pakistan.But I am willing to left it to the Pakistani conscience.I am not willing to jeopardize relation with Pakistan over 1971 issue unlike what Sheikh Hasina is doing today.
Even with 5 dead in 1952 it is a day we all remember as Language Martyr's Day. So, it is not the number of people killed, in reality, that matters. However, some misquoting by Mujib caused the problem. Instead of saying 3 Lakh, he uttered 3 million. Million is a word not very familiar in those days in our part of the world. Mujib just misjudged a Lakh to be a million. However, no world organizations ever have accepted this false figure.
You are right .
So called killers ( of Bengalis) of the civil war were biharis and rajakars.
All are Bangladeshi citizens now ,and they are no longer the citizen of pakistan. so why Pakistan need to apologize for the crime of Bangladeshi citizens?
You are wrong. A lot of crimes were committed by Pak army. In many cases Razakars and Biharis worked as their informants.
However ,Sheikh hasina should apologize to Bengalis,because her father declared general amnesty to rajakars.

So you only can demand apolozy from Pakistan because of their 195 army POWs .

Sadly your father of nation sheikh mujib closed the option too long ago.
Mujib is not the law. If someone had committed crime he has to be punished for it. Punishing the war criminals was indeed a good move by Hasina.

Pak army commited crime and the govt took no option to prevent that. This much cannot be denied by anyone. Thus I think Pakistan should make a formal apology. Although I don't particularly care anyway. Pakistan is only a history for BD. For Awami League Pakistan is a way to gain votes. However from todays perspective Pakistan holds no importance for BD. A country which has a bad reputation internationally, and is performing worse than BD in many economic and social sector, and have no border with BD either, can't be much relevant for us. Unless it is for dirty politics.
You are wrong. A lot of crimes were committed by Pak army. In many cases Razakars and Biharis worked as their informants.
I was right ,just you missed my sarcasm .you should know that I consider most Bengalis as rajakar or patriot Pakistani of 1971. But this is off topic here.
Mujib is not the law.
Indeed he is not , but will hasina or Bangladesh govt accept it? Or even the chetona thugs?
Today they made mujib a Demi God ,the greatest leader in history the world has ever produced .
Every nation should be jealous that we (chetona b.s)have the God sheikh mujib and others don't have, we( chetona criminal) have such glorious history that unimaginable for other countries (I see no history of Bengali before the unnecessary chaos of 1952 ), The Jesus Christ of 1971 blah blah ... And hasina is very proud of them ,at least for now .
So they will just tag you as war criminal even if you tell them directly that mujib is not law.
Pak army commited crime and the govt took no option to prevent that. Thus I think Pakistan should make a formal apology
Well that time Pakistan govt was not limited to West Pakistan only , but in East Pakistan too.so who will apologize for murdering biharis?
So in a civil war both side should apologize when the country is broken in to two parts.
Who will apologize for the crime of qader Siddiqui , who tortured the biharis?
Still formal apology is good idea but Bangladesh govt also should apologize to biharis like new Zealand apologized to Maoris.
Otherwise no point of one sided demand.

Hasina will keep this myth alive to keep the grip on power. Fill the hearts with hate and control the people.
Yes for the next 20 years . And then you will see a different scenario.
Just wait and see.
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Well that time Pakistan govt was not limited to West Pakistan only , but in East Pakistan too.so who will apologize for murdering biharis?
So in a civil war both side should apologize when the country is broken in to two parts.
Who will apologize for the crime of qader Siddiqui , who tortured the biharis?
Still formal apology is good idea but Bangladesh govt also should apologize to biharis like new Zealand apologized to Maoris.
Otherwise no point of one sided demand.

BD government did not exist till December 1971 in practicality.

You sound like a Razakar?

1971 blame has to be laid on the Pakistanis and not on BD'shis. All they had to do was to accept the will of the people and for BD'shis to rule Pakistan. BD'shis were majority and have the natural right to be the leader.
Since they did not want to be led by BD'shis then they should have let BD peacefully break away.
Hasina will keep this myth alive to keep the grip on power. Fill the hearts with hate and control the people.

She hasn't been very successful though so she is now resorting to kidnapping and extra judicial killings instead ...
You sound like a Razakar?
Indeed . I am self proclaimed proud rajakar or volunteer , who was born more than a decade after 1971 (I was also a chetona thug almost 10 years ago believe it or not,and why and how I have changed I explained it in another thread. I think I should set it as my signature so everyone can see.its hard to explain every time) ,who love sheikh mujib and sheikh hasina very much. Love sheikh mujib because he was patriot Pakistani and true PM of Pakistan .

And about rest of your comment, I have nothing to say as I explain it many times ,just suggesting you to study Lahore resulation, result of 1937 indian provincial election where muslim league won only one seat in Panjab and majority Muslim seat in Bengal. (Meaning total pakistan movement history )
And also in 1946 election it got 73 seat only because berelvi peers were convinced by two nation theory .
So basically the concept of Pakistan is basically Bengal concept and also browse the list of prime ministers of Pakistan from 1947 to 1971 .
Most were East pakistani , so your imparity theory will be obsolete.

If not enough then read dead reckoning as a fuel for starters .if still not enough then read the book of sharmin Ahmed the daughter of tajuddin where she refused that mujib uncle didn't declared indipendance.
If still not satisfied then do research. If want to stay on chetona theory then hang rajakar sharmin Ahmed who denied that holy mujib didn't declare the holy Independence from unholy Pakistan.
.and bang tajuddin too who is dead as a sin of her rajakar daughter .thanks .

Since they did not want to be led by BD'shis then they should have let BD peacefully break away.
I also explained my point of view many times . As no freedom war happen ,and all movement was against military regime and the victim of the regime was both west and east pakistan ,that's all.
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Well if Pakistani army is SOO professional as claimed by its fanboys here and had NO or LITTLE complicity.. then why the hell was Hamoodur Rehman Report not classified ??? why was not it made public ???

where is the professional character of PA here ?

Haha, that report puts the figure even more less at 30,000 dead and 3000 raped.
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