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Beef banned in Maharashtra, 5 yrs jail, Rs 10,000 fine for possession or sale

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stop your BS no hindu eats beef.


you are right

following are all ISI Muslim agents
we dont consider them hindu who eat beef
that is a matter of opinion, because they consider themselves Hindus

the Al Qaeda affiliated global terrorists don't consider us Muslims either. and we also don't consider them Muslims. again a matter of opinion.

I personally know very devout and proud Hindu/ Sikh people who are very hard working laborors and have served in the Indian military as well and they told me that it is impossible to do hard labour and extensive physical work without eating meat (including beef that happens to be the most rich in nutrients pound for pound). if I question their faith then they will be very much offended. they have been my guests in UK for some time and did some work for me. out of respect I only had vegitarian dishes cooked in the house and also served them different vegetarian dishes during their breaks. they didnt say anything but once I saw them with someone else in a restaurant treating themselves with a beef dish to my astonishment they responded what I have mentioned earlier.
Even if you ask for beef, cattle will be raised. In that case they won't need diet? LOL :omghaha:

But Meat industry requires more water than farming, so farming is less hazardous :happy:
I already said that there is plenty of naturally occurring diet for cattle if you limit your crop cultivation. Meat provides more calories compared to same quantity of vegetables. So if what you said is true even then the use is still justified. In the end let me conclude that even to get milk we need the exact same things except a few variations. In India most beef available in local markets is of cattle which is no more lactating or don't lactate, so the use is optimum.
So dude stop making a fool of yourself and spare me your forced emoticons. Anyways this is gonna be my last reply as this topic has gone beyond expiry date......
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I already said that there is plenty of naturally occurring diet for cattle if you limit your crop cultivation. Meat provides more calories compared to same quantity of vegetables. So if what you said is true even then the use is still justified. In the end let me conclude that even to get milk we need the exact same things except a few variations. In India most beef available in local markets is of cattle which is no more lactating or don't lactate, so the use is optimum.
So dude stop making a fool of yourself and spare me your forced emoticons. Anyways this is gonna be my last reply as this topic has gone beyond expiry date......

That cattle which is not lactating can be used for other purposes, not necessarily eating. They balance the eco system, that is the biggest factor. Secondly, the can be used for biogas production. Load carrying and even ploughing where step farming is prevalent. :)
brahmins and vaishyas are vegetarians sir, they dnt eat meat as they are against any non-violence and are dedicated to the service of god. killing an animal to savour our palate is sin according to them, and we will pay our karma either in this life or the next. jains have a strict vegeterian diet, they don't consume onions and garlic..

I am not sure if a section of hindus refrain from eating chicken as it is a scavenger, at least in the part of India that I live in, I have never heard anything like this. may be @SarthakGanguly , who happens to be a kashmiri pandit can answer u...
Mutton(lamb) and fish is popular is Kashmir. Red meat does not like me anymore. :) Now I am just an eggie. All Kashmiris have mutton.

I'm sure I can still go to the taj and eat some kobe beef, shame about the little beef fry 'hole in the wall joints' that'll be affected, though I'm sure some will still manage it.. ;)

I don't care what some ignorants say, not consuming beef/meat has nothing to do with sanatan dharma, 0 .. what's next, a ban on onion and garlic ? :lol:
I am a cow. Naturally I will hate you have my meat. :P
Then why not include cow in the national animal and give protection and finish the matter you guys got the majority why wait. you dont know any thing about meat store in india a butcher who is selling beef will not sell goat and vice versa.
Shrawan is very slow time in beef consumption why because hindu dont eat meat in that time.
i have lots of brahmin friend in mumbai when ever they want to eat Seekh kabaab they call me they eat more beef then me.

who chose peacock to be a national bird ?? defenitely the constitution makers didn't consult ordinary people right ?? they felt liike making peacock to be a national bird, made it without any consent of ordinary people and enacted laws to protect it. differing from this, banning cow slaughter was in the manifesto of both bjp and ss.. even the other allies of this coalition supported this move. both these parties won a handsome majority and are implementing there election promise?? what is wrong in it ?? unless u r frm kerala, i can't fathom hw u came to this conclusion of hindus love to eat beef. even in kerala a very few hindus consume beef as is evident from the posts made by mallu hindus here.. where as in other part of india, hindus loathe the thought of consuming beef, many hindus dnt even buy mutton in shops run by muslims with the apprehension of beef getting mixed in to it...this extends to ordering mutton in muslim restaurants too...

