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Beef banned in Maharashtra, 5 yrs jail, Rs 10,000 fine for possession or sale

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Most of the uneconomical cows are sold by the Hindu farmers and dairy producers to slaughterhouses. May be Hindutva brigade show their reverence and create a fund to buy these cows from the farmers and dairy producers and take care of them. That will cost the price of one or two Rafale a year. I am sure cows are more considered more holier than Rafales.

I said first practice what you preach to others. Jain diet and vegetarian is Hindu diet but most Indian eat meat while avoiding beef.

No where meat(beef is prohibited) is strictly prohibited. But it is not considered as good practice by any Shastra, and it is denounced.

And majority around 60% of Indians are strictly vegetarian. Punjabis and people around coastal region do eat meat and fishes.
Traffickers of cows are put behind bars. You cannot openly transport cows in India. Most of the states particularly North India you cannot get beef.

You have to buy these uneconomical cows from the Hindu farmers and dairy producers and take care of them. When it comes to choice between money and religion most select money.
No where meat(beef is prohibited) is strictly prohibited. But it is not considered as good practice by any Shastra, and it is denounced. And majority around 60% of Indians are strictly vegetarian. Punjabis and people around coastal region do eat meat and fishes.

I know but these are Hindu farmers and dairy producers selling cows to Hindu cattle smugglers that sell to Muslim slaughterhouses. Why don't you tackle the problem from the source ?
You have to buy these uneconomical cows from the Hindu farmers and dairy producers and take care of them. When it comes to choice between money and religion most select money.

Have you ever been to any Indian City????? You will find more cows then dogs nobody is selling them for slaughter, they simply pass their life around villages and cities and die naturally.
You have to buy these uneconomical cows from the Hindu farmers and dairy producers and take care of them. When it comes to choice between money and religion most select money.

not everywhere... cows are seen roaming in the society and noone does any harm to them unless until there is some unfortunate accident.
not everywhere... cows are seen roaming in the society and noone does any harm to them unless until there is some unfortunate accident.

Have you ever been to any Indian City????? You will find more cows then dogs nobody is selling them for slaughter, they simply pass their life around villages and cities and die naturally.

What happens to these cows when they die ? These dead animals including Human bodies dumped in Ganges are eaten by the vultures Nearly 90% of Indian vultures are dead and rest are in danger of extinction by the drug Diclofenac given to cows as anti-inflammatory drug. This has increased the number of rabid dogs that now eat these dead animals including Human bodies dumped in Ganges river. Vultures are expert in eating dead bodies and when they eat the meat their digestive tracks kills the diseases in the meat while dogs get infected.

Indian vulture crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I know but these are Hindu farmers and dairy producers selling cows to Hindu cattle smugglers that sell to Muslim slaughterhouses. Why don't you tackle the problem from the source ?
Because the real reason is not cow protection but to harm the interest of one community without hampering the business of others....

Have you ever been to any Indian City????? You will find more cows then dogs nobody is selling them for slaughter, they simply pass their life around villages and cities and die naturally.
I am not sure which Indian cities you've been to but I the cities I've been had more Dogs than Cows....
I am not sure which Indian cities you've been to but I the cities I've been had more Dogs than Cows....

There are more dogs because the vultures that eat the dead bodies are nearly extinct. Now theses rabid packs of dogs eat the dead bodies of animals in India.
The logic of these anti beef brigade on this forum is undeliverable.

They think that eating beef suddenly makes them a Muslim. Which is why they are so vehemently against it.
There are more dogs because the vultures that eat the dead bodies are nearly extinct. Now theses rabid packs of dogs eat the dead bodies of animals in India.
Crows also eat dead bodies of animals but dead bodies of cows/cattle is a rarity at least in the towns/cities I've visited and lived....
the logic of this 'Pro-Beef Brigade' is here.. bringing every argument not even related to the topic.. like agriculture, deforestation, dogs on street,vultures, ganga, south India, aghori, etc.. and getting failed every time debating with us and next day, bringing again something new.

@MokshaVimukthi @Raul_AD @ravi kiran @wolfschanzze @SarthakGanguly @itachiii @About.to.be.banned @Srinivas @Echo_419 @IndoCarib

There are more dogs because the vultures that eat the dead bodies are nearly extinct. Now theses rabid packs of dogs eat the dead bodies of animals in India.

I don't see any cattle-vulture drama in cities. What are you saying?

The logic of these anti beef brigade on this forum is undeliverable.

They think that eating beef suddenly makes them a Muslim. Which is why they are so vehemently against it.

We never said it, what we say that it is banned in our religion. Because cow is used as a sacred animal, may you say due to economic reason (can feed you with dairy products for years). And rather religious we have discussed here more economic and scientific reasons for banning beef. :)
I don't see any cattle-vulture drama in cities. What are you saying?

The dead cattle carcasses were consumed by the vultures in India. Of the estimated 500 million head of the cattle in India, only 4% are destined for consumption by humans as meat. Vultures constitute India’s optimal natural animal disposal system, processing carcasses even in cities. Up to 15,000 vultures have been observed at the carcass depositories of New Delhi. Now 97% of the Indian vultures are dead due to Diclofenac, a common anti-inflammatory drug administered to livestock. Now the dead bodies of livestock are being consumed by packs of rabid dogs in the rural and urban areas. These dogs also attack humans especially children in India.

Indian vulture crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

India Vulture Die-Off Spurs Carcass Crisis

Vultures in India close to extinction because of cattle drug | The National

the logic of this 'Pro-Beef Brigade' is here.. bringing every argument not even related to the topic.. like agriculture, deforestation, dogs on street,vultures, ganga, south India, aghori, etc.. and getting failed every time debating with us and next day, bringing again something new.

@MokshaVimukthi @Raul_AD @ravi kiran @wolfschanzze @SarthakGanguly @itachiii @About.to.be.banned @Srinivas @Echo_419 @IndoCarib

What do you think happens to the carcass of your Holy Gau Mata after she dies of old age ?
The dead cattle carcasses were consumed by the vultures in India. Of the estimated 500 million head of the cattle in India, only 4% are destined for consumption by humans as meat. Vultures constitute India’s optimal natural animal disposal system, processing carcasses even in cities. Up to 15,000 vultures have been observed at the carcass depositories of New Delhi. Now 97% of the Indian vultures are dead due to Diclofenac, a common anti-inflammatory drug administered to livestock. Now the dead bodies of livestock are being consumed by packs of rabid dogs in the rural and urban areas. These dogs also attack humans especially children in India.

Indian vulture crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

India Vulture Die-Off Spurs Carcass Crisis

Vultures in India close to extinction because of cattle drug | The National

this drug was also under implementation in Pakistan for use with Cattle, and only after seeing India, Pakistan also disposed off this drug in 2006.

Diclofenac residues as the cause of vulture population decline in Pakistan


India is already taking proper measures
Captive-breeding programmes for several species of Indian vulture have been started. The vultures are long lived and slow in breeding, so the programmes are expected to take decades. Vultures reach breeding age at about five years old. It is hoped that captive-bred birds will be released to the wild when the environment is clear of diclofenac.

In early 2014 the Saving Asia’s Vultures from Extinction (Save) programme announced that it expects to start
releasing captive-bred birds into the wild by 2016.[7]
Indian vulture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

India has started using meloxicam doses for CATTLE, which is harmless to vultures now. :)
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