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Begging, it's the American way

I completly accept your assertion. however what i am saying is that all the press i come accross show bias so you listen to both sides and often the truth is some middle way. not american but not iranian or russia either. I just will no longer believe that bbc or west tell the truth. When i was younger i used to believe bbc etc but as i get older i learned out of experience that they are also biased

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Star√ation;2073995 said:
Aryan_B, why do you have to run so many anti-American or anti-Western topic?
It will get counterproductive consequence soon.
Let him. When he make a broad generalization about an entire country, he opens the door for any American here to do the same for Pakistan. Google and the Internet are our friends.
Let him. When he make a broad generalization about an entire country, he opens the door for any American here to do the same for Pakistan. Google and the Internet are our friends.

Exactly thats what some people have been doing. You accept pakistanis to just listen to your crxxx about pakistan its army and isi. But you cant handle a few articles against america that are factual but damning
his favorite sources are RT and Presstv. I wonder why.............

I have said several times that i read and listen to western propaganda and your sources as well. But to try to get to the bottom of things I listen to alternative view points be that press tv or rtv. Often the truth lies somewhere in between But I will never again believe that what come out of america is gospel because I have seen american/uk press lie too many times . I mean in the uk news international the largest media group in the uk have actualy been bribing police officers and are so corrupt they had to close a major newspaper last month
You could say same thing many radicalized extremists (apart from Muslim extremists) in America are allow to bomb many countries? Is this peaceful smart policy country?

You are dumb, lol.

Being on the CIA payroll has its benefits
Welcome to PDF! Where Indians are more American than Americans themselves!
Begging, it's the American way

America is a nation of beggars.

No, not the trivial kind you see in less fortunate countries where the kids try to shake a random foreigner down for a buck with that international chant of "Mister, give me one dollar!"

The United States is a developed country, you see. Begging is a business arrangement based on pretense that a lending party will get its money back one day.

Therefore, it is called "borrowing", not begging.

…" Sir, I'm terribly sorry – can I borrow a couple of bucks for a metro ride? Left my wallet at home today. I will repay you tomorrow." The gentleman talking is dressed in an impeccably white shirt, dark suit and shiny formal shoes. In his hand is something that looks remarkably similar to IPhone 4, his wrist is decorated with some subtle but elegant Swiss watch. The gentleman "works" on the corner of K and 16th, two blocks away from the White House, where the crowd is a mixture of dressed up office workers and relaxed tourists in shirts and fanny packs (known as "bum bags" to the rest of the world).

With his artistic abilities and elegance, the gentleman should try his luck in Hollywood not shaking down middle Americans for a buck. Then again, the Iphone costs money so it probably is a profitable undertaking. Wondering how many people are actually expecting to get this "loan" to be repaid.

…Half an hour’s drive outside of DC, there is an upper middle class suburb. Time runs wonderfully slow in that area of leafy streets and 6 bedroom houses. The amount of Mercedes Benz GL-klasse attests to the fact that the all- American Great Recession of 2007 has not touched these blessed streets.

There is a bit of a commotion around one of the buildings. GL-klasse looking people, mostly energetic women in their 40s arrive to the place proudly announcing itself to be Karate Academy of Master B. Master B is a local celebrity, he opened his Academy some 20 years ago and since then hundreds of well-to-do families have sent their offsprings to learn the art of a good kick and righteous behavior. But today is a day to discuss Master B.'s own behavior. The man of high standing and an unblemished reputation pocketed the academy's fees for the last month and went to Las Vegas with an Eastern European girl half his age, whereupon he not only lost the "borrowed" fees but ran up a tab of several hundred thousand dollars. Is Master B resigning in shame? Nope, no way – this is America, after all. It's about doing business. Master B. has a business proposal – he wants to reorganize things in such a way that the parents of his pupils would become co-investors in his Karate Academy. The best part? New "shareholders" are promised a 10% return on their investment, guaranteed. Naturally, everybody in the crowd knows that the enterprise has been loosing money steadily – if not dramatically – for the last couple of years, they also suspect they will never see the principal, never mind the gain on the money they are about to lend to Master B. – but they are ready to do so anyway.

…on October 1st 2011 the new US federal fiscal year will begin. Just like a nameless con artist on the streets of DC and a disgraced but entrepreneurial Master B., Obama will ask his Congress for some money so he can conduct his presidential affairs in a becoming manner . Wearing a white shirt/black suit combo and quoting his unblemished reputation, Obama will likely blame the hard times and talk about how the projected 1.1 trillion dollars in deficit – i.e. the amount his government wants to borrow for the next year – are absolutely necessary to get things right.

He’ll probably convince the lawmakers to authorize the appropriation bill. There will be one major difference between the president of the United States and the two gentlemen mentioned above – with Obama there won’t be even the pretense of repaying the borrowed money any time soon, interest or

LOL.. Whats the annual aid that Pakistan receives from the world's largest beggar again ??
LOL.. Whats the annual aid that Pakistan receives from the world's largest beggar again ??

Come on amberbhai you know like india we have corrupt leaders and that american aid is actually money used to bribe them. You remember we both in india and pak have enough problems. You dont have to come here and put pakistan down do you?
Welcome to PDF! Where Indians are more American than Americans themselves!

Woho, can I say welcome to the Chinese forum.
I was kind of liking your article Aryan, but now with this comment from your thread; I am out.
I ve seen you protesting for outrageous anti muslim/pakistan in few threads, now what are you doing?
You are doing the same damn thing first to US, then to India? then who? (except China).
It seems you only STUDY the news, never KNEW/understood it...

---------- Post added at 02:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:23 PM ----------

Come on amberbhai you know like india we have corrupt leaders and that american aid is actually money used to bribe them. You remember we both in india and pak have enough problems. You dont have to come here and put pakistan down do you?

I do agree here, we are in a pak forum; and should keep away from irking them.
Come on amberbhai you know like india we have corrupt leaders and that american aid is actually money used to bribe them. You remember we both in india and pak have enough problems. You dont have to come here and put pakistan down do you?

I dont..and I am not harping on the Aid issue since both India and Pakistan get their fair share of aid from western countries. The reason I wrote this was that its a little funny that the recipient of aid is calling the donor nation a beggar :)
Nothing wrong in a Pakistani expressing his opinion, does that means his sources are incorrect

No RT invites best intellects from all over world even in US who were forced out of US or denied right to air in national TV because they criticized the governments

I think if something is apple you have to say its an apple and if something is Indian we must say its an Indian not American and if something is orange we say its orange

Similarly if we are Pakistan , we are pakistani and we have a say on nation and international matters

We are 10000% times less in-debt then USA
his favorite sources are RT and Presstv. I wonder why.............

so all other than fox news , cnn , bbc are liar ? how many times USA have been taken with pants down ? and media helping them in there propganda war
Fox , BBC and other channels are reflective of the bigger society they live in , they reflect the mentality and views of the governments which issue these channels right to operate

I mean if they call Oil hunt in Iran and Libya liberation , if they call Afghanistan a need for base to confiscate gas other mineral reserves in Pakhtoon/ Balouchistan then I would say they are reporting correctly

But they are not
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