Please go and talk to butcher you will know and its never too late to learn new thing .lol
stop your BS no hindu eats beef.
I think the orthodox Hindu diet is only kept by Jains who do no not eat any meat, onion, garlic and ginger. Vegetarians still eat garlic, ginger and onions. While most Hindus eat meat excluding Beef while some Hindus do eat beef regularly. May Hindutva brigade try to impose Jain diet on all Hindus or at at least vegetarianism. All members of RSS/VHP/SS must be vegetarian espcially elected members to assemblies. Hindutva lunatics should practice what they preach.
What about the farming who is going to take care of old cow and bull who are sick or old who is going to pay for them.
the cow will be roaming around with no value .when old cow or bull the farmer sell them to butcher who pay them around Rs10000 and farmer add another 10000 to buy a new cow with lots of milk or young bull to farm then land who is going to pay them for their loss.
When 90000 kg is out from the market the press is going to fell by other meat item like you mention so the price will be going to be more expensive and poor peoplewont be able to afford and will be malnourish.
who is going to loss is the poor people.
can you quote any verse from any vedas that tell not to eat beef.

That can be substituted by other meats like Lamb,chicken,pork,fish etc.

Wrongly quoting the vedas.
No beef eating in Vedas.
What about the farming who is going to take care of old cow and bull who are sick or old who is going to pay for them.
the cow will be roaming around with no value .when old cow or bull the farmer sell them to butcher who pay them around Rs10000 and farmer add another 10000 to buy a new cow with lots of milk or young bull to farm then land who is going to pay them for their loss.
When 90000 kg is out from the market the press is going to fell by other meat item like you mention so the price will be going to be more expensive and poor peoplewont be able to afford and will be malnourish.
who is going to loss is the poor people.
can you quote any verse from any vedas that tell not to eat beef.

So are you going to feed sick and diseased cows and bulls and ox to people? Is that your idea? :crazy:

There are lots of links in previous pages about vedas and Bhagwad Gita, please go through them.
I think the orthodox Hindu diet is only kept by Jains who do no not eat any meat, onion, garlic and ginger. Vegetarians still eat garlic, ginger and onions. While most Hindus eat meat excluding Beef while some Hindus do eat beef regularly. May Hindutva brigade try to impose Jain diet on all Hindus or at at least vegetarianism. All members of RSS/VHP/SS must be vegetarian espcially elected members to assemblies. Hindutva lunatics should practice what they preach.

According to you Hindu Nationalist Party BJP won overwhelmingly on the whims and surmises of Abrahmics?????

Boy you dont now any thing about India, neighter you dont know about Hinduism, what it practices and how it is practiced.

Despite vast coastline India is predominantly a vegetarian society.
So are you going to feed sick and diseased cows and bulls and ox to people? Is that your idea? There are lots of links in previous pages about vedas and Bhagwad Gita, please go through them.

Most of the uneconomical cows are sold by the Hindu farmers and dairy producers to slaughterhouses. May be Hindutva brigade show their reverence and create a fund to buy these cows from the farmers and dairy producers and take care of them. That will cost the price of one or two Rafale a year. I am sure cows are more considered more holier than Rafales.

According to you Hindu Nationalist Party BJP won overwhelmingly on the whims and surmises of Abrahamic? Despite vast coastline India is predominantly a vegetarian society.

I said first practice what you preach to others. Jain diet and vegetarian is Hindu diet but most Indian eat meat while avoiding beef.
Most of the uneconomical cows are sold by the Hindu farmers and dairy producers to slaughterhouses. May be Hindutva brigade show their reverence and create a fund to buy these cows from the farmers and dairy producers and take care of them. That will cost the price of one or two Rafale a year. I am sure cows are more considered more holier than Rafales.

The leather and export industry is already in loss, but we are buying rafale to protect our self and the righteous ideology, if ideology is itself destroyed, what will rafale do?

More over, I appreciate your idea of keeping these cattle in some place rather getting butchered. Normally cows are allowed to roam, as they are our part of society. Serving a cow or bull, etc is also a noble work. Any one found butchering cow will be punished now.
Most of the uneconomical cows are sold by the Hindu farmers and dairy producers to slaughterhouses. May be Hindutva brigade show their reverence and create a fund to buy these cows from the farmers and dairy producers and take care of them. That will cost the price of one or two Rafale a year. I am sure cows are more considered more holier than Rafales.

Traffickers of cows are put behind bars. You cannot openly transport cows in India. Most of the states particularly North India you cannot get beef.
